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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Martin Crowe

    Off the top of my head jade goody lasted a month in a hospice and bernie nolan lasted over 3 months (before returning home for final week i think) . Usually you have weeks left rather than months but its looking like 60/40 he dies in 2015 . Could go down to the wire with him dying in mid to late december.
  2. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    Not sure it mentions in the article that the MP in question was a minister, though I guess that may be the implication of 'senior'. I agree though it's hard to imagine Vaz being involved, but, that said, he does have some interesting whispers online about what he did/didn't know about things back then. And Corbyn seems like a decent, principled man, I'm not sure he'd be brazen enough to try this if he had that kind of skeleton in his closet, even for his political beliefs. Should that read PM or MP? If it's PM which one? I would personally be surprised if it was Jeremy and I doubt we'll see him drop out. Unlikely to be a tactic to get rid of him, John Mann is pretty left wing and would be happier than most Labour MPs if Corbyn won and the Tories would think Christmas had come early if he won as he's totally unelectable - a modern day Michael Foot so there's no incentive to make him lose there either. Indeed it does, which is why it was the one that jumped out at me when I first compiled the list. But to be fair to Meacher, a quick Google search shows numerous articles on his blog talking about the Cyril Smith case and the wider abuse scandal and it would be huge barefaced cheek to be at the forefront of this while also being implicated, it only exposes you to more scrutiny. Not sure which one jumped out to msc because personally I'm not sure any of them strike me as very likely, but I haven't followed the developing story in great detail but less likely would be Corbyn, Skinner, Kaufman, Meacher and Field from what I vaguely know about them. Re: Meacher and barefaced cheek, Mark Thomas uncovered plenty of examples of the man's hypocrisy regarding buy-to-let landlords in the late 1990s (?) Obviously there's nothing there to implicate him in something as grotesque as the topic we're discussing here, but he's certainly capable of maintaining a public façade that is very different to his personal behaviour. Mark Thomas' Comedy Product Michael Meacher episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRbHgKaCO38 Re: the PM, I've read a LOT of speculation surrounding Edward Heath, his yacht Morning Cloud, and Haute de la Garrenne in Jersey. That one's been circulating for several years at least, but still (frustratingly) nothing concrete. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9ABUEu4XlU
  3. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    The guilty man was a minister, right. so Skinner and one or two of the names nobody has heard are in the clear. Field, Meacher, Vaz all had prominent ministerial appointments at one time or another. Vaz is so santimonious and clear on what others are doing wrong when he presides over his committees that I'm not sure he's a prime candidate (though it's be a spectacular fall if it was him.) Corbyn surely wouldn't dare stand for leader with such a skeleton waiting in the closet. One of Rover's names does jump out immediately, I'll say that much. Not sure his seat is that close to Rochdale though. Hiding in plain sight ? Savile done it and we have certainly know of 1 nonce PM probably more. I don't think me ,you or anyone would be shocked if it turned out to be Jeremy. Be interesting to see if Corbyn drops out of the race in the coming days leaking this could be a tactic to get shut of him who knows.
  4. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    Remind me never to get a lumbar puncture . I'm no doctor and i'm sure there is a good reason but sticking a needle in someone's lower back because they have pain in their optic nerve doesn't seem to make sense to me.
  5. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/taiwan-starlet-yang-ko-han-27-dies-after-attempting-suicide Taiwanese Actress Yang Ko Han dies at 27 after attempting suicide . If someone dies a few days later from injures as a result of attempted suicide is it still classed as suicide ?
  6. the_engineer

