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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    I've only just heard of this case two days ago when i watched this vid but it's very intriguing. Btw excellent quality gone into this video better than most shows on TV. I'm sure someone might of heard of this case especially any Irish deathlisters.
  2. the_engineer

    Deathlist Forum Music Swap

    Yea i'd like to take part again. Anyone know how long deathray is banned for?
  3. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Me at the end of march after being well beaten by charon
  4. the_engineer


    There's only one DDT around here.No variations or imitations, only deathly trips to devon.
  5. the_engineer

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    So more discrepancies. He was uninjured according to an offical statement but was bleeding according to the guy who helped him out? Weird why lie they could of just said he had some cuts and bruises.
  6. the_engineer

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    blasphemy! and from a windsor aswell.
  7. the_engineer

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Funny how they confirmed the breathalyser thing quickly, they would lie anyway even if prince philip was drunk. Something doesn't add up not healthy enough to attend christmas mass 2 and a half weeks ago but healthy enough now to drive?
  8. Not sure this belongs in the conspiracy thread it's more philosophy. This seems to be something my mind has settled on. I admit it sounds a bit far-fetched but when you dive into it and learn the more likely it becomes. There's also scientfic evidence to back it up too! 1) computer code in our DNA and not only that , there's also malicious code written into our DNA that infects computers like a virus. I'm not sure they're the same strand of DNA though or two separate ones. https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/09/malicious-code-written-into-dna-infects-the-computer-that-reads-it/ 2) Particles act differently when observed. Nick Bostrom described this as like when your in a computer game the room you're in and what you're avatar is observing will have all the computing power aimed at it , to give you a full HD experience. But the room next door in the game will be pixelated A) to save processing power and Be) as there is no one there to observe it,it doesn't need to be rendered. On top of that when to many things happen at once in computer games it tends to slow down. We've heard people say many times it was like time slowed during a near death experience or an accident etc. We also know time slows down as you get close to the event horizon of a black hole. A black hole could be like a large recycle bin for corrupted data or to get rid of unnecessary or unwanted data. We've seen how for computer games have come in the last 30 years and we're already approaching in the next 30 years graphics indistinguishable from reality. In fact I think in 30 years they won't be called games but simulation experiences, Combined with VR or even full body immersion. Has anyone played wipeout PSVR on the PS4? It's an incredible experience! We could say in the 25th century people wanted to create a simulation of 21st century or ancestor simulations either for fun or science, we've already ourselves created simulations of the past and simulations of our universe though rudimentary compared to what is possible in the future.I think they could easily in 400 years time fully simulate our reality now. Also with each simulation that kicks up new glitches and bugs they could easily be ironed out. Could explain why we don't or rarely see any clues we're in a simulation other than the few mentioned. 3) we've already simulated our universe kind of... https://comp-astrophys-cosmol.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40668-017-0021-1 It would explain everything. Reincarnation, ghosts , dark matter/ energy, why we're so susceptible to believing in creation / a god. 4) The rare earth theory . Many people think the universe is teeming with life but we haven't found no aliens and not even a hint of life outside of our planet.It becomes implausible we're alone in a vast universe but there is an explanation for both. What if this universe was created explicitly for us? The fact that earth exists is remarkable. A very rare planet like jupiter protecting us from space debris to the moon have just the right amount of impact on our planet to do it good rather than do it harm. We're in the goldilocks zone. It really does have the pattern and precision of design. https://player.fm/series/the-end-of-the-world-with-josh-clark/ep02-great-filter Anyway this is something I wanted to share with everyone and wonder what your thoughts are.
  9. the_engineer

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    The queen loves her car crashes. No wonder she looked so chipper without him in christmas day
  10. the_engineer

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Divide and conquer . Why didn't the EU respect the vote of the catalan people?The brexit vote or the treaty votes they made the irish and dutch vote for constantly.How long before expressing a view to leave the EU gets you an international arrest warrant and put in jail on trumped up charges? They did that to the leaders of catalonia for peacefully and democratically trying to leave, what's one more small step of suppression?The EU doesn't seem to respect the votes of the european people haven't you noticed that isn't that and alarming trend?
  11. the_engineer

