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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I've read ' We Need To Talk About Kevin ' and found it uncomfortable to read, due to it being so realistic. It is very well written and hits hard. It is certainly entertaining. I like the Anti-American sentiments, too. Well worth reading, Godot.
  2. Quite. Last month when I moved house I had no internet access for 10 days, so I went to the local library in order to browse DL Regarding Mr. Fugit, I don't have his email address, and the last contact I had was sending him a PM when John Kenneth Galbraith died..
  3. God, yes! And he's wearing a panama hat, a cream suit and talking about having old "friends for dinner" like Antony Hopkins at the end of "Silence of the Lambs". Windsor, please beware a dinner invitation which involves some fava beans and a nice chianti..
  4. I put this question to the Boudette, Windsor. Her guess was, "on top of the roof". I quite like the idea of TF swooping through the night like Dracula
  5. Have a terrific birthday FF, TLC and the other one!
  6. Boudicca

    Queen Elizabeth II

    "Tupperware" Party running late HCW?
  7. Boudicca


    Is that Mick Fleetwood you're standing next to in that pic? It reminds me of The Brits that time, when he presented it with Sam Fox. You're very pretty, Lady G, but I can't help noticing an interesting shape at the front of your jeans.. Trick of the light, or is there something you're not telling us?
  8. Your Famous Last Words Will Be: "I dunno, press the button and find out." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be? http://www.blogthings.com/whatwillyourfamouslastwordsbequiz/
  9. Boudicca

    Animal Antics

    Heartfelt commiserations, HCW.
  10. Boudicca

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    I remember that. It was when I joined, and I had a Monty Python sig. It was quite funny, banter-wise. Happy days...
  11. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    My sister might be. She's isn't unattractive, if you can overlook her dress sense. I'll let you know when her husband is in prison again. Perhaps you could meet up in the Miner's Arms. She'd be right at home there.
  12. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    I shared a smoked salmon / avocado / baby spinach / cherry tomato and cucumber salad in a lime / dill dressing with the Boudette today. It was from THIS chain. Pretty good, considering..
  13. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Happy 500 Lady G!
  14. Boudicca

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Not where I live, we're saving that for when she dies
  15. Boudicca

    What Are You Doing For Easter

    I'm going to bore everyone I know about the "Easter Story" book which the Boudette made at school. Jesus "fried" on the cross, apparently..
  16. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    Curtains....mmmm..... In MY world, curtains for children's rooms would be heavily lined and black.
  17. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    The Boudette wants these atrocities !
  18. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    If he once tried to light a cigarette with a hair dryer because he was too lazy to go downstairs for a lighter then we have a friend in common, OSP!
  19. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    She is! I had great fun with her last summer when my parents were in Spain. We were watching the news and the weather came on. I discovered that she couldn't place Spain, France or Germany on a map of Western Europe. Her husband is even more amusing. He declined some dental work the other day on the grounds that if the tooth fell out, it would grow back.
  20. One does. Happy Birthday!
  21. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    Difficult? Impossible, I'd say. Who gave those horrible instructions and on what authority? A mutiny seems in order. I'm moving to a newly built house which doesn't have five floor to ceiling built-in cupboards, so Mr B has suggested that I trawl through my books and get rid of those which I don't treasure. The thing is, I threw out over 400 books last week, so I'm already down to my basics You are perfectly correct, Mr. Hein. It's an impossible task, and my mutiny shall take the form of storing them all in the loft.
  22. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    I'm moving house next week and have been instructed to cull the hundreds of books the Boudette has, and the thousands I own. It's very difficult. My Chav Sis has moved three times in the last year, but the only books she owns are the "Argos" and "Index" catalogues.
  23. Boudicca

    Michael Aspel

    They do, but they also tend to leave their unholy mark upon one's typing skills

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