    I Need A Tv Series To Start Watching

    True detective and breaking bad. Twin peaks if you haven't watched it , as there is a new season starting next year. Though for some reason half way though season 2 if becomes like a daytime soap opera .
  7. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    we could have our first victim . Petition for Tobias Ellwood to be sacked . After claiming he can't live on his 90 k salary and needs the 10% pay rise. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-minister-says-90000-salary-6085266 https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/we-demand-that-tobias-ellwood-mp-resign-his-parliamentary-seat
  8. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    sir peter bottomley MP for worthing west Margaret hodge MP for Barking dennis skinner MP for bolsover Alistair Carmichael MP for Orkney and Shetland Eric Pickles MP for Brentwood and Ongar David Tredinnick MP for Bosworth Margaret Beckett MP for Derby south Dame Angela eileen watkinson MP for hornchurch and upminster Sir Gerald Kaufman MP for Manchester Gorton Kenneth Clarke MP for Rushcliffe Michael Meacher MP for Oldham west and Royton Diane Abbott MP for Hackney North and stoke newington Sir Alan Meale MP for mansfield Sir Nicholas Soames MP for mid sussex Sir paul Beresford MP for mole valley Sir roger Gale MP for North thanet Sir kevin Barron MP for Rother valley Nick clegg MP for Sheffield Hallam Michael fallon MP for sevenoaks sadiq Khan MP for tooting John spellar MP for Warley Mark pritchard MP for the wrekin bill cash MP for stone Jim Shannon MP for strangford Michael febricant MP for Lichfield Sir Alan Haselhurst MP for Saffron Walden henry bellingham MP for north west norfolk Paul bloomfield MP for sheffield central francie molloy MP for mid ulster james gray MP for north Wiltshire Completely forgot to post my list !! I have 2 unique picks and seems alot of people were thinking along the same lines as me haha Gutted i missed out on simon danczuk though.
  9. the_engineer

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Could Queen Elizardbreath II's grip on the national media be waning at last? Or is this one last act of vengeance from Murdoch before he carks it? This is hilarious stuff. What it really proves again is that Britain (and the world) was lucky that Ed VIII reigned for less than a year... Lizzy was just seven, so she can't blamed for the gesture, but I'm surprised that her mum was teaching her a nazi salute. Naughty naughty Queen Mum... If I had been a member of the Royal Family, I would have destroyed the original footage ages ago, but definitely no later than 1940. It's so compromising, and it could have damaged the Royal Family's reputation if someone had published it in the early 1940s. Then we would talk about the United Republick... So i guess you haven't heard of the disgusting things the queen mum used to get up to then right ? I agree this is something and nothing if someone had told me to give a nazi salute when i was 7 or if my parents were doing it chances i would of too.
  10. the_engineer

    The Chequered Flag

    Very sad something tells me we will hear about Michael Schumacher like this one day , probably in next few years. Indeed, yet Bobbi Kristina still lives I guess, who knows? Daily Mail are first off the grid in the UK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-3166059/Jules-Bianchi-25-dies-nine-months-F1-driver-crashed-Japanese-Grand-Prix.html rumour going around is that she is already dead. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3163291/Hearse-arrives-Bobbi-Kristina-s-hospice-hours-mysterious-tent-erected-door.html
  11. the_engineer

    The Chequered Flag

    Very sad something tells me we will hear about Michael Schumacher like this one day , probably in next few years.
  12. the_engineer

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    It depends when it is. If it is this year then I may allow it (a bit like when you won 2013 with the boxing chap - the DDP equivalent of allowing a goal which replays showed was a touch offside!). Next year I'm considering the rule that "obits" are least written down - even if it is on a sidebar - as what qualified Jean Dore). There you go, clear as mud. You still looking at throwing out a consultation of sorts. How about - anybody who has been diagnosed with a terminal or life threatening illness prior to Jan 1st is required to be entitled to their obit on another claim to fame -charity work stemming from their illness not accepted - Hits must receive a written obit exceeding 3 paragraphs in a major UK outlet that uses at least two mediums (tv and internet, internet and newapaper etc) - The entrant must produce english language results in the main when entered into the uk google - Familial connections should not in themselves be enough - qualifying obits must contain a reason why said person is of note in own right I like the idea of the people with terminal cancer being famous for something other than being ill or fundraising but what if they become famous in something as a consequence of being ill besides fundraising? Helen fawkes was kind of pushed into the hosting spotlight after she got cancer. Katherine crowe as a singer became more well known after she had cancer . Its confusing really to know where to draw the line I think the DDP kind of has it at the best its going to be balance wise.
  13. the_engineer

