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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Every year. For some weird reason countries tend to vote for the countries most closest to them , biggest load of crap on TV and the BBC uses large amounts of TV licence money to fund it . It then precedes to the mickey out of it and send bad singers to the contest . So yea millions of pounds for one nights TV so the BBC can feel a little superior about itself . What the BBC don't know though is it now produces the same level of crap as eurovision it just hasn't realised it yet , the BBC is not very self aware. Oh and yes we are forced to fund a private company in the UK by law. WE LOVE THE LICENSE FEE!!! License Fee vs BBC with adverts I know which I prefer. Well there was a time I would agree with you about the licence fee but not anymore. i.e when you actually got value for money . The BBC churns out cheap TV and the same old phone in reality TV shows now. When was the last time the BBC produced a good comedy I would say a good ten years ago now , but comedy is subjective we all have different tastes when it comes to good comedy. The BBC now receives funding from EU which is in breech of its agreement to only receiving funding from the British people. You then have the way the BBC likes to waste our money , 6 million for Johnathan ross which equals 41000 thousand people paid their licence fee just for the ermm 'privilege' of listening to Johnathan ross every friday. I'm sure he gets something similar at ITV but we are not forced to pay for it. Not to mention these stories you hear virtually every week. http://www.telegraph...-500-staff.html http://news.sky.com/story/1110234/bbc-boss-received-800000-in-final-year 2 months work for £800 000 nice work if you can get it. http://blogs.telegra...an-100-million/ If the BBC had to fund itself i'm sure the money would be spent alot more wisely . The BBC uses the British people as a cash machine. Lets not even talk about the unscrupulous behaviour of the TV licence collection . Threats on the door , looking though windows and one story i read a Tv licence man convinced a young boy of 7 to let him into their home while his mum was in the garden . The whole guilty before innocent thing pisses me off too. I think given the freedom of choice people would rather save 145 pounds a year and have adverts , the bbc knows this hence the reason why is tells people instead of asking them to pay. Don't get me started on the whole peado BBC cover up either. http://www.thisismon...ne-in-scam.html The contest scams . How many more has it scammed and got away with that we don't know about it has a history of covering things up. Yea so there's that. Yes the BBC is not perfect because a lot of people have had their fingers in the pie but the same is true of other institutions which we value highly (the NHS) but the faults in management should not be taken as an excuse to violate the principal. Many of the people who are critical of the BBC have their own agenda particularly from the pay TV lobby. I don't watch a lot of TV but most of what I do watch is on BBC - Doctor Who, Merlin, Emma, Horrible Histories, Miranda, Horizon, Nature Documentries etc. Well my agenda is simply the bbc taking advantage of the British people in the 90s even into the 2000s i would of thought the BBC was worth it, now though not at all. Clearly taking advantage. Simple maths really , tens of millions off the EU, making millions of strictly come dancing and the voice yet it is cutting back on services and football coverage. I like fairness in society and I think the best way and the fair way , is people who want it pay for it and the people that don't shouldn't pay . I.e a subscription. There was one you tuber called 'tjokayaking' who really went in depth and even went to court when people had been summoned for tv licence. He said the large majority of the people where people on benefits and single mothers being fined on average 300 pounds. I would be more inclined to fund the bbc is they done more community related shows like crimewatch etc but fining and sucking money out the poor isn't something im comfortable with afterall its the poor who have the most trouble paying. TV programme's are just distractions anyway its not about entertainment anymore its about propaganda .
  2. the_engineer

    Mohamed Morsi

    They have to kill him surely , can't risk letting him go to lead a armed guerrilla and civil war. Might see him imprisoned indefinitely or killed if it turns to violence.
  3. the_engineer

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    Second young high profile snooker player to get cancer. He also looks a little like paul hunter . What are the odds? Thought Paul hunter had testicular cancer too but apparently not after double checking.
  4. the_engineer

