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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    The 9th Death Of 2014

    sam simon It will one day I can guarantee you that I went for sam simon.
  2. the_engineer

    Life In Prison

    I really can't believe he got away with it , feel so bad for reeva's parents. How that judge swallowed his story i'll never know . Maybe she thought she had to balance it up for the whole OJ thing . Jokes aside though I wonder if this is an example of a black ruled south Africa being lenient because he is white , as to show they aren't treating whites harshly in new multicultural south Africa , might look bad a black judge sending down a white person. Or is it simply because he is rich , famous and sympathy for being disabled ?
  3. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    I fear that IS have enough hostages in stock to plan a 12 Days of Christmas spectacular, or at least some other Yuletide surprise to divert the attention of us Kafirs away from the usual fare of the Queen's Speech and re-runs of Only Fools and Horses. Aye, it'll be Only Fools and Headless, then. Stick him in a orange jumpsuit I'll fetch the hatchet from the van because if you want a beheading and you don't ask questions then brother i'm your imam where these hostages come from is a mystery its like not eat pork or bow 5 times daily .
  4. the_engineer

    The Chequered Flag

    Wow how unlucky is david purley survives that then dies in plane crash . Seems he survived though because most of the damage was to his legs and ribs ,had it been his head probably a different story same with kenny brack . I thinking jules bianchi would be a better pick for 2015 at this point than schumacher .
  5. the_engineer

    The Chequered Flag

    Interesting link. According to jules bianchi's father he has widespread brain injures and diffuse axonal injury . Essentially he injuries are worse than Michael schumacher's with 90% never regaining consciousness. Apparently no one has ever survived such a serious incident either and its already a miracle he is still here. http://www.theguardi...la-one-marussia sorry mods Should delete this. I just read previous posts and this has already been posted
  6. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    Don't see why they would mention the medical condition unless she needs regular medicine and they think someone took her. Then again I have heard suicide is quite high among native Americans so that could be a possibility . So you're sayin they don't have any reservations about offing themselves Well they do but only the small pox y ones.
  7. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    Don't see why they would mention the medical condition unless she needs regular medicine and they think someone took her. Then again I have heard suicide is quite high among native Americans so that could be a possibility .
  8. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    He sounds so depressed suicide shouldn't be ruled out either .
  9. the_engineer

    The Chequered Flag

    http://www.news.com.au/sport/motorsport/jules-bianchi-crash-video-surfaces-of-f1-incident-at-japanese-grand-prix/story-fnec578q-1227082081644 Video footage has emerged of the crash , there is a vine on that page . I can't believe he is still alive looks absolutely horrific , i changed my opinion after seeing that if he can have some sort of normal life after this its amazing and if he does race again its a miracle .
  10. the_engineer

    The Chequered Flag

    I think he will be ok . The helmet looks to be in good condition far better than what i expected and it looks like he went right under the tow truck. I wonder if they had to get a tow truck to remove the tow truck?The irony in that. I think he will recover maybe take a year or two out of formula 1 and come back . http://autosprint.corrieredellosport.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/01.jpg
  11. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2014

    The bastards have done it. Edit: Sorry Charon, didn't click on the link. I have a theory he was set up by his so called friends , rumour has it the charity he worked for and his buddies were being investigated for terrorist funding. http://www.dailymail...-militants.html http://www.telegraph...a-Siddiqui.html He was captured just 30 mins after he entered syria. http://www.dailymail...-unIslamic.html I wonder if his so called friends will be getting investigated now (they may have held off incase it affected Alan's life) . I wouldn't be surprised if one of his so called friends had a cousin/brother fighting for ISIS and arranged to drop him off. May seem harsh but the guy was too busy traveling to Syria last Christmas to spend it with his family and didn't even bother to look into the charity he was going half way around the world for. Absolute staggering level of naivety and with no second thought for his wife and kids. Quite Literally a Lamb led to the slaughter house .
  12. the_engineer

