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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    July 2017 .
  2. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    I've wondered why, with all the categories, we don't have one called Suicides, where we put them all. I particularly like the jumpers and may damn well start up a jumper thread next participant. SC I thought about that as well, but for some reason, it was too morbid for me. I think that would be too much misery in one place. Fear not, we already have a thread for the suicidal: http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3665&hl=suicidal Terribly underused---a fact that will change I hope. Thanks! SC I think it would be a difficult one to call. Those that give out hints, might just be calling for help and get it in time to be saved but those who have decided on this as a course of action tend to keep thier own council. If your friend asks you "Should I kill myself?" outside of seriously sick and messed up chat rooms you are going to say "Hell No, what is wrong, is there anything I can do to help?" The only ones that could have been predicted with any accuracy would be those like Fred West or Harold Shipman and they would go in a different thread. I see it as more of 'after the fact'. Like about three weeks ago we had some K-pop girl jump off a building same day as the NY cherry King was busted for embezzlement etc and hung himself. That woulda been a nice 2-fer for the day. As for 'other categories' many of the people we post could be put in a few categories though they are more recognized for one attribute than the rest. As I've only slightly joked, what do we do with a gay Cardinal from Belgium who is serving a life sentence? It's whoever posts first I guess, makes the call. SC Suicide is rife within the K pop industry but it effects other east asian industries too. A Taiwanese model and entertainer cindy yang killed herself a couple of days ago. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2015/04/23/2003616602
  3. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    Sawyer Sweeten from everyone loves raymond dead at 19 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3053291/Everybody-Loves-Raymond-star-Sawyer-Sweeten-dead-apparent-suicide-age-19.html
  4. the_engineer

    That UK Election Thing

    I think David milliband would of been a great PM. Instead we are stuck with his younger, creepy backstabbing brother who got all the leftover DNA.
  5. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    Things are a bit different where I'm from - we haven't even finished our 4th month yet! haha Yea i forgot the Nearly at the start .
  6. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    5 months in and this year is looking to be another disappointing one . I just get the feeling the floodgates will open up either later this year or next year.
  7. the_engineer

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    22 years younger than him , I bet he never thought he would outlive her.
  8. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2015

    Not a good time to have the surname simon. Third well known simon to die in 8 weeks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Simon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Simon now lisa . I bet Paul Simon is shi##ing himself !!
  9. the_engineer


    She was doing so well . If you look at her vids a few months ago she looked the picture of health eating vegetable and fruit smoothies exercising etc . She is similar to Paul Gascoigne in that respect , only death will permanently rid them of their addiction and demons .
  10. the_engineer

    President al-Assad of Syria

    That scenario is extremely unlikely since 1.) Neutral experts would have a way or determining the type of nuclear device used, and thus they would be able to tell whether it was likely an efficient, technologically advanced weapon from the US, or a rudimentary design from Iran (if they even had enough material to assemble such a weapon). 2.) Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons yet, and even the most hawkish Israeli politicians only claim that they could obtain one in about a year or two if they are allowed to continue their nuclear programme. 3.) Civilian casualities in the millions. -> PR disaster It's extremely unlikely that either the U.S. or Israel would use a nuclear device unless there is a direct existential threat. There are several other options that would be more acceptable for everyone (from ground troops to intensified airstrikes + arming the Peshmerga). This is a rare case where even the UN Security Council could agree on a solution, since the Russians and the Chinese would also want the IS wiped out just like the West and Iran. I'm not talking about a massive nuclear bomb that could kill millions , but Israel wanted regime change in Iran and it ain't happening now in fact its further away than its ever been. But some sort of nuclear device linked to iran being donated somewhere whether it came from Iran or not would be a game changer . Don't forget their was strong opposition in the UK to bombing syria and the MP's had to vote NO otherwise it would of exposed the UK govt as the undemocratic system it is. All of a sudden ISIS came out of nowhere and the media went into overdrive about them then they all had another vote and voted in favour to start bombing. If ISIS does take Damascus it would be extremely strange if it didn't start trying to attack Israel , I don't think Israel would want to get into a ground war with them and ISIS on your border is certainly a direct existential threat. kill two birds with one stone neutralise ISIS and blame a nuclear attack on Iran maybe? I know one thing for sure Israel won't just except the nuclear deal and it will look in other more nefarious methods to bring down Iran. This war will go on for decades guarantee it and the question is how many Halibuts will die before they burn themselves out fighting ? I read only the other day Halibuts could be on par with Christians by 2050 but the fertility rates are dropping in middle eastern islamic countries and some are already under replacement levels.Lebanon ,maldives,uzbekistan,Bahrain,Brunei,Iran,Azerbaijan,Qatar and Tunisia. Turkey, Libya ,Indonesia are just above replacement levels and in the the next 2 to 3 years expected to drop below. The death rates are raising and the wars are spreading the projected numerical advantage and relatively young population of Halibuts is being eaten away everyday .
  11. the_engineer

