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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2013

    and they always say the good die young . I'm sure there are more examples of good people living a very long time .
  2. the_engineer


    Jesus Christ I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley or anywhere else for that matter. She is built like a brick s##thouse. lol Though when she takes up her position I can just here all the delegates chanting ''are you Nicolas anelka in disguise''.
  3. the_engineer

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Surely that depends on how much of her life she has left to go. She's hung on for this long, mind you her medical bills must cost a fortune, she can't have many assets left Well they have already cost her an arm and a leg , ok maybe just a leg but Her other leg must be worth something surely ?
  4. the_engineer

    The Maybe Far Off Future Super Questionnaire

    Great suggestions especially like the 27 club poll idea.
  5. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    Have a listen to the guy heckling him. Bill Maloney
  6. the_engineer

    Name On A Coke Bottle

    I think Adolf would of preferred to have been on a bottle of vanilla coke.
  7. the_engineer


    Mick McManus was a fucking legend, educate yourself. Legitimately hated Jackie Pallo. haha will i can't help if i wasn't alive yet but i saw some of his matches on you tube. Now wrestling back then really was blurred it has the feeling of a genuine sport rather than sports entertainment. To be honest the modern day wrestling has kind of put me off the whole thing wwe today is soulless. I used to watch world of sport in the early to mid 90s and wwf in late 90s to early 2000s though . WWE's virtual monopoly of the industry since 2001 was the worst thing that ever happened, they've become far too complacent. Now Vince is preoccupied with trying to conquer the world outside wrestling (or Sports Entertainment, if you prefer) You can tell Vince still controls most of what you see because most of the product is so out of touch and is formulaic nonsense. Vince doesn't want to be a wrestling promoter but its all he has to make money . XFL failed, bodybuilding fed Failed , movies are hardly any good , wwe network will probably never happen ,he really wants nothing to do with wrestling. People say vince is a good businessman to certain extent he is but he has had a whole lot of luck . Though to be fair the wwf put out one of the best shows on tv around 1998 - 2003 and deserved to win. I remember i was in school at that time and everyone watched it even the teachers. lol I really think it's being too complimentary to call it formulaic. The nonsense part is definitely right. I think maybe you should have said generic/faceless/pointless. In fact, without wanting to seem like I'm too aggressively taking apart your post (I'm on side with anyone who gives WWE a verbal kicking... I just like correcting people, no offence), the phrase formulaic nonsense is a bit of an oxymoron, because if it was following a formula at least you'd think it made some sort of sense at a basic level. But what fucking formula does his "product" follow? Absolutely none, the "storylines" seem to spend ages going absolutely nowhere and his only two "stars" are a former white rapper from a nice small town in Mass. who hasn't actually rapped in years and has now (d)evolved into a sort of four-way hybrid of Eminem, Vanilla Ice, take-your-vitamins-and-your-milk-era Hulk Hogan, and a terrible wannabe of The Rock at his 1999-2001 best (mostly the last one), and a skinny heroin-addict-looking former independent wrestler who brings a lot less to the table in personality terms than he or his employers think and who only really appeals to snarky "Internet Wrestling Community" (again no offence to anyone here, but..... *shudder*) fans who hang up all their "hopes"/"respect" on his vague "credibility" that he gets from being from a former indy wrestler with tattoos and a straight-edge lifestyle (a lam gimmick/personality point which seems to have absolutely no traction or relevance in the pro-wrestling arena, and is better left to being discussed/boasted about on Facebook posts, or during that really talky phase of house parties). Most of the wrestlers are effectively mutes, because they have absolutely no personality because Vince just plucked them out of college because they were big and muscly, and either left them with their plain-as-a-punch-on-the-nose real names, or gave them a terrible sounding moniker which makes them sound like a gay porn star (anyone remember Gunner Scott?). And when they do try to talk at length it's enough to drive anyone with an IQ higher than 90 to call a suicide hotline. The biggest problem of all seems to be how all the different parts of the audience like someone different. So it's hard to generate any kind of real storyline because there is no clear-cut "bad guy" or "good guy". You have Cena who appeals to kids who dream of being as annoying and unfunny as him when they grow up. CM Punk who appeals to the kind of people who send death threats to movie critics who don't give the latest Christopher Nolan movie 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, and take their South Park DVD box set to bed with them and caress it like a dying pet. And Randy Orton who appeals to girls/women who like a "bad boy" (although I'm not sure if he even does anything like that any more). And the rest of the roster are just even more horrible cases of boring, half-arsed gimmicks that go nowhere and things that would have been abandoned after two weeks in the glorious attitude era now run endlessly for months or even years without ever improving. It just says everything that they do an "old school RAW" every 3 or 6 months now, and those episodes seem to get better ratings than regular ones. They rely on nostalgia far too much. BTW if anyone wants to "correct" me on anything here I'd be glad to hear it but I think I've pretty much got it right. In case you couldn't tell I haven't watched any WWE regularly in a long time but I feel I've watched/know enough to be about right. Your pretty much spot on with most things . By formula's I mean the heels are the same type of heels and the face's are etc. Heel's are always the coward and as soon as they turn heel they suddenly can't win a match without cheating,the faces are just like john cena and the rock clones . Everything revolves around john cena. Used to be a time when I would just sit though the PPV's now though i jut read the spoilers on wrestling news sites. Wasting of talent is another big thing too.
  8. the_engineer

