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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/avril-lavigne-reveals-health-issues/story?id=27497280 Don't know if anyone saw this but avril lavigne is having health issues. I'm guessing mental or drug problems (but she is keeping it secret) rather than maybe cancer or something like that, but who knows.
  2. the_engineer

    Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

    Where did you get that notion from? Queenie & Co are as popular among the great unwashed as they ever were... You think ? Not too sure with cuts and people feeling their wages squeezed they're naturally going to a rise in opposition . http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/theroyalfamily/10206708/Confidence-in-British-monarchy-at-all-time-high-poll-shows.html value for money question shows 43% think they're 40% think they are not worth the money . Alot of these polls are fixed anyway though.
  3. the_engineer

    Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

    Interesting theory about prince Harry , with us Brits turning against the royal family another accident like Diana might be on the cards to get sympathy and cull the rebel Harry who is more like his mum they say. I'm going to say paul o grady saw him on the TV just a minute ago for he first time in ages looks like he has aged alot . Massive heart attack sometime next year me thinks.
  4. the_engineer

    Luise Rainer

    I would I would love to stick my spoon in her hot creamy drink too .
  5. the_engineer

    So, How's Your 2015 Shortlist Looking?

    well stella young got a UK obit and she isn't very famous if we are being honest , i had never heard of her until she had died . http://www.theguardi...y-activist-dies
  6. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    She has a dog and I have heard so many stories about people who have not killed themselves when they planned to over the thought they would leave their pet alone with no one to care for them. Could easily see her committing suicide in the next couple of years though especially if her dog were to die . So sad losing so many people quite quickly in life.
  7. the_engineer

    So, How's Your 2015 Shortlist Looking?

    Don't forget billy graham he was at deaths door near the end of December and pretty much everyone picked him. To me this year has been the most unpredictable since i have joined this site though maybe their was one even more unpredictable before i joined . I have about 10 names locked and about 25 that I need to whittle down to 13 , 10 for main list and 3 back ups .
  8. the_engineer

    Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

    I could see something like that happening, two members of the royle family dying quite close to each other (within weeks/couple of months) life is sometimes like that.
  9. the_engineer

    Stephen Hawking

    We're nowhere near creating artificial intelligence, but if we were, having intelligent things on Earth might actually be a Good Thing. regards, Hein With the state of the world at the moment with the middle east,the general lack of compassion for fellow humans and people like kim kashardian being seen as role models humanity is long since lost. Its actually a good time to be alive as humans are still near the top of the mountain that we are slowly descending. Falling birth rates around the world apart from religious nuts and diseases like ebola and antibiotic resistance spells a very bleak future for all concerned. Who knows in 10000 years time humans may not exist at all and could have been replaced by the machines we created and if so then that is evolution in practice . Human beings replaced the Neanderthal's afterall and someone will replace us . Humans are turning more like machines everyday anyway I see it with every newer generation (yea and i'm only in my mid 20s) people becoming more socially awkward and withdrawn that equals less friends /girlfriends / boyfriends and see japan for their fertility rates and the result of that. But when argumentation comes along if we get that far then what? If a human being has more robotic parts than human parts is he or she still considered human ?
  10. the_engineer

    The 10th Death Of 2014

    Definitely could see 4 to 5 hits in December . Sam simon ,zsa zsa (could die at anytime), luise rainer , billy graham , joao . Would make it interesting next year if alot of low hanging fruit died in December.
  11. the_engineer

    The 10th Death Of 2014

    zsa zsa
  12. the_engineer

    Sam Simon

    So, he ain't dying yet... Steroids ?
  13. the_engineer

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    ALS is the american name for it , Motor neuron disease I think (don't quote me on this) is the British / technical term for it .
  14. the_engineer

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    Looking at it you would think he was beating the odds but the fact he was given 2-5 years to live in may 2011 makes it less so, if he is still here in 2017 then he could very well be beating the odds.The fact that he is in such good shape might have something to do with it . If his arms and muscles were stronger and bigger than the average joe naturally (along with will power) it would take longer to decline. He is firmly in the grip of ALS now and i would be shocked if he made it to 2017. But then you have Chris woodhead still here 8 years after diagnosis so ALS can be ambiguous .
  15. the_engineer