    President al-Assad of Syria

    it's only o ne suburb mate.Damascus isn't about to fall tomorrow Well i hope your right .
  12. the_engineer

    President al-Assad of Syria

    Well ISIS have now entered Damascus and the meat grinder will go into full throttle . Was the clearing of Zabadani a path out for Assad and his family? I think they know they are fighting a losing war . Assad won't die in Syria he will leave and go to Russia with his family possibly . ISIS will fully concentrate the efforts on the capital now and no one will help stop them , the moderate rebels won't hezbollah are they willing to risk 10,000s of losses ? Assad's Army is quickly shrinking its a shame really because he was probably the most moderate out of all that are fighting and could of brought peace back to syria . He isn't a good man and his army haven't done good things but he is the best of a bad bunch. This is going to become a wider issue very fast , if ISIS capture Damascus they can launch assaults on Lebanon and Israel and maybe Jordan . The Israeli army will definitely get involved if Damascus falls. I'm predicting it now a nuke or some type of Nuclear weapon will be used in Syria (by Israel or USA) on ISIS and they will blame it on Iran and vice versa Iran will blame USA or Israel . Both sides will be secretly happy it happened though. http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/03/31/Syrian-army-secures-mountain-area-near-Damascus-Syrian-TV.html http://news.sky.com/story/1459547/refugee-crisis-as-islamic-state-nears-damascus
  13. the_engineer

    Fidel Castro

    Still can't believe he is still going!! Fidel and vera lynn I thought would be long gone by now .
  14. the_engineer

    That UK Election Thing

    A guy at work was talking about the election today he seems to think Ed Milliband will be another Neil Kinnock . I'm predicting another lib dem / conservative coalition , cons short by 10 to 12 lib dem will retain that amount of seats (they're actually people still dumb enough to vote for them) and the status quo will always be favourable to politicians.
  15. the_engineer


    Surgeries take their toll on the body , the human body isn't meant to be put to sleep and cut open. She is probably had around 50 surgeries but barring a killer infection she will probably live a long time yet. Cancer of the throat is something she should watch out for though.
  16. the_engineer

    Martin Crowe

    He has given up living he said he was only holding on to see the world cup and to see if New Zealand win it . Sam Simon is a prime example of someone fighting everyday and how much extra time it does give you . I expect him to go soon but he probably still has a few things to sort out and to get stuff in order . I will go for April 29th 8pm local time
  17. the_engineer

    Martin Crowe

    I know who i'm supporting now. Hope New Zealand do it .
  18. the_engineer

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Good spot!! Early contender for my 2016 list.
  19. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    Another one with a connection to A certain mr nasty . Gives bail to his peado friend , his publicist turns out to be a one of the worst offenders and now a guy he worked with for years on a talent show is probably one too. He must be a really bad judge of character . No one earns 300 million pounds (especially in the entrainment industry) and is that stupid or inept judge of character. People like him have their ear to the ground and know what is going on and what will go on. No wonder he lowered the age to 14 to enter he competitions and had a baby to stop people questioning why he hadn't had children and settled down yet. 30 years time we might have another jimmy savile like scandal on our hands when he dies .
  20. the_engineer

