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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    couldnt possibly comment.could have done an act with an agressive blue bird though.alledgedely Rod Hull is conveniently dead. So that leaves the police with the challenging problem of arresting the one surviving participant - Emu - and charging him with either assisting a rape or - at least - withholding evidence. He's excitable; they'd better send a mini bus load of their toughest guys. Speaking of rod hull I wonder if he molested Emily heskey .
  2. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    I knew it was the tip of the iceberg and I reckon the BBC knew and covered it up. glitter , savile and another unnamed celeb abused a girl in a BBC dressing room in the 70s . Any idea's who it could be ?
  3. the_engineer

    What's The Best Insult You've Ever Heard?

    I think it's a contraction of "halfpennyworth", meaning not worth much. Old people used to say it when I was a kid. well they do say you learn something new everyday .
  4. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    If he were to succumb, the only possible obit heading would surely have to be "I'm out" LOL yea on his tombstone aswell, I would have that on mine if i was him .
  5. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    Whoa whoa whoa! Take it easy, let's not start a witch hunt here Kids being abused isn't something to take lightly , but I'm just speculating at this point in time. But its clear he was abusing in plain sight and it was the worst kept secret . Why didn't anyone do anything about it?
  6. the_engineer

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I think he could be the first US president to reach 100.
  7. the_engineer

    What's The Best Insult You've Ever Heard?

    Our IT teacher used to call us all a Daft Apeth . When he called it to me Well i thought he mixed me up with someone else and i was mishearing him. Though when he called the black lad it he turned to me and my friend and said did he just call me a daft apey , to which we said we don't know we just don't know but he calls us all that and im white as snow . Is that the best insult I ever heard , im not sure but its definitely the most memorable.
  8. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    I don't know if anyone else remembers this but when he was on BBC HIGNFY they made a joke about jimmy savile being a peado . If the BBC knew and kept quiet they should be investigated . Also if savile was doing it outside BBC headquarters how many others were doing it and are well known? I think savile is the tip of the iceberg .
  9. the_engineer

    Political Frailty

    Never met him, but my MP at the time (Nick Palmer) was his pps during there time at the department of energy. In the round we had questions posed of how to move forward with aspects of UK energy policy. Most notably should we have new nuclear power stations, more gas or coal stations or more green power wind farms. My view was a yes to nuclear power but at a replacement number equal to half the number of plants in the past. Much more reliance on green power and a lessening of gas and coal power. Basically this view co-ensided with what Malcolm Wicks went with... Great minds, and all that... Labour done a thing where the government would pay half is you put solar panels on your roof or something and you sold your excess electricity back to the suppliers . But i believe Conservative govt scrapped it what a surprise .
  10. the_engineer


    I am retiring from eating anything other than soup for the forseeable future................................... Soup is good though I hate tomato , Oxtail is my favourite . Doesn't he play for Arsenal? No that's oxlade which sounds like a oxtail flavoured fizzy drink .
  11. the_engineer

    Political Frailty

    http://news.sky.com/...r-cancer-battle labour MP Malcolm Wicks has died , I have no idea who he is .
  12. the_engineer

    Ronnie Biggs

    If CriticalDivide, wants a job for life I suggest Clive dunn. I think its interesting though to find out people's reactions to being on the deathlist . Is Ronnie Biggs the first person to comment and respond to being on the deathlist ? Well strictly speaking it isn't actually him responding, still having someone 'on the inside' could prove advantageous... I don't believe you can count this as a reaction from the person himself but I read somewhere on this forum, around 2004; Lord Scarman's daughter found out about the DeathList and sent an angry letter to one of the moderators. I don't know where the link to that specific mention is but I know that the letter itself was not published on the forum. 2004 long before my time here on deathlist . I think but don't quote me on this (censored even though I know you're using a metaphor) Actually, I didn't read it around 2004. I read it around 2011 but it was posted in 2004. The older posts seem to be good for me but I haven't read much on this sites forums for a while. Yea to be honest i don't know when the forums on deathlist started but seen some from long time back after checking . Have to ask one of the mods why I only see one years worth of previous posts. Maybe the mods saw how bad some of my early posts were and wanted to not embarrass me . But it might be like that for everyone im not sure.
  13. the_engineer

    Ronnie Biggs

    If CriticalDivide, wants a job for life I suggest Clive dunn. I think its interesting though to find out people's reactions to being on the deathlist . Is Ronnie Biggs the first person to comment and respond to being on the deathlist ? Well strictly speaking it isn't actually him responding, still having someone 'on the inside' could prove advantageous... I don't believe you can count this as a reaction from the person himself but I read somewhere on this forum, around 2004; Lord Scarman's daughter found out about the DeathList and sent an angry letter to one of the moderators. I don't know where the link to that specific mention is but I know that the letter itself was not published on the forum. 2004 long before my time here on deathlist . I think but don't quote me on this , when they updated the site sometime ago the mods deleted older posts and threads as I can only go back a year in my posts.
  14. the_engineer

    The 10th Death Of 2012

    haha still haven't got one right . Harper lee this time for me , im feeling good about this one
  15. the_engineer

    Herbert Lom

    You're probably confused with Burt Kwouk who played Cato in the films... Your right I just googled him and burt's face was the face i was expecting to pop up when I googling Herbert lom.
  16. the_engineer

    Herbert Lom

    R.I.P I just saw his picture and he is nothing like the way i imagined him to look. His name sounds chinese to me for some reason but he is white.
  17. the_engineer

    Melita Norwood

    yea me too I have been reading up for the last 30 mins about her.
  18. the_engineer


    I am retiring from eating anything other than soup for the forseeable future................................... Soup is good though I hate tomato , Oxtail is my favourite .
  19. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    He has always looked like a junky to me haha Or a poor noel edmonds.
  20. the_engineer

    Andy Williams

    Well that is the second pick i had down for my 2013 deathlist that has died .
  21. the_engineer

    Political Frailty

    It's almost as though he decided he doesn't want to run anymore and is going out of his way to sabotage his own campaign Haha is he for real ? I'm going to be honest when i was like 7 or 8 and on a aeroplane for the first time I asked why plane windows don't open and when I was told why even I felt just a little stupid for asking . Surely it must be sabotage by him how can anyone especially someone who travels alot like im guessing he does , get to 65 years on this planet and still be that stupid .
  22. the_engineer


    They should do a poll similar to the robin gibb and al-megrahi poll. Who will drink ,overdose or embarrass themselves to death first Chyna or tammy sytch ?
  23. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    more of an idea for 2012 but 2013 can be an option too. I wonder if abu hamza will decide to kill himself instead of being extradited to the USA . I think he is under house arrest so he definitely has the chance to do it. I think the others are still in prison .
  24. the_engineer

    Stan Lee

    My guess is cancer diagnosis and needs to start treatment immediately.
  25. the_engineer

    Cast Of The High Chaparral

    You think they will get UK obits and Worth picking for DDP 2013?

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