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    We've been inside the EU for 40+ years. Everything has declined. Manufacturing , wages, savings, freedom of speech,the NHS, standard of living. Did the EU stop library closures, austerity,NHS cuts, zero hour contracts or workfare? If not then what's its function? How about we live outside the EU for 15 years lets see if it's different. If it's the car crash every remoaner is saying it's going to be we can always rejoin If the EU is reformed and elected politicians make the laws. The one thing the EU did want to push on the UK was the Euro and thank god we never adopted that we'd all be much much poorer now. I'd imagine in 10 years time, people will be saying how lucky the UK was to get out when it did.
  12. the_engineer

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Big mistake by corbyn he takes the heat off the 230 vote loss and hands may a victory straight after. I think Corbyn wants a no deal brexit, and is trying to run down the clock to be honest. It's also what I want at this point. A no deal brexit is much better than being a vassal state. The no deal brexit veiled threats is project fear part 3 . First the scottish would be screwed financially and the could lose their mortgage if they voted yes. Even those who wanted scotland in the union knew that were bollocks. Second we'd be financially fucked if we voted for brexit It's not happened. Now if we leave without and deal we'll face civil unrest and food shortages etc. How many food shortages and civil unrests happen in other non- EU countries?
  13. the_engineer

    Deathlist Dreaming

    I also dreamed of msc! I think we know now who this guy is. Sadly i didn't dream of msc but i did dream johnathan king died. Might be wishful dreaming.
  14. the_engineer

    Crashing Companies

    Wow I didn't even know that. How weird if warner brothers did buy them.
  15. the_engineer

    Crashing Companies

    2 days left to save HMV. Personally I think they're fucked unless the music or movie industry comes to their rescue. You'd think it would make good business sense for a big hollywood movie or music company to buy HMV keep the smaller shops open and only sell entertainment made by said company. i.e movies only made by warner bros etc if warner bros ( Just and example I know warner bros won't buy HMV) bought them. https://news.sky.com/story/hmv-bid-deadline-looms-as-administrator-calls-the-tune-11606590
  16. the_engineer

    Best ever month for celebrity deaths

    That surely has to be the day with the most significant and biggest deaths ever. All three still well known over 50 years later.
  17. the_engineer

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    Watched upgrade last night. I thought throughout the movie the lead male was Tom Hardy turns out it just wasn't lol. An excellent movie with a great ending. Must watch for anyone who likes futuristic , sci-fi horror.
  18. the_engineer

    Pokémon Go Players

    Looks like these players are pokemon go...ing to the morgue.
  19. the_engineer

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    I'm at the cut off point so really it only takes one to not enter or forget etc. I'll prepare and submit my team as usual. Me and YW battled it out to a 0-0 if i remember last time and out on pens.
  20. the_engineer

    Fernando Ricksen

    Looks like I was right choosing him as my joker. Me and about 100 others no doubt. I truly wouldn't wish MND on my worst enemy no one deserves to die like that,and as a last kick in the teeth he has to spend his last days in Airdrie.
  21. the_engineer

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    I feel Ginsberg probably has more in common with Trump than she does with the far left sjws.She's from the same era as him. Trump is very pro israel and jewish aswell and no doubt she is too. Despite what the left may think Trump ain't hitler and Ginsberg won't stay and literally kill herself to stop Trump getting another pick. If Trump wins a second term he'll probably replace stephen breyer and might replace clarence thomas.If that happens Trump appointed judges would be the majority 5 to 4
  22. the_engineer

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    I hope so just to see the insane reactions of the left wing manbabies and femanazis. I have a feeling Trump will pick Amy Coney Barrett . I wonder how many men will come forward claiming she raped them in college? If he does pick her the supreme court will have 3 irish american judges. Religious make up: 7 catholics 2 judaism 1 Episcopalian who was raised catholic. 6 republicans 3 democrats If she steps down or dies.
  23. the_engineer

    Deathlist On The Net

    Oops . When did this website start? Sure i've heard a name like that though.
  24. the_engineer

    Deathlist On The Net

    Was he on here? Cadaver dogg i feel i've saw that name before.
  25. the_engineer

    Deathlist On The Net

    100 picks? The Italians always take it to far.

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