    Mohamed Morsi

    Your right the army has turned on him and gave him 48 hours.
  5. the_engineer

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Every year. For some weird reason countries tend to vote for the countries most closest to them , biggest load of crap on TV and the BBC uses large amounts of TV licence money to fund it . It then precedes to the mickey out of it and send bad singers to the contest . So yea millions of pounds for one nights TV so the BBC can feel a little superior about itself . What the BBC don't know though is it now produces the same level of crap as eurovision it just hasn't realised it yet , the BBC is not very self aware. Oh and yes we are forced to fund a private company in the UK by law. WE LOVE THE LICENSE FEE!!! License Fee vs BBC with adverts I know which I prefer. Well there was a time I would agree with you about the licence fee but not anymore. i.e when you actually got value for money . The BBC churns out cheap TV and the same old phone in reality TV shows now. When was the last time the BBC produced a good comedy I would say a good ten years ago now , but comedy is subjective we all have different tastes when it comes to good comedy. The BBC now receives funding from EU which is in breech of its agreement to only receiving funding from the British people. You then have the way the BBC likes to waste our money , 6 million for Johnathan ross which equals 41000 thousand people paid their licence fee just for the ermm 'privilege' of listening to Johnathan ross every friday. I'm sure he gets something similar at ITV but we are not forced to pay for it. Not to mention these stories you hear virtually every week. http://www.telegraph...-500-staff.html http://news.sky.com/story/1110234/bbc-boss-received-800000-in-final-year 2 months work for £800 000 nice work if you can get it. http://blogs.telegra...an-100-million/ If the BBC had to fund itself i'm sure the money would be spent alot more wisely . The BBC uses the British people as a cash machine. Lets not even talk about the unscrupulous behaviour of the TV licence collection . Threats on the door , looking though windows and one story i read a Tv licence man convinced a young boy of 7 to let him into their home while his mum was in the garden . The whole guilty before innocent thing pisses me off too. I think given the freedom of choice people would rather save 145 pounds a year and have adverts , the bbc knows this hence the reason why is tells people instead of asking them to pay. Don't get me started on the whole peado BBC cover up either. http://www.thisismon...ne-in-scam.html The contest scams . How many more has it scammed and got away with that we don't know about it has a history of covering things up. Yea so there's that. I wont be expecting any obits from the bbc.co.uk website from you then, since you wouldn't access their website... ...oh wait a minute! Well truth be told i rarely access their website and i never watch TV , but it doesn't mean i completely boycott everything BBC afterall they are huge part of UK media. I just think they should fund themselves and stop taking money off people who can hardly afford it.
  6. the_engineer

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Every year. For some weird reason countries tend to vote for the countries most closest to them , biggest load of crap on TV and the BBC uses large amounts of TV licence money to fund it . It then precedes to the mickey out of it and send bad singers to the contest . So yea millions of pounds for one nights TV so the BBC can feel a little superior about itself . What the BBC don't know though is it now produces the same level of crap as eurovision it just hasn't realised it yet , the BBC is not very self aware. Oh and yes we are forced to fund a private company in the UK by law. WE LOVE THE LICENSE FEE!!! License Fee vs BBC with adverts I know which I prefer. Well there was a time I would agree with you about the licence fee but not anymore. i.e when you actually got value for money . The BBC churns out cheap TV and the same old phone in reality TV shows now. When was the last time the BBC produced a good comedy I would say a good ten years ago now , but comedy is subjective we all have different tastes when it comes to good comedy. The BBC now receives funding from EU which is in breech of its agreement to only receiving funding from the British people. You then have the way the BBC likes to waste our money , 6 million for Johnathan ross which equals 41000 thousand people paid their licence fee just for the ermm 'privilege' of listening to Johnathan ross every friday. I'm sure he gets something similar at ITV but we are not forced to pay for it. Not to mention these stories you hear virtually every week. http://www.telegraph...-500-staff.html http://news.sky.com/story/1110234/bbc-boss-received-800000-in-final-year 2 months work for £800 000 nice work if you can get it. http://blogs.telegra...an-100-million/ If the BBC had to fund itself i'm sure the money would be spent alot more wisely . The BBC uses the British people as a cash machine. Lets not even talk about the unscrupulous behaviour of the TV licence collection . Threats on the door , looking though windows and one story i read a Tv licence man convinced a young boy of 7 to let him into their home while his mum was in the garden . The whole guilty before innocent thing pisses me off too. I think given the freedom of choice people would rather save 145 pounds a year and have adverts , the bbc knows this hence the reason why is tells people instead of asking them to pay. Don't get me started on the whole peado BBC cover up either. http://www.thisismon...ne-in-scam.html The contest scams . How many more has it scammed and got away with that we don't know about it has a history of covering things up. Yea so there's that.
  7. the_engineer

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Watched moon starring sam rockwell. Nice story and keeping you guessing all the way though. If you like stuff about space and movies set in space like i do you will love it.
  8. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    I'm guessing same IP address .
  9. the_engineer