    Jonathan King

    Jonathan King is not a paedophile. Fact. Bit of a grey area all round, The Daily Mail seem content to use the words "child sex abuser" in the context of his conviction for abusing teenage boys: http://www.dailymail...ry-Genesis.html There's no grey area at all, Tempus is just being weird for the sake of being weird on this particular matter..... Paedophile has a very specific definition, as King's youngest victim was 14 he can't be classed as a paedophile. You don't think he would of abused children if given the chance ? I'm sure Johnathan king wouldn't of turned away at the chance to abuse a 10 year old, or younger and for all we know he may well of done given what happened at the BBC with Savile and co. He looks like one Creepy bas**rd even his wiki profile pic is creepy him in a dressing gown posing for a selfie . Whose wiki profile pic is a pic they took themselves in their dressing gown at home. The guy is a paedo end of story and he is one of the few celebs i genuinely hope dies as soon as possible, well maybe not until I have picked him in 2015. haha Im not comfortable making a blanket assumption that somebody who "is into" teenagers is automatically going to be into pre pubescent children. Its like suggesting that all homosexuals have an unhealthy interest in underage boys because, well, they are queer, right? There is a big difference between teenagers and young children, if there wasn't then scum like Robert Black whouldnt have targeted the victims he did, would he. Well if Johnathan king was simply into teenagers why didn't he just shag 16 to 18 year olds legally ? People change alot from 12 to 16 , when i was 14 i was still very much built and acted more childlike by the time i was 16 i had grew nine inches and was built more like an adult . It also said he abused the trust of the kids parents , so I'm guessing he groomed them . 5 of the boys he assaulted were 14 to 15 surely if he was into teens he would of at least had 1 or 2 victims aged 18 or 19 etc . The homosexuality analogy (no punt intended) is nothing like that . A man convicted of shagging young boys (not the swiss football team haha) is clearly in my eyes a paedo whereas two homosexual men have consensual sex has nothing to do with paedophilia at all . To be fair, your answer has not justified your argument that King WOULD have abused a young child had he got the chance. He may well have fucked a few 18 or 19 year olds but we wont know about those because, as adults, the sex was consensual, unless any start coming forwards with allegations of rape. Look, countless men have had their wives and girlfriends dress up like schoolgirls for sex, are you saying that they are paedos too? Like I said, there is a distinct difference between preteen children and 14/15 year old teens hurtling into adulthood. Sexual preferences can be and are distinct, the difference between an adult having a sexual attraction to a child or a "youth" is as distinct as you or me having a sexual interest in Kelly Brook or Zsa Zsa Gabor. A peadophile is generally defined as someone with a preference for prepubescent children. Believe it or not even paedophiles have their limits when it comes to how young they are attracted to. I wouldn't say King was a paedophile, more of a preferential sex offender who preyed on young teens because of their young age, and also how easily influenced they can be at times. I don't think a schoolgirl fantasy is paedophilic afterall a girl can still be in school at 16 and legal to have sex. Also the reason school fantasy is popular is it takes the man/boy back to when they started becoming sexually awoken. Experiencing girls for the first time ,usually at school and they usually wearing said uniform . I have had on many occasions a 19 year old japanese school girl as my profile pic. Also i could never fantasise about kelly brook but zsa zsa on the other hand... I guess i just don't want to give Johnathan king the benefit of the doubt i don't think he deserves it. He certainly preyed upon them for their young age like you said that is for sure.
  13. the_engineer

