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The Yeti

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Everything posted by The Yeti

  1. The Yeti

    how did you come here

    Hmphh. Us moderators never saw that. I remember me first time ... I was Googling Ronnie Barker, for reasons I cannae remember, and captivated by the morbid humour, joined up. Only to be promptly promoted to moderator, as I was one of the first on the boat here, so to speak. And peeps were obviously captivated by my personality (pity it doesn't happen in real life though).
  2. The Yeti


    But it don't 'arf f*****g slow down my page loading !
  3. The Yeti

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    More weird deaths
  4. The Yeti

    Elton John

    As most of us our strangers, shouldn't it be Sie
  5. The Yeti

    Why Are We Here?

    Actually its step 8 that creates the problem ...
  6. The Yeti

    Why Are We Here?

    Proof that 1=2 Step 1: Let a=b. Step 2: Then a²=ab Step 3: a² + a² = a² + ab Step 4: 2a² = a² + ab Step 5: 2a² - 2ab = a² + ab - 2ab Step 6: and therefore 2a² - 2ab = a² - ab Step 7: This can be written as 2(a² - ab) = 1(a² -ab) Step 8: and cancelling the (a² - ab) from both sides gives 1=2.
  7. The Yeti

    Why Are We Here?

    This works for anything you wish to put here. Try capitalism !
  8. The Yeti

    Live 8

    The SI unit of magnetic field force is named the Tesla, so at least us physicists have heard of him. And you don't get an SI unit named after you unless your science was worthy of it ... so it makes you wonder about all the other stuff he was meant to have discovered ... Cue The Philadelphia Experiment
  9. The Yeti

    Live 8

    Shhh ... the Government doesn't want you to know That Tesla guy
  10. The Yeti

    Live Chat

    What's the problum ?
  11. The Yeti

    Richard Whiteley

    Can I have a vowel (or dozen) please ? I would imagone that anyone could make 9 letter words using txt spk though. Still, RW was entertaining in his own way, and harmless enough, so it is a shame.
  12. The Yeti

    The Best Ever

    You'll have to keep guesting ...
  13. The Yeti

    The Best Ever

    This guest is a different guest so I guess we'll have to keep guesting ...
  14. The Yeti

    James Earl Jones

    If he dies, is he a JEJ-Die ?
  15. The Yeti


  16. The Yeti

    Michael Jackson Poll

    'This is a sentence.'
  17. Given that they seems to be going extinct, what are the odds ... ?
  18. Nup. 'Cos I, for one, can never remember how many pounds there are in a stone. And dividing by 14 is a nightmare. Much easier to multiply. Weighing someone in pounds is meaningless to me ! But I do know there are 2.2 lbs to the kilogram.
  19. Technically the zero point for Celcius is the triple point of water, which is almost, but not quite, the same as the freezing point of water.
  20. Just be thankful that you aren't part of the European (Dis)Union. They've banned pounds & ounces for weighing stuff here.
  21. The Yeti

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Its a pity that the protégé has had a charisma bypass. Snore At Night.
  22. The Yeti

    Pope John Paul

    The Pope Is Dead. Long Live The Pope.
  23. The Yeti

    Pope John Paul

    And on this auspicious day ... Not as contentious as the pill
  24. The Yeti

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Well, at least he's not a Jimmy Saville then ...
  25. The Yeti

    Pope John Paul

    Deathlist could run a sweepstake on the surviving 50 targets for this year and pay out when the lucky number comes up. Michael Jackson ? I can think of one criteria he may have in common with Catholic priests ...

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