    A Joke

    but can be molded into a lovely toby jug in the right hands.
  9. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2013

    Just ian lavender and Frank Williams left now. Looks like Ian lavender will be last man standing . If you include the writers then Jimmy Perry is left too.
  10. the_engineer


    Mick McManus was a fucking legend, educate yourself. Legitimately hated Jackie Pallo. haha will i can't help if i wasn't alive yet but i saw some of his matches on you tube. Now wrestling back then really was blurred it has the feeling of a genuine sport rather than sports entertainment. To be honest the modern day wrestling has kind of put me off the whole thing wwe today is soulless. I used to watch world of sport in the early to mid 90s and wwf in late 90s to early 2000s though . WWE's virtual monopoly of the industry since 2001 was the worst thing that ever happened, they've become far too complacent. Now Vince is preoccupied with trying to conquer the world outside wrestling (or Sports Entertainment, if you prefer) You can tell Vince still controls most of what you see because most of the product is so out of touch and is formulaic nonsense. Vince doesn't want to be a wrestling promoter but its all he has to make money . XFL failed, bodybuilding fed Failed , movies are hardly any good , wwe network will probably never happen ,he really wants nothing to do with wrestling. People say vince is a good businessman to certain extent he is but he has had a whole lot of luck . Though to be fair the wwf put out one of the best shows on tv around 1998 - 2003 and deserved to win. I remember i was in school at that time and everyone watched it even the teachers. lol
  11. the_engineer

    President al-Assad of Syria

    To be fair if i had that much power i would launch attacks on Murdoch too. Also you have to remember western media are just as big a liars as any other media, they would blame anything on Assad at this point . The rebels are desperately trying to drag us into the war, these are rebels who are associated with AL Qaeda. Assad and The rebels neither will give Syria any hope best thing to do is let them destroy each other and hope the sane people left can build a country based on progress rather than Nogress .
  12. the_engineer


    I know its childish but everytime I hear the name Sven Bender I can't help but laugh.
  13. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    I think lil wayne maybe the most likely out of those you can also throw in Lindsey lohan who is on my list this year and Macaulay Culkin .
  14. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    This guy is a fucking bellend. Hypocrite he is . Had an MP in the back of his cab kissing his arse and the guy had claimed thousands and thousands for new kitchens and expenses . He is an extreme leftist he is just as bad as the extreme right he attacks. He is right about mp's being pigs though and the NHS being slowly privatised .
  15. the_engineer