    28 Years Of The Deathlist!

    For the 30th anniversary list what you guys think of including the only survivor of the orignal list Ozzy ?
  14. the_engineer


    If he don't change his life around with regards to steroids,health and such he is going to be the next big wrestling star to die under 50. I hope not. I sort of want him to go back to WWE but I also don't. It'll never be as good as the old days, you remember when he was the European and Intercontinental champ at the same time. And then when he got bored of that he went and cuckolded HHH. Can you imagine if he leaned in to plant a kiss on Steph these days, she'd probably think she was about to get raped by the Michelin man.... I do indeed remember that and the wrestling then was phenomenal especially Chris Jericho vs Kurt angle matches. I do miss the European title , though probably just for nostalgia or some shit. The WWE won't touch him nowadays ,he dies while under contract the bad publicity would be huge. According to the dirt sheets he was in line for a return but a WWE employee saw him off his face on something on a flight , and that put an end to Kurt even coming back to try for a physical which he would of failed anyway. Only HHH's friends like Kevin Nash can fail a physical and still come back and have a match.
  15. the_engineer


    If he don't change his life around with regards to steroids,health and such he is going to be the next big wrestling star to die under 50.
  16. the_engineer

    Life In Prison

    http://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/27/us/new-york-prison-break/index.html Breaking news He is now in custody .
  17. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    Depends if any of us are famous.If I was famous I would of course feel obliged to share the news of my imminent demise. There has been rumours that a few famous people are members here, or at least have visited .
  18. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    do you have proof that she 'topped herself' ? Well they aren't treating her death as suspicious which means they found something to indicate likely suicide. A healthy 38 year old woman found dead without any indications of suicide is certainly suspicious. If she was murdered they would say they are keeping an open mind or investigations ongoing . Lets say for instance she had heart attack they would say we are waiting for autopsy results etc. Chances are they found either suicide note , empty pills bottles, self inflicted wounds or her hanging. Shame she was a real beauty!! she really had movie star good looks .
  19. the_engineer

    Political Frailty

    what do you guys think the odds of Yanis Varoufakis and Alexis Tsipras being killed ? Either in terrible plane crash or by 'far right terrorists ' wink wink . We saw how the EU used the Far right to overthrow an anti EU democratically elected Ukrainian Leader , now that they aren't playing ball with the EU and want to leave the euro will we something similar or worse?
  20. the_engineer

    The 9Th Death Of 2015

    clive james.
  21. the_engineer

    Patrick Macnee

    wow this really is turning into a summer of big deaths. If we get one more hit that's 5 hits in a month has that ever happened before?
  22. the_engineer

    Nancy Reagan

    Nancy's been too frail for too long. She probably won't live to find out who the next US president will be (*cough* even though it's obviously Hillary *cough*) It could be fall either way, lots of people still have their knickers in a twist over the Benghazi incident. Funny how you mock Americans who are angry about 4 US citizens being killed by the obvious incompetence/neglect of their "leaders", and then being told to shut up about it with a shitewash senate committee report.... And yet, if four Halibuts had accidentally been served pork-flavoured crisps instead of cheese and onion by a US embassy vending machine in Benghazi in September 2012 the Democrats would probably be basing their entire 2016 campaign on the "outrage" of it. Smoky bacon flavour? The smoke obviously provided by the benghazi rioters .
  23. the_engineer

    Houston, You Have A Problem!

    What you think are the odds of nick gordon killing himself too? Either right after Bobbi or a few months to a year later when the pressure is put on by bobby brown's lawyers? With regards to bobbi looks like she will be gone before the end of this month. BTW if we are having a poll i predict 29th june 2015.
  24. the_engineer

    The 8Th Death Of 2015

    Marin Crowe YO.
  25. the_engineer

    The Hare's Death Pool

    I had dave Benton and Maryport had chris woodhead.

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