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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    http://news.sky.com/...sioner-to-death Car jacked by a gang of donkey's and beaten to death.
  2. the_engineer

    Rolf Harris

    seriously though i wonder if he is found guilty whether they will regret that . Giving a standing ovation to an alleged kiddy fiddler ,some people take fandom too far.
  3. the_engineer

    The Maybe Far Off Future Super Questionnaire

    i left alot out on the 3rd survey i didn't know half the groups. first spice girl to die is a hard one could literally be any of them.
  4. the_engineer

    Bernadette Nolan

    Talking to your condiments doesn't count sorry
  5. the_engineer

    Bernadette Nolan

    I see you trolling and i'm hatin . though how you would have the inside scoop on bernie's condition god knows. The voices in his head? I wonder what would happen if the voices told guest_guest_* he/she was close to death .
  6. the_engineer

    Bernadette Nolan

    I see you trolling and i'm hatin . though how you would have the inside scoop on bernie's condition god knows.
  7. the_engineer

    Why Are We Here?

    We're here to reproduce. My own personal believe is there is something after we die. Going on evidence from NDE's I also believe in reincarnation .
  8. the_engineer

    Life In Prison

    I would think he is a prime choice for topping himself but he comes across as a coward . A big time coward and freak. I think all the talk about him threatening to kill himself was for sympathy . Lets hope he manages to do one thing right and kill himself.
  9. the_engineer

    Derby Dead Pool 2013

    Mistakes happen. How about we all agree to just delete that email . Also i think this might be something that has happened with outlook because i received a similar message from a friend with all her contacts on aswell.
  10. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    saw rory mcgrath's name flash up on sky news i thought he is the new yewtree arrest . Turns out he just got drunk and assaulted a couple of people. I know it may sound like a joke now but if about 10 people end up doing time for the whole operation yewtree investigation , I really wouldn't put it past someone trying to make a tv or reality show out of it .
  11. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2014

    Strange. That report says she broke her collar bone. i don't think that guest poster cares about facts .lol i have broken 3 fingers horse-riding very dangerous in fact it put me off riding horses for life.
  12. the_engineer


    bernie nolan ? nelson Mandela .
  13. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    But if he is found guilty of abusing women in Britain and Australia where will he stand trial and probably go to jail ? I know we used to send our criminals to Australia but ....
  14. the_engineer

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Dark skies i watched last night in the pitch dark . Trying to sleep after it was tough lol. it was an ok movie if you like alien movies and had some good scares along the way but nothing too original .
  15. the_engineer


    Truly one of the best posts i've read laughing for like 5 mins. I bet the last wish is liverpool winning the premiership. I hope so anyway . Billions of pounds and they can't beat wigan . The whole wigan team cost less than Gareth Barry lets just think about that for a second lol A truly love it when this happens a perfect match really if you support the underdog.
  16. the_engineer

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    That's what they call an Xecution . What type of person goes to Mexico to steal ? lol your asking to be killed.
  17. the_engineer

    Pete Doherty

    All they need now is Gazza and the three of them will be clean for life .
  18. the_engineer

    A Joke

    David moyes has it all wrong ,its not Manchester united that signed him its united utilities in Manchester. They heard he was good at keeping shit afloat .
  19. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    The conspiracy i heard lately that i thought was bizarre at first but the more i look into it the more it seems plausible is that Jose Manuel barroso had something to do with the disappearance of Madelaine McCann.
  20. the_engineer


    He is getting a hip surgery, I think he will go into his 90s . He has been managing manchester united since before i was born . That is insane for a football manager to be there that long. As a liverpool fan im glad he is going though maybe we can finally get some success and win the league, plus the whole league was starting to get boring with united winning every season .
  21. the_engineer

    Predict The (Alleged) Nonce

    http://news.sky.com/story/1088135/pool-of-offenders-in-music-school-abuse god now there is another abuse branch this time in a music school. I wonder if anyone famous was involved with this school? At this rate they will have to build new prisons to house all these pedo's and abusers lol Maybe they can put all the musician pedo's in one jail and rename it jailhouse rock.
  22. the_engineer

    Bernadette Nolan

    So what did she say about her on this morning?
  23. the_engineer

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen to miss commonwealth meeting for the first time since 1973 prince charles is going in her place. He probably poisoned her tea so he could taste what it is like to be king . http://news.sky.com/...h-heads-meeting
  24. the_engineer

    Predict The (Alleged) Nonce

    First of all its alleged . second of all how do they know who is posting? Even if they do track down the owner of a profile on here can they prove they posted it? Why you think so many of those people who take people to court over twitter posts have been thrown out .
  25. the_engineer

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    See Al Qaeda in the Netherlands training for a new attack.

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