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N. Fritz

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Everything posted by N. Fritz

  1. N. Fritz

    The 11th Death Of 2013

    I'd like to see 2013 go out with a bang... Kalashnikov.
  2. N. Fritz

    The 10th Death Of 2013

    I think it's about time Zsa Zsa shuffled off this mortal coil...
  3. N. Fritz

    John Demjanjuk

    Unless he is our infamous troll, I'm going to guess that Guest_Jerry was simply excited to have been able to read the first post re: Demjanjuk's death which was posted in German. I get overly excited that way sometimes when all the foreign languages I've learned come in handy - like translating signs and menus for non-German speaking tourists or translating Latin inscriptions!
  4. N. Fritz

    Aretha Franklin

    This can't be good: Aretha has canceled performance at Whitney Houston funeral http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/18/showbiz/whitney-houston-funeral/index.html
  5. N. Fritz

    Knitting For Hamsters

    That's a tough act to follow! Here are guinea pigs in sweaters
  6. N. Fritz

    60 Minutes

    Another missed opportunity: RIP Andy Rooney
  7. N. Fritz

    The Dead Of 2011

    Rosie Kilburn has died
  8. N. Fritz

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    Report that Al-Megrahi is comatose and near death
  9. N. Fritz

    Jerry Lewis

    Jerry Lewis won't be doing telethons after this year. Big news in these parts!
  10. N. Fritz

    Nelson Mandela

    New pics - new story. Looks well, but unable to go to a polling station to vote in Monday's election. Article emphasizes this is the first time he's been seen "publicly" since last summer's FIFA World Cup.
  11. N. Fritz

    Margaret Thatcher

    This article seems to confirm the rumors of ill-health and decline. Plans for a state funeral are stated as matter of fact. Did enjoy the bit about the fellow with the "dancing on her grave" t-shirt.
  12. N. Fritz

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Watch eagles hatching live on nestcam
  13. N. Fritz

    Ian Brady

    Dated a week ago: http://www.clickliverpool.com/news/nationa...is-funeral.html
  14. N. Fritz

    Ask A Deathlister

    This is what happened to my last laptop. Apparently its because I always have it plugged into charge. A friend was told by several computer experts that he'd have to replace his beloved laptop. Then someone suggested that he remove the battery and plug the laptop directly to the power source. It seems that if you use your laptop like a desktop PC, always plugged into charge, after 2000+ hours the battery becomes fried, thus rendering the rest of the laptop useless. Removing the battery apparently works. He told me to spread the word. Consider it spread!
  15. N. Fritz

    Deathlist Under 45

    So this came over the wires a couple of weeks ago about tennis star Serena Williams. Update on depression last week Serena Williams' official website hasn't been updated since March 4.
  16. N. Fritz

    The 3rd Death Of 2011

    Maggie, upstaging the royal wedding.
  17. N. Fritz

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    Al Megrahi blackmailed Qaddafi? Now there's a shocker!
  18. N. Fritz

    Gaddafi Guesses

    I voted deposed and dead, but it's a case of hysteron proteron. Assassination/suicide will make him that much easier to de(com)pose
  19. N. Fritz

    Aretha Franklin

    Sorry, my bad. I thought I looked through all the posts before mine but I must've missed the last page. Mea culpa.
  20. N. Fritz

    Aretha Franklin

    First appearance in 2011: http://www.tmz.com/2011/02/12/aretha-frank...ami-heat-photo/
  21. N. Fritz

    Ernest Borgnine

    Doesn't look too shabby for 94! http://www.tmz.com/2011/01/31/morgan-freem...allery-picture/
  22. N. Fritz

    Nelson Mandela

    Apparently "routine" tests: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/0...dex.html?hpt=T2
  23. N. Fritz

    The Dead Of 2011

    CNN is reporting that Jack LaLanne has died at age 96 (breaking news, no link yet)
  24. N. Fritz

    Good List

    Looks like Steve Jobs might be a big miss this year as well: http://techcrunch.com/2011/01/17/steve-job...tays-on-as-ceo/

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