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Everything posted by Boudicca

  1. Boudicca

    Caption Competitions

    Her Majesty struggled to contain her composure after hearing the tragic news about Diana.
  2. Boudicca

    When Deathlisters Go Shopping

    I infuriate my husband by going to charity shops and buying old Ladybird books. He doesn't understand it at all, but I love revisiting my childhood. And I'm not the only one!
  3. Boudicca

    Caspar Weinberger

    Yes, indeed. This "dinosaur" has fantastic feet-warming properties!
  4. Your Eyes Should Be Brown Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart. My eyes are blue. This explains why dark brown contact lenses suit me. Not sure about the depth, wisdom and tender heart stuff, though..
  5. Boudicca

    Caspar Weinberger

    I'm not hip and trendy like Mr. SC, so I had to look that up. Urban Dictionary. And we have photographicshopic evidence, too: I think Jesus looks GREAT on that dinosaur! HE should have ridden into Jerusalem on that. Much more impressive than a donkey.
  6. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    My frozen shoulder / painful arc is not responding to anti-inflammatory pills and I'm pretty much in pain all day and night. As I've said, the pain isn't THAT bad, but the fact that there is no let up is starting to annoy me. Perhaps it's time for a cortisone injection. Given that Lady G, of all people, warned me that it's very painful, I can safely say that I'm a bit apprehensive about it
  7. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    We get our fruit and vegetables from our local farm shop. Each week, I am compelled to buy a lemon. I wonder what that says about me...
  8. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    I have a classy set of wheels, if anyone wants a lift.
  9. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    He's even provided for Yogi! Or Banshees with a serious case of the munchies
  10. Boudicca

    Caspar Weinberger

    Well done!
  11. Boudicca

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    What's in your fridge? Typically, I have my condiment collection, whichever fruits / berries are in season to go with the Boudette's breakfast, and cherry tomatoes, carrot, cucumber and peppers which she eats raw. She likes a bit of lettuce with olive oil and balsamic vinegar as well. (Don't look at me like that! That's what she has always eaten and she likes it because she's used to it. My parents give her McDonalds on Sundays, and she has an item of crap every day after school. I'm not THAT much of a spoilsport!) After discovering that my sister didn't know where the fruit and vegetable aisle was , I had a look at what she feeds her two year old son and was horrified! Tinned and reconstituted rubbish all the way. My sister tried to feed my daughter a burger the other day and was told it wasn't colourful enough and was probably made from cows willies
  12. Boudicca

    Docter Docter!

    I have a frozen shoulder. It smarts a bit, even when I'm not moving my arm. It isn't worse than childbirth, though. And childbirth was a doddle compared to breaking my coccyx. I tripped over a toy, came off my feet and came crashing down on the sharp edge of some furniture. Apparently, I should have been flat on my back in hospital instead of running around after a toddler, as the fracture in my spinal cord could have cut the nerves.
  13. Boudicca

    Mode Of Death

    This warning would have saved them a few quid. (CLICK)
  14. Many Happy Returns, BHB! And a belated congratulations to Lady G, on her first DL anniversary. Sorry I forgot
  15. Boudicca

    Caption Competitions

    Mr Blair appears to be performing fellatio upon an invisible "member" whilst cupping invisible buttocks. Perhaps GWB has been airbrushed out of this vile tableau.
  16. Boudicca

    Titanic Survivors

    What a great site! I really liked this comment on the article about World Poverty / Literacy: xxxpixiexxx: i hav never looked at it like that before. u never realise how licky u r until u read sumthin like this. Wonderful!
  17. Boudicca

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Congratulations Windsor! Hope that was sufficiently low-key..
  18. Boudicca

    Mode Of Death

    Burning to death would be pretty horrible, but it would be fairly speedy, I should imagine. Still, I'd rather that than to be buried alive. In my view, that has to be the most terrifying way to die, but then I'm not keen on enclosed spaces.. If I had to die an unnatural death, I've always thought carbon monoxide poisoning would be a good option. I love the smell of exhaust fumes / petrol / anything toxic. That aside, people in dodgy council / student flats / house fires seem to suffer quite little, passing away in their sleep. T.F and I had this discussion fairly recently r.e "The Falling Man". There's no way I'd jump from The World Trade Centre unless I was fairly confident I'd lose consciousness before impact. What an awfully morbid thread, Lady D! Well done
  19. Drive yourself mad with this optical illusion. Square A and Square B are the same colour. Explanation Animated Video Open it in Photoshop or Paint, cut out a chunk of square B and slide it up to square A... After about 5 minutes of sliding that little section back & forth, I was finally convinced. Alternatively, get twisted drunk and cross-eyed. All will become clear! Give it a go, Mr. Brimley.
  20. Boudicca

    Missing Persons Bureau

    It's darker than you think, C.P. DeathListers will recall that the Boudette nearly died shortly after I closed the thread, and when I closed it for a laugh the following week, she was hospitalised once more. It's cursed, I'm sure of it.
  21. Quite right too! You know what we're like. We'd be squabbling about who gets your top hat before you're even cold. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (Click)
  22. Boudicca


    How nice to see your handsome visage gracing these boards once more, BHB! (Sorry Windsor ) Glad the little one arrived safe and sound. Congratulations, and welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood! Here's an ickle present to remind you of us.

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