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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    caroline aherne for summer 2015.
  2. the_engineer

    Do You Actually Research?

    My research is surprisingly similar to spade_cooleys I compile a list and add to it though the year then usually on the Christmas holidays i spend a few hours searching for some rare hits.
  3. the_engineer

    Casey Kasem

    ''Casey Kasem dies aged 82''
  4. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    If this doesn't convince you sandy hook was a false flag hoax nothing will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4d2g9XIFnE
  5. the_engineer


    An American talking sense on football never thought I would see the day. I didn't know about that alcohol law in Brazil ,so how many England fans will die in Brazil because of that alcohol law? I'm saying 3 .
  6. the_engineer

    Casey Kasem

    16th of june 2014.
  7. the_engineer

    The Deathlist Howto

    I'm sure its probably simple but how do i post a pic in a post from my computer? I click on image and it asks for URL, im sure i had this problem before and figured it out but that may have been something else. Thanks in advance.
  8. the_engineer

    Michael Barrymore

    yea look at Philip Seymour Hoffman apparently his had been clean for decades . But he has to say that as he is on there to get his face on TV and find some work (preferably on TV,cruise ships etc). He seems like the type who will hang on and hang on and die in his 90s though if he keeps clean.
  9. the_engineer

    The Comic Strip

    Very sad Bottom is one of my favourite comedies , its silly childish fun for adults . I'm guessing maybe the quad bike accident done unforeseen damage like it did with Maria de Villota.
  10. the_engineer

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    C- must try harder .
  11. the_engineer

    New Moderator(S)?

    Did anyone ever find out what happened to honez ?
  12. the_engineer

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    It is phonetically correct if your Scottish . The most surprising thing is doctors have said there will be a cure in 4 years. I find this hard to believe they still don't know what causes it . I'm pretty sure i know what causes it though (working in the medical field myself i take an interest in stuff like this). The neuron's get overloaded and they're slowly turned off by the brain to protect them,the brian doesn't have a automatic restart for this. Probably the reason many athletes get this disease, or a part of the brain switches off the neuron's slowly (usually caused by a blow to the head) as a way to reset the brain and protect the body and a simple operation on the brain (if we can locate this part of the brain responsible for shutting off the neurons) could simply turn back on the connection (this won't help the neurons that have already died off though). If you think of your brain as a computer and think of safety cut out switches and shutting down due to being overloaded/overheated and MND as a consequence of these things it becomes alot more clearer and makes more sense. I'm still surprised to this day there hasn't been any trials ,tests ,experiments etc as to why a large proportion of athletes get this disease . I searched the internet many times and visited a few MND forums and nothing , even some of the sufferers are asking why a large percentage of those diagnosed are athletes . I'm more than positive the beginning of a cure lies there.
  13. the_engineer

    World's Oldest

    Just seen her on CNN, wearing an Anderson Cooper cap and talking at length about her life .. She's going to celebrate her birthday by going fishing.I reckon she could challenge JEanne Calment for oldest person ever.She certainly isn't going to die any time soon ! She'll be dead in less than 18 months . What is the secret to her longevity ? Why alcohol , fried mars bars and shrimp cooked on a Barbecue of course.
  14. the_engineer

    Be my guest

    What's that for..... the argument? Or the book "Why You Shouldn't Shag Tractors"? If the second one I agree and someone should tell DDT immediately. without a doubt the thread especially the last few pages , a good 10 mins of entertainment . As LB said i love reading arguements on here ,im never apart of the arguements though too lazy lol . I just wanna know what the posts said that was deleted my curiosity is piqued .
  15. the_engineer

    Be my guest

    9/10 a must read .
  16. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    It doesn't matter either way she's fucked .
  17. the_engineer

    Valerie Harper

    Those two, along with Schumacher and Billy Graham are the Deathrace pisstakers as well. All those lovely points just trickling away as the days pass by... i can't believe she is still going . i Still think wilko will go this year though.
  18. the_engineer

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Been away and just checked this i didn't even know katherine crowe and Jaruzelski had died . lol
  19. the_engineer

    Stephen Hawking

    I have a feeling we might do well , semi finals well. sturridge and rooney maybe striking up a good partnership with sterling being one of the players of the tournament. If Greece can win the euros England can win the world cup but i think we need to play down England's hopes as much as possible then there is less pressure , England national team seems to crumble under any sort of pressure its like there Achilles heel .
  20. the_engineer

    Tennis players

    She came across as a real fighter and i thought she would last a couple of years. But when you look at the stats only 20% of those diagnosed last a year. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/type/liver-cancer/treatment/statistics-and-outlook-for-liver-cancer
  21. the_engineer


    http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/bobby-heenan-suffers-injury-after-a-fall Bobby Heenan breaks his shoulder , it then says he suffered a broken back not long ago. So i guess he is in a wheelchair permanently now ? But the article said he was getting out of bed and fell and broke his shoulder can someone with a broken back get out of bed by themselves ? Either way looking like a good pick for 2014 or if he lasts 2015.
  22. the_engineer

    Deathrace 2014

    You have only gone and bloody missed the oldest man in the world dying and giving me and death impends some big points on the deathrace. Good luck to Carlisle .
  23. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    Jesus. We need to open a whole new thread for Americans! Operation Yank-tree maybe? Operation Palmtree surely? I hope he escapes jail.He seems like a nice enough man to me ,and he's very old Hiding peadophilia ,sex assaults ,peadophile ,selling people down the river for money and goodness knows what else . Yea he sounds like mother Teresa with a dick. There is the one positive to take out of this is we won't have to see him on TV anymore and no one will hire him ,with any luck he will get a lengthy sentence and then disappear from the spotlight either that or he dies in prison . Either way he is one slimy cunt!! That's two of simon cowell's close associates now who have been arrested for buggery of minors , i wonder what simon has to say about this and did he put up any bail money for Clifford?
  24. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    I don't know how many of you have caught this , but apparently this is a shadow person / ghost caught on video. I'm wondering if it was an actually person but the figure appears to go though some people, and he is running very fast and nobody seems to notice him. The stadium where 500 people died in a collapse , an avalanche happened and also its built on top of a graveyard . The video has been tested and no photoshop or tempering has been detected . My theory is its just a person on the skeptical side , on the believer side of me i'm thinking ghost , time slip or another dimension breaking though.
  25. the_engineer

    Mohamed Morsi

    Maybe when he is killed he can team up with jade goody and form an hilarious comedy double act .

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