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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Your pirate name is: Bloody Bess Read Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. Even through many pirates have a reputation for not being the brightest souls on earth, you defy the sterotypes. You've got taste and education. Arr!
  2. Boudicca

    IYG. Returns

    How I've missed your creativity with the edit button IYG Welcome back!
  3. I was enjoying that! I'm a little intrigued as to how you managed to wake up with your "supplies" still in your possession. Whenever I got into that state I was usually surrounded by empty bottles, not a fag in sight and my credit card missing. Great story, BHB. It's a pity you don't remember much about it as it would have made a fine screenplay.
  4. Cold showers here I come! Blimey CP, you've excelled yourself
  5. Boudicca

    Frosties Kid

    Well, yes. Seems our guests have your posts on "ignore" MPFC
  6. Happy Birthday Lady G! Mind those hills!
  7. Boudicca


    Odds fish but you have a droll wit, Monsieur Guest I have no tattoos, not wanting my pristine body to become a blank canvas to be drawn on. Heaven forbid!
  8. Boudicca


    I still don't know how the "psychic" I consulted for a laugh pulled my mother and her brother's names out of the air like she did "Margaret and Joe on earth" What are the chances?
  9. Boudicca

    Steve Irwin

    Seemed clear enough to me, MPFC. BHB's link needs more publicity though:
  10. Boudicca

    Steve Irwin

    Very tragic. As mad daredevil types go, I quite liked him.
  11. Boudicca

    John Hogan

    [serious for once] I don't feel sorry for him at all. If he had killed a child unknown to him he'd be villified, mental illness or not. The fact that they were his children makes it worse in my opinion. I wonder if Mrs Hogan is biding her time. She has one child left so I dare say she doesn't want to go down for G.B.H just yet. [/serious]
  12. Boudicca

    Allen Carr

    The first copy I ever owned had a lovely easily-tearable but firm cover. Saved me whole pennies! No comment.
  13. Boudicca

    Allen Carr

    I think he's famous enough. I own several copies of the Stop Smoking book, the C.D ROM, the "Easy Way to Control Alcohol" book . . . Whether he's successful enough is not my place to say
  14. Happy Birthday, Mon Capitan! CP will be along soon with a sexy person I am sure, so here's a pic of the lickle kitty Google Images comes up with in the meantime: Captain Oates Perhaps Mr Star Crossed will cat-sit so you can go out and celebrate
  15. Boudicca

    Pete Doherty

    Fiendishly difficult, this: Wonder what the prize was
  16. Boudicca

    Polite request...

    Don't get too excited, TLC, but I think I've found the woman for you
  17. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Click to enlarge, Mr Josco.
  18. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    I quite liked the Angie pics! Mr B sent me some topless images the other day under the heading, "Angelina Jolie has boring boobies". Thanks for the congrats btw.
  19. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Since "Bou No-Mates" has passed the 1200 milestone unremarked, and completely not noticed by me until now I'll celebrate on my own!
  20. I'm there too by the red curtains. You can't see me because I'm sewing anonymously, but there's clearly space for me and my machine between ie+ and the Hispanic lady.
  21. Absolutely! The DL Ladies would never exchange ideas about things to do with bits of string in our wholesome chat
  22. Boudicca

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Not to mention the outrageous campness, Catwoman's oufit and the endless tying people up! (Sorry. I thought I was in the chat there. I'll get me cloak)

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