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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer


    That's 4 noticeable deaths in 2 and a half months and 3 in 72 hours. Snuka, Nicole bass , Ivan koloff and George 'the animal' steele. According to Vader he is entering his last days aswell. Add Harley race ,lex lugar and a few surprise deaths and 2017 to wrestlers could be what 2016 was to celebs.
  2. the_engineer

    Kim Jong-Un

    Maybe he has the curse of thorn.
  3. the_engineer

    Clive James

    We had no doubts. You can't spell clive without live !!
  4. the_engineer

    The Rolling Probabilistic Ddp Scoreboard

    well my team is into the top 20 for the very first time ever. A top 20 finish would be a great result for me even a top 50 would be progress the highest i ever finished was 53rd .
  5. the_engineer


    He was 55 years old in this match and he is a better wrestler than roman reigns . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kc6N0bzeg4
  6. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    Reminds me of this movie I watched years ago . Does anyone know it? Guy notices a tumour or lump ,spot etc growing on his neck or back? As it grows it develops a face and it replaces his head maybe that isn't entirely accurate but roughly correct. Yes thanks Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Get-Ahead-Advertising-DVD/dp/B002V8FS7O/ref=sr_1_7?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1486584236&sr=1-7&keywords=richard+e+grant thank you very much been searching for that for a long time.
  7. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    Reminds me of this movie I watched years ago . Does anyone know it? Guy notices a tumour or lump ,spot etc growing on his neck or back? As it grows it develops a face and it replaces his head maybe that isn't entirely accurate but roughly correct.
  8. the_engineer

    Killer Clowns

    That's too far . She could of had a miscarriage !! A miscarriage of justice! Nice one sir nice one.
  9. the_engineer

    The 3Rd Death Of 2017

    Ian Brady goes to hell :the final Friday of February that is.
  10. the_engineer

    Killer Clowns

    That's too far . She could of had a miscarriage !!
  11. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    Jeff sessions nomination was being held up because he will pursue pizzagate and make arrests according to rumours online . He will be confirmed on national pizza day tomorrow coincidence ? This also leads to this advert put out by govt which are saying trump's administration is hinting to pizzagate . Literally pizza behind a gate at one point in advert . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG1Jd3PF-JU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQAba57jaxw A new anchor who ran with the pizzagate story was benched in recent months and now he has deleted all his social media presence and is back on TV https://heatst.com/politics/ben-swann-cbs-anchor-who-defended-pizzagate-deletes-entire-social-media-presence/
  12. the_engineer

    Val Kilmer

    Kilmer is a guy that I'm unsure of. He was highly rated in our Death League last year. I don't know if he's really sick or if this is just tabloid baloney. I'd be interested in the thoughts of my Deathlist colleagues as our draft is rapidly approaching. I have a feeling he is ill or been ill but its not terminal , could also be a chronic condition. Maybe he has HPV like what Michael Douglas had and Michael got confused with thinking val's turned into cancer like his. Still looks like cancer to me. Could very well be. He was fat for a while maybe he went on a diet because he got Ill and he wanted to improve his health. I remember thinking Ricky gervais looking a bit ill after he lost weight. He is known for being a bit of a dick on set and not a very nice person in general maybe he knows a lot of people would take pleasure in knowing he is dying or ill . Tough one to call.
  13. the_engineer

    The 2Nd Death Of 2017

    Its good but its not right . (Roy walker voice)
  14. the_engineer

    Val Kilmer

    Kilmer is a guy that I'm unsure of. He was highly rated in our Death League last year. I don't know if he's really sick or if this is just tabloid baloney. I'd be interested in the thoughts of my Deathlist colleagues as our draft is rapidly approaching. I have a feeling he is ill or been ill but its not terminal , could also be a chronic condition. Maybe he has HPV like what Michael Douglas had and Michael got confused with thinking val's turned into cancer like his.
  15. the_engineer

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    ALS is a fate worse than death.Outlived his diagnosis by 2 years though a great fighter , but even still 45 is no age to die. R.I.P Joost!!
  16. the_engineer

    Deathlist Dreaming

    Ok maybe i was a little off but jamie lynn spears daughter just had an accident on a atv outside and crashed into a lake . Would be weird if the area was red sanded. http://www.eonline.com/news/826936/jamie-lynn-spears-8-year-old-daughter-hospitalized-after-atv-accident-report
  17. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    Bunch of hypocrites really the protesters are they really need to get lives. I don't recall protesters when Obama banned Iraqi's for 6 months. Apparently the Obama administration drew up the list of countries and flagged them for extra scrutiny which is what the Trump administration is doing while the ban is in place. He is sticking to his promises!! Which is rare for a politician.
  18. the_engineer

    New Moderator(S)?

    >trump supporter >crunchyroll Checks out tbh, employ him. Love video games as well
  19. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Oddly enough 1850 was the year California joined the union. Might give Trump an idea. Actually strange you suggest that because there is a rumour flying that Trump is encouraging the GOP to fund the Calexit campaign in order to almost certainly assure a Republican Victory every presidential election. And although it's a rumour, California has just recently opened up an embassy in Moscow - no smoke without fire, right? The people who started it are in fact conservatives or ex conservatives and one of the guys voted trump. California Being independent I think would work out perfectly for both sides.
  20. the_engineer

    New Moderator(S)?

    I was a mod on crunchyroll back in the day . Wasn't even a fan of anime , they used to upload full asian horror movies there until they kind of got a cease and desist and then the website went all legal and shit and with it downhill. My mod privileges were removed because i hardly visited after that.
  21. the_engineer

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Why so much emphasis on the doctor being female? Because its a more shocking attention grabbing headline . Like some people still don't believe a woman can be capable of being cruel and callous as a man . I saw a documentary about Aileen Wuornos and she got away with it for so long because people didn't think a woman could be doing it.
  22. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    She's 69. How good are any of us gonna look when we are 69? I think people, and when I say people, I mean the Daily Fucking Cuntmail, should stop giving her a hard time. So what if she likes a drink? Don't we all? And fuck me I'd drink if I was married to that clown. She looks ill Lardy as in really ill. You mean like cancer etc? She just looks like she hasn't seen the sun in ages and has been on the booze which certainly isn't a healthy lifestyle but i didn't realise she was 69 .
  23. the_engineer

    The 2Nd Death Of 2017

    I voted Joost he is in critical condition and is way past his 2 to 5 year diagnosis.
  24. the_engineer

    Mary Tyler Moore

    My first hit too!! To be honest i was kicking myself including her as I thought a few more names would of had a better chance of dying. Glad i did now. R.I.P Mary tyler Moore.
  25. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    UKIP on course to easily win stoke from Labour . http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/758428/Ukip-Paul-Nuttall-Stoke-Central-by-election As i said before looks like death of a thousand cuts for the labour party . Labour are bleeding votes to UKIP, Tories , lib dems and now losing seats to UKIP and tories on top of the seats they lost to SNP . There is a civil war going on in the party , some support article 50 and others don't. A deeply unpopular leader . The only positive is corbyn brought alot of far left and youth voters to labour . The problem with that though is they're very unreliable at getting out and voting and many might simply leave , lose interest or vote green once corbyn goes and a more moderate leader takes charge . Politics is being reshaped in the UK and labour looks increasingly like the odd one out .

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