    Jimmy Savile

    You don't have to be standing up to rape someone By the looks of it the fat,lazy peado c##t never stood up for anything .
  21. the_engineer

    Paul Gascoigne

    Yea I saw it in october even from a few pics (check my post in this thread) , the body language said it all . Gold digger and embarrassed to show any sort of affection in public and put as much space between her body and his , hunched shoulders etc. surely he was getting red flags then?Also he revealed he hasn't slept with her and they have been dating 5 months very odd unless your young and virgins saving for marriage which these clearly aren't. The alcohol has frazzled all his senses and sadly he will be taken advantage of again and again.
  22. the_engineer


    Totally unrelated to deaths but this was sent to me not so long ago and its an amazing wrestling video . Sums Triple H's character up perfectly and there are loads of hot women in it. ' Wrestling isn't wrestling ' its called. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYvMOf3hsGA
  23. the_engineer


    They reckon the dropkick (before the 619) and the ropes done the damage to him . The drop kick causing his head to go one with then hitting the ropes and going the other way broke his neck. But f##king retard Konan (shown in other videos more clearly not this one) shaking the guy while he is unresponsive is disgusting and could have ended any chance of him being saved. I remember hearing Jesse Sorensen saying he was millimetres away from death and slightest wrong move and it would of cut the nerves in his neck that controls breathing , same could of happened to this guy. Very unprofessional and wouldn't be surprised if Konan is fired for that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWGkRS3076s
  24. the_engineer

    Inverse Dead Pool 2K12

    So did I. Here are the scores after Mike Porcaro's demise. =1st - Death Impends - 0 points =1st - Magere Hein - 0 points =1st - Toast - 0 points 4th - Deathray - 5 points =5th - Bibliogryphon - 6 points =5th - CaptainChorizo - 6 points 7th - Garn2 - 7 points =8th - the_engineer - 10 points =8th - maryportfuncity - 10 points 10th - The Dead Cow - 13 points 11th - Book - 17 points 12th - msc - 23 points 13th - Dr_T - 34 points I just noticed I picked Bruce Forsyth twice , Genuine mistake . I don't get anything for a pair in this game do I ? I will allow you to replace one of your Brucies, but if he dies you will receive double points for whichever one you choose to keep. I will also give you a 1 point penalty. New scores! =1st - Death Impends - 0 points =1st - Magere Hein - 0 points =1st - Toast - 0 points 4th - Deathray - 5 points =5th - Bibliogryphon - 6 points =5th - CaptainChorizo - 6 points 7th - Garn2 - 7 points 8th - maryportfuncity - 10 points 9th - the_engineer - 11 points 10th - The Dead Cow - 13 points 11th - Book - 17 points 12th - msc - 23 points 13th - Dr_T - 34 points I've just noticed I listed 25 but put brucie up twice . Hence the reason there are 2 number 2 picks. All that is needed is too delete the brucie in 2) and good to go. Have I just mistook my own mistake?
  25. the_engineer

    Inverse Dead Pool 2K12

    So did I. Here are the scores after Mike Porcaro's demise. =1st - Death Impends - 0 points =1st - Magere Hein - 0 points =1st - Toast - 0 points 4th - Deathray - 5 points =5th - Bibliogryphon - 6 points =5th - CaptainChorizo - 6 points 7th - Garn2 - 7 points =8th - the_engineer - 10 points =8th - maryportfuncity - 10 points 10th - The Dead Cow - 13 points 11th - Book - 17 points 12th - msc - 23 points 13th - Dr_T - 34 points I just noticed I picked Bruce Forsyth twice , Genuine mistake . I don't get anything for a pair in this game do I ?

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