    The Maybe Far Off Future Super Questionnaire

    This . Interesting to see who polls the most. How about the cast of the office uk People who have played batman x factor judges Britain's got talent judges I agree with bibliogryphon ABBA would be a good one.
  16. the_engineer


    Mick McManus was a fucking legend, educate yourself. Legitimately hated Jackie Pallo. haha will i can't help if i wasn't alive yet but i saw some of his matches on you tube. Now wrestling back then really was blurred it has the feeling of a genuine sport rather than sports entertainment. To be honest the modern day wrestling has kind of put me off the whole thing wwe today is soulless. I used to watch world of sport in the early to mid 90s and wwf in late 90s to early 2000s though .
  17. the_engineer


    http://news.sky.com/...ck-mcmanus-dies mick mcmanus has died i never heard of him but he was one of the most famous of the 60s and 70s.
  18. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    Mark Mcgowan AKA the artist taxi driver his revealed in his latest vid he is suffering from bowel cancer. Probably most famous for his rants against the government and pushing a pig along the streets of london to highlight greed and the privatisation of the NHS .
  19. the_engineer

    George Michael, Innit Peeps

    our Tax money getting put to good use making sure the rich and famous get the best . If he was a waiter in the local Greek restaurant something tells me he would of been sent on his merry way with a couple of plasters on his cuts. How would Air Ambulance know? Was there a 'copter doing a recce and the call came through: "Urgent, It's George Michael. I can just make out the stubble, yes, it's definitely him!" Yea what i meant was they turned up to a regular accident and then saw it was George Michael and decided to airlift him. Where maybe they wouldn't of done it for a normal person for cuts and bruises . Maybe they thought he might share some of his pot on the flight to hospital. Yes, well once they've turned up they may as well, it's already cost the money getting it in the air. Anyway knowing George*, he's probably already given them a shedload of money. *disclaimer: I don't know George, but I know someone who does. I mean its not George's fault if some people are overwhelmed by the famous . So i guess you will have the inside scoop on his health so i know who to copy if you say George Michael is going on one of your lists
  20. the_engineer

    So... What Games Are You Playing?

    EFA EFA don't understand ? sorry im not up with the latest slang of the youth despite being in my 20s Edited For Accuracy. I was teasing you... Haha i never even saw that. Well thankfully the first two times the console broke down it was covered by the one year guarantee and i took out cover for 2 pound a month after that. That was when i was a teenager though and i wasted money no doubt.
  21. the_engineer

    George Michael, Innit Peeps

    our Tax money getting put to good use making sure the rich and famous get the best . If he was a waiter in the local Greek restaurant something tells me he would of been sent on his merry way with a couple of plasters on his cuts. How would Air Ambulance know? Was there a 'copter doing a recce and the call came through: "Urgent, It's George Michael. I can just make out the stubble, yes, it's definitely him!" Yea what i meant was they turned up to a regular accident and then saw it was George Michael and decided to airlift him. Where maybe they wouldn't of done it for a normal person for cuts and bruises . Maybe they thought he might share some of his pot on the flight to hospital.
  22. the_engineer

    So... What Games Are You Playing?

    EFA EFA don't understand ? sorry im not up with the latest slang of the youth despite being in my 20s
  23. the_engineer

    George Michael, Innit Peeps

    our Tax money getting put to good use making sure the rich and famous get the best . If he was a waiter in the local Greek restaurant something tells me he would of been sent on his merry way with a couple of plasters on his cuts.
  24. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    Zach sobiech the guy who made the viral hit clouds has died. http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1349332
  25. the_engineer

    So... What Games Are You Playing?

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/Xbox/10068979/The-next-Xbox-What-to-expect-from-the-720.html The new xbox will be revealed later today . I wonder if they will do a sony and not actually show the machine ? I know one thing for sure i won't be buying it on release day . I bought an xbox 360 on release day and it broke down after 4 months ,the second one 6 months later and the third one 2 years after that. I'm currently on my forth xbox and i have played it alot and its still going which says to me Microsoft were essentially releasing beta versions of the 360 in the early days.

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