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Every year. For some weird reason countries tend to vote for the countries most closest to them , biggest load of crap on TV and the BBC uses large amounts of TV licence money to fund it . It then precedes to the mickey out of it and send bad singers to the contest . So yea millions of pounds for one nights TV so the BBC can feel a little superior about itself . What the BBC don't know though is it now produces the same level of crap as eurovision it just hasn't realised it yet , the BBC is not very self aware. Oh and yes we are forced to fund a private company in the UK by law.
  10. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    http://news.sky.com/...g-girl-has-died man who was paralysed saving a child has died aged 43. R.I.P
  11. the_engineer

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    Unfortunate choice of party too.
  12. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    http://news.sky.com/...reatly-improved Greatly Improved . This could go on for many months yet and maybe even into next year .
  13. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    Could this go on for months is that possible? . In a word,no.Unless his condition significantly improves he cannot live in this condition more than a few days Try telling that to Ariel Sharon . The fact that he is trying to open his eyes points towards improvement . If he falls into a coma (if he is not already in one ) I think his family will opt to turn off life support .
  14. the_engineer


    What a terrible way to treat someone. Who would go and be Brighton's manager after that ? Especially isolating him and the players and stopping them from talking. Genius thinking by the board at Brighton,some nasty fucker must've thought "Whats the best way we can wind Poyet up? I know lets sack him while hes on air???!!!" Exactly. Whether your a football manager or work in tesco losing your job hurts. I have been fired a couple of times well the old 'first in last out ' cost cutting measure i guess its a type of firing and i guess serves me right for jumping to different jobs for a little more money . But try to imagine losing your job on national TV pretty bad thing to do to a fellow human being whoever decided it. It was deliberate because they kept silent for a whole month then all of a sudden release a statement when he makes his first public appearance.
  15. the_engineer

    Time Added

    Bollocks! I dropped him from my line-up this year If he gets orbit and Mandela dies I will have reached my target of getting more hits than last year . Which is f##king hard considering i only got 3 hits .lol
  16. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    He is just trolling us at this point Could this go on for months is that possible? I remember john paul the 2nd that saga only went on for about a week.
  17. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    Well thank god for that to be fair the BBC has been on its last legs for a long time .
  18. the_engineer

    Paul Gascoigne

    What the hell is wrong with you and why do you keep picking the Gazza thread to spam this website ? Its probably read by a grand total of 3 people every month. Btw don't click on any of the links they gave my anti-vrius a warning a week or so ago. Reported Engineer... You never know, that might be Gazza himself crashing the thread (along with his learning support assistant, of course). In which case; your angry rant might have tipped him back a few months and put the points within our collective grasp. Or summat. Websites removed. Or it could be Notaguest now thinking about it. If it is gazza you can all thank when he carks it later this year
  19. the_engineer

    Ian Brady

    He was attacked by 12 warders . Well he wasn't attacked hard enough lol. http://news.sky.com/...ers-attacked-me I think he will win this appeal and be in jail this time next year so might be a fair bet for 2014.
  20. the_engineer


    Jackie Fargo. http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/17835/jackie-fargo-passes-away-at-age-85
  21. the_engineer

    Paul Gascoigne

    What the hell is wrong with you and why do you keep picking the Gazza thread to spam this website ? Its probably read by a grand total of 3 people every month. Btw don't click on any of the links they gave my anti-vrius a warning a week or so ago. Reported Links removed [PB]
  22. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    HI kanye ,if your daughter has a baby will she name it north by northwest ?
  23. the_engineer


    What a terrible way to treat someone. Who would go and be Brighton's manager after that ? Especially isolating him and the players and stopping them from talking.
  24. the_engineer

    Name Shame?

    From 750 - 1001 you are assassin, It should change when you make your 1001st post. However, it doesn't seem to be updating as LFN's strapline should read "I need to get a life". I assume your looking for a change? yea i would like it changed to something racist or sectarian please. Failing that ' The Alpha & The Omega ' would be great without quotes. Racist or sectarian won't be considered, so it looks like you'll have to make do with The Alpha & The Omega thanks PB.
  25. the_engineer

    Name Shame?

    From 750 - 1001 you are assassin, It should change when you make your 1001st post. However, it doesn't seem to be updating as LFN's strapline should read "I need to get a life". I assume your looking for a change? yea i would like it changed to something racist or sectarian please. Failing that ' The Alpha & The Omega ' would be great without quotes.

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