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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Deathlist On The Net

    strangely i remember a few people saying paul hunter's death drew a large amount of hate and attention at deathlist can't remember why .
  2. I have been away for awhile but missed this forum and yea some of the posters can be a little harsh but you have to remember one thing its words on a screen and conversations over the internet . If people take certain comments to heart that's their problem.
  3. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    http://news.sky.com/story/1568374/man-quizzed-after-abuse-victim-waives-anonymity A 55 year old man has been questioned under caution by the police with regards to child abuse. It doesn't say if he is a current MP though this woman did say he was an MP at the time of the abuse. The police said his identity would be anonymous until charge . Whether that means he will be charged or not i'm not sure and whether he is still an MP is up in the air. If both of these turn out to be true we will definitely have a by election in his constituency. BRB Off to check 55 year old MP's he look a bit pervy .
  4. martin crowe to die in late December . Burt reynolds just paid an old divorce settlement maybe getting his house in order before he dies? we have one big political death a year maybe 2016 will be fidel. Alot of people have written off Michael schumacher dying in the next few years but people with his head injury, (and head injuries in general) usually have a dramatically lower life expectancy. With schumacher's type of head injury people are given 5 years , he will be entering 2 and a half year to 3 years time frame in 2016 . I would be surprised if schumacher makes 2018 even with the best money can buy.
  5. the_engineer

    The 12th Death Of 2015

    i'll go for martin crowe .
  6. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    charles trippy's cancer is getting worse by the looks of it he is having double seizures now . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTXPSpmnKRo
  7. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    But seriously, what does the law say about a public place in front of witnesses willing to enjoy the spectacle? In other news, a forthcoming movie: DAVE : Dick in the piggy .
  8. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    What terrible people who would do such a thing .
  9. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    According to the Telegraph, Jihadi John is Nr. 1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/syria/11852303/Jihadi-John-tops-secret-kill-list-of-five-Isil-extremists.html They should do it on January 1st, as a bonus to all Deathrace runners. Aye, it's very American innit How long until we have a pack of playing cards with all the wanted on the back? They'll probably bring it up to date, an Isis kill list FOBT in all major betting shops by June 2016. Get three Abu Omar al-Shishanis on screen to enter the jackpot bonus round. I wonder if they will accept mohammed emwazi as an entry on the deathlist ? I know john cantlie was ruled out. Either way enwazi's days are numbered .
  10. the_engineer

    Who Will Win The Leadership Election?

    Nice girl that Joy.
  11. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    I'm sure within the next year or two Derek Acorah will claim contact with him.
  12. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    He Will be right at home in prison sandwiched between dark and white meat.
  13. the_engineer

    1. Jimmy Carter

    If i was Carter I would do that .
  14. the_engineer

    Jeremy Corbyn

    my thoughts exactly. Resigns due to ill health 2017 or 2018 says he wasn't pushed out and asks his supporters to get behind yvette cooper.
  15. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    well with September approaching fast its safe to say that was one of if not the most successful summer of big deaths on record. even if the amount of celeb and well known deaths were over the space of 1 year still would of been alot but to get them in 3 months from end of may to end of august is pretty good going.
  16. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    sorry i don't speak assholian.
  17. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    Interesting theory i don't believe it myself but stranger things have been true. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3202417/Did-U-S-bomb-China-using-weapon-launched-space-explosions-covering-plot-kill-president-bizarre-Tianjin-disaster-conspiracy-theories-revealed.html China devaluing the Yuan probably cost USA 10s of billions of dollars and then some. One thing that certainly backs up this theory is china stopped devaluing the yuan after this explosion having done it 3 days in a row which as many experts put it was a currency war . Interesting thing is china damages US exports by devaluing Yuan and china's 10th largest port gets destroyed damaging their exports . http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/13/china-devalues-yuan-for-third-straight-day-adding-to-fears-of-currency-war There is also rumours china is hiding the number of deaths aswell and the real death toll is around 1400, either to show the us their attack didn't kill that many or to not cause panic among the chinese. I actually do believe this death toll because a workers dormitory that housed hundreds of workers is simply not there anymore and chances are the people were turned to ashes. http://qz.com/481679/chinese-censors-have-blocked-50-websites-for-spreading-rumors-about-the-tianjin-explosions/ http://www.inquisitr.com/2346562/china-tianjin-explosion-was-caused-by-pentagon-rod-of-god-space-weapon-strike-according-to-conspiracy-theorists/
  18. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    With all the users of Ashley Madison exposed might a few MP's pop up in there forcing a resignation ? http://news.sky.com/story/1537943/ashley-madison-adultery-data-dumped-online
  19. the_engineer

    You Write The Headlines . . .

    Camila Batmanghelidjh found dead!! former head of kids company found dead in home of apparent heart attack. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3186808/Kids-Company-donor-pulled-3million-pledge-sex-abuse-claims.html btw i think this woman is horrible, I don't buy her for one second and i pride myself on being a great judge of character.Also What is with these people and loud eccentric clothes ? Rolf ,savile , batman (not the hero) ?
  20. the_engineer

    Clive James

    I'll say the 5th of November 2015. Was thinking of some clever pun to go with bonfire night but i couldn't come up with one .
  21. the_engineer

    Sir Cliff Richard

    Only if there is a Lorra lorra kids there. ALLEGEDLY !!
  22. the_engineer


    Disgusting man jimmy snuka should be in jail for murder why he isn't is beyond me. I heard stomach cancer is one of the most painful so i hope he suffers. Nancy Argentino snuka's gf at the time died shortly after of "undetermined craniocerebral injuries." The coroner's report stated that Argentino, 23, died of traumatic brain injuries consistent with a moving head striking a stationary object. Autopsy findings show Argentino suffered more than two dozen cuts and bruises — a possible sign of "mate abuse" — on her head, ear, chin, arms, hands, back, buttocks, legs and feet.The coronor Upon viewing the body and speaking to the pathologist, I immediately suspected foul play and so notified the district attorney.
  23. the_engineer


    I have a feeling he will do ok. Gerard houllier at aston villa ok. He will keep them up just basically. I think west ham and aston villa will struggle this season. Villa in their pre season games couldn't beat lower league opposition and they signed a host of new signings that will take time to bed in and have no premier league experience . Plus they lost benteke who has kept them up the last three seasons. watford ,Sunderland and aston villa relegated.
  24. the_engineer

    Rowdy Roddy Piper

    He recently had a bust up with steve austin too hope they buried the hatchet before he died. R.I.P hot rod. They say things come in three's will we have another notable wrestling death soon?
  25. the_engineer

    The 10Th Death Of 2015

    Vera lynn .

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