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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    henry surtees has died the son of john surtees in a tragic accident which can be seen in the link. Don't worry the vid isn't gruesome . very sad considering his very young age R.I.P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTDiYS1NVW4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Surtees
  2. the_engineer

    The Sixth Death Of '09

    Claude Levi-Strauss , don't know why but just have a feeling he will die soon.
  3. the_engineer

    Kim Jong-Il

    Not long now i think he might already be dead or close to death ,they are preparing a this is your life north korea style show. A big red book would be ironic as well. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle6716638.ece its looking more than likely he will die this year.
  4. the_engineer

    World's Oldest

    henry allingham has died at 113 world oldest man i think , well was the world's oldest man http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/585...ngham-dies.html
  5. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    first world war veteran and world oldest man henry allingham is dead at 113 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/585...ngham-dies.html
  6. the_engineer

    Kim Jong-Il

    The only thing i'm worried about is he has nothing to lose now he might start a war,he might think feck it im going to die might as well take everyone with me. He seems like that sort of guy, you know a psycho.
  7. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    Is anything known about other factors that could have contributed to his death? (for instants an history of ba health/ a failing immune system) I am still curious on how serious this Swine Flu is. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/h...icle6694046.ece i am to worried about how dangerous shine flu is , though you wonder if Baxter the company with the vaccine created swine flu in the first place. I don't think i will be getting the compulsory injections either. The fact that they rushed the vaccine though safety checks (check link) doesn't make me want to run out and get it neither. Not getting vaccine: 50% chance of getting ill getting vaccine 100% chance of getting ill. check out all the mass vaccine programs including 1976 swine flu vaccine left 27 people dead more than the actual flu itself. then there is the formaldehyde case !!! end of rant
  8. the_engineer

    Seve Ballesteros

    seve will be alright for a while yet!! hope so to he seems like a nice guy . Thatcher and others certainly deserve to die ahead of him. in the words of Alan partridge seve has the live sophistication and nimbleness of a ballerina combined with the hard nosed ruthless thuggery of a bastard . That cancer has no chance!!
  9. the_engineer

    The Fifth Death Of '09

    i went for patrick swayze too!! lost his hair and went to spend his time at his ranch havnt heard nothing since . in other words went home to die . This was about a month ago jade goody lasted about that . Claude Levi-Strauss would be my second choice.
  10. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    has jeff goldblum really died?
  11. the_engineer

    Michael Jackson

    R.I.P even i liked some of his songs and im only 20 . i suspect his music will outlive a lot of us. i wonder if the bleaching of skin is one of the reasons why he his died early?
  12. the_engineer

    Ironic Deaths

    when you gotta go you gotta go!!!
  13. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    he didn't want to set the world on fire he just wanted to start a flame in your heart.
  14. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    former Argentine prime minister Raul Alfonsin dies at 82 http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...IPYZPQD979B1HO1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%BAl_Alfons%C3%ADn
  15. the_engineer

    Jane Goodie

    for facks sake why cant i be the first to break the news on deathlist . damn you early birds. what are you doing up its sunday morning in fact what am i doing up im going to bed . r.i.p jade goody
  16. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2009

    natsha richardson 1963 -2009 R.I.P talented actress and starred in films like Maid in Manhattan and Asylum
  17. the_engineer

    Natasha Richardson

    lol true Ariel Sharon could outlive us all. R.I.P Natasha Richardson no doubt she will be pushed in a dark corner by the media it jade dies tomorrow which is sad really considering Natasha had more talent in her small finger than jade has in her entire body.
  18. the_engineer

    Jane Goodie

    maybe jade goody is the antichrist. he last words were scary .
  19. the_engineer


    Apparently he mistook him for Peter Falk....... lol the first ever alzeimer's match the first person to forget there own name wins.
  20. the_engineer

    Jane Goodie

    dead within a week
  21. the_engineer

    Morgan Tsvangirai

    agents of change and all that!! he will be dead in year though another 'accident ' . let me tell you it wont be Mugabe that is behind. isnt it funny how it was an acerican aid truck that stuck morgan's 4 by 4.
  22. the_engineer

    Margaret Thatcher

    isn't this bitch dead yet. i would rather she died than that jade goody . how great it would be to see old maggie die a slow death hate this woman with a passion.
  23. the_engineer

    Jane Goodie

    ok im going to guess she will die at the end of April first half of may in between 22nd april and may 15th 2009
  24. the_engineer

    Fidel Castro

    many reasons. preparing everything so their is no surprise attack from usa or any of its neighbors <<< (i know and u know this is very unlikely but this is cuba and these types of countries are paranoid) or uprising in Cuba. they can gain a lot off fidel's words if they release a statement saying raul castro said this or said that it wouldn't be taken as seriously as if fidel said the same words. they are also looking for the opportune moment to say he's dead no doubt something big will be happening somewhere else when they do so. all the world will be focused on that particular event . this is why i thought they would announce it during obama's inauguration , but i think fidel wasnt dead then. they want to do it in the quietest way possible, but i know and you know that is very hard to do so they are waiting for a big event .an iran and israel war would be an example of an opportune moment.
  25. the_engineer

    Ronnie Biggs

    cockroaches, ronnie biggs and clive dunn would survive a bloody nuclear holocaust ,gawd . let the guy go home so he can see his family , feel content then he wont have any reason left to cling onto life.

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