    How To Make Friends And Influence People

    2022 will be the worst world cup and that is a fact . Empty stadiums though I have a feeling the Qatari's will fill the stadiums with whats left of the workforce (not out of the goodness of their heart but because no one has turned up). But don't worry i'm sure Qatar will buy and import fans from india and rest of middle east . The world cup could cost 200 billion in 2011 Qatar's GDP was 181 billion so who is paying for it? This world cup in 2022 could actually kill the world cup as a spectacle and alot of people come 2026 may have simply lost interest. International football attendance is already on the decline, you start messing with the world cup too and it may take decades to recover if at all. Th whole thing is a fucking joke I hate to see injustice and the fact this report has cleared qatar is disgusting. Nepalese have had their passports taken they're forced to work and haven't been paid in over 6 months in a dangerous/lethal environment and apparently there is nothing wrong with that. Then the messing with the league seasons holding it in the winter , who really wants to travel around Christmas to watch football in the desert ? Not exaggerating but i could probably list another 10 or more glaring errors and problems with hosting the world cup there . I still think the world cup won't be held there it all comes down to money at the end of the day and i think the arabs in qatar will realise even 200 billion is too much for them and fifa will realise there is no profits to be had from 2022 world cup .
  16. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Those fiendish Cornish people again eh? No i'm thinking AL - ginster
  17. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    The assassin O' Neil definitely gave the comment more thought. If anyone assassinates him it will be the US secret service and i'm sure some pasty will get blamed for it . Or he will die in a plane crash like half the rest of seal team six .
  18. the_engineer

    Peter Sutcliffe

    Real hammer blow to sutcliffe's health that Real hammer blow to sutcliffe's health that is.
  19. the_engineer

    Sam Simon

    Four days without tweeting, but today a new tweet and some retweets. Surely Sam is reading this forum and tries his best to disappoint you. :-) Highly doubt it will disappoint anyone as most people picked him this year and if he doesn't die this year virtually everyone will pick him next year. No one really wants him to die we save that for the evil ones (see ian brady ,peter sutcliffe) but that's life and he is dying .
  20. the_engineer


    Chyna has turned her life around now she is off the drugs and eating fruit and veg by the bucket load and exercising !! Looks alot better and seems to be in a better place mentally , though she still can't let the Triple H ,steph thing go. Be surprised if she would die but she has admitted trying suicide before in the past so i guess that wouldn't be out of the question in the future. https://www.youtube....hBN2N_eCd1GEJmA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQtVgyr__so&index=4&list=UUl3UAzDmhBN2N_eCd1GEJmA
  21. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    http://topinfopost.c...d-in-california Author of 9/11 conspiracy theories ,his two kids and dog is found dead , was it murder suicide? Or was he about to reveal smoking gun evidence , or was he simply used to send a message don't cross the American and saudi governments? Doesn't stop there though you would be surprised how many Truthers ,investigative journalists and such have died since 9/11 under questionable circumstances. This one always stands out to me as he clearly wasn't the type of gun to do such a thing having found out and done some research on him.
  22. the_engineer

    Denis Norden

    Is this information from his "driver" again? If so, fuck off. Worst driver since David Coulthard, and/or the 1999 video game. Was that the game your couldn't get out of the car ? Must of spent about 30mins trying to figure out how to get out of it only to be disappointed you couldn't. Then again the game was called driver, I guess I only had myself to blame lol
  23. the_engineer

    Internet Celebrities

    Christina newman Has about 10k subs and has been fighting and documenting her battle with cancer since jan 2011, very sad she has young child too !! R.I.P
  24. the_engineer

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    who remembers this video ? The guy (Gary Plauche) who pulled the trigger sadly died a few days ago at 68 http://www.nola.com/news/baton-rouge/index.ssf/2014/10/gary_plauche_man_who_made_nati.html
  25. the_engineer

    Paul Gascoigne

    wow he has aged alot in the last few months and looks even worse than usual. My grandfather looked better and younger than him at 76 when he died. Sorry but the body language of that woman he is with clearly shows her pulling away from him and holding his hand but trying keep a great distance between them and look at those hunched up shoulders. Clearly a gold digger and it will be more heartbreak for gazza. I think he missed his last chance when he was sent to America and was clean for a good few months , think its only a matter of 2 to 3 years now. Sad really but to me it seems he is trying to relive his football days of going out and getting drunk and partying he just can't except he is getting older and his football days are behind him.

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