    Jonathan King

    Jonathan King is not a paedophile. Fact. Bit of a grey area all round, The Daily Mail seem content to use the words "child sex abuser" in the context of his conviction for abusing teenage boys: http://www.dailymail...ry-Genesis.html There's no grey area at all, Tempus is just being weird for the sake of being weird on this particular matter..... Paedophile has a very specific definition, as King's youngest victim was 14 he can't be classed as a paedophile. You don't think he would of abused children if given the chance ? I'm sure Johnathan king wouldn't of turned away at the chance to abuse a 10 year old, or younger and for all we know he may well of done given what happened at the BBC with Savile and co. He looks like one Creepy bas**rd even his wiki profile pic is creepy him in a dressing gown posing for a selfie . Whose wiki profile pic is a pic they took themselves in their dressing gown at home. The guy is a paedo end of story and he is one of the few celebs i genuinely hope dies as soon as possible, well maybe not until I have picked him in 2015. haha Im not comfortable making a blanket assumption that somebody who "is into" teenagers is automatically going to be into pre pubescent children. Its like suggesting that all homosexuals have an unhealthy interest in underage boys because, well, they are queer, right? There is a big difference between teenagers and young children, if there wasn't then scum like Robert Black whouldnt have targeted the victims he did, would he. Well if Johnathan king was simply into teenagers why didn't he just shag 16 to 18 year olds legally ? People change alot from 12 to 16 , when i was 14 i was still very much built and acted more childlike by the time i was 16 i had grew nine inches and was built more like an adult . It also said he abused the trust of the kids parents , so I'm guessing he groomed them . 5 of the boys he assaulted were 14 to 15 surely if he was into teens he would of at least had 1 or 2 victims aged 18 or 19 etc . The homosexuality analogy (no punt intended) is nothing like that . A man convicted of shagging young boys (not the swiss football team haha) is clearly in my eyes a paedo whereas two homosexual men have consensual sex has nothing to do with paedophilia at all . Quite. It's true ladies !!
  14. the_engineer

    Jonathan King

    Jonathan King is not a paedophile. Fact. Bit of a grey area all round, The Daily Mail seem content to use the words "child sex abuser" in the context of his conviction for abusing teenage boys: http://www.dailymail...ry-Genesis.html There's no grey area at all, Tempus is just being weird for the sake of being weird on this particular matter..... Paedophile has a very specific definition, as King's youngest victim was 14 he can't be classed as a paedophile. You don't think he would of abused children if given the chance ? I'm sure Johnathan king wouldn't of turned away at the chance to abuse a 10 year old, or younger and for all we know he may well of done given what happened at the BBC with Savile and co. He looks like one Creepy bas**rd even his wiki profile pic is creepy him in a dressing gown posing for a selfie . Whose wiki profile pic is a pic they took themselves in their dressing gown at home. The guy is a paedo end of story and he is one of the few celebs i genuinely hope dies as soon as possible, well maybe not until I have picked him in 2015. haha Im not comfortable making a blanket assumption that somebody who "is into" teenagers is automatically going to be into pre pubescent children. Its like suggesting that all homosexuals have an unhealthy interest in underage boys because, well, they are queer, right? There is a big difference between teenagers and young children, if there wasn't then scum like Robert Black whouldnt have targeted the victims he did, would he. Well if Johnathan king was simply into teenagers why didn't he just shag 16 to 18 year olds legally ? People change alot from 12 to 16 , when i was 14 i was still very much built and acted more childlike by the time i was 16 i had grew nine inches and was built more like an adult . It also said he abused the trust of the kids parents , so I'm guessing he groomed them . 5 of the boys he assaulted were 14 to 15 surely if he was into teens he would of at least had 1 or 2 victims aged 18 or 19 etc . The homosexuality analogy (no punt intended) is nothing like that . A man convicted of shagging young boys (not the swiss football team haha) is clearly in my eyes a paedo whereas two homosexual men have consensual sex has nothing to do with paedophilia at all .
  15. the_engineer

    Jonathan King

    Jonathan King is not a paedophile. Fact. Bit of a grey area all round, The Daily Mail seem content to use the words "child sex abuser" in the context of his conviction for abusing teenage boys: http://www.dailymail...ry-Genesis.html There's no grey area at all, Tempus is just being weird for the sake of being weird on this particular matter..... Paedophile has a very specific definition, as King's youngest victim was 14 he can't be classed as a paedophile. You don't think he would of abused children if given the chance ? I'm sure Johnathan king wouldn't of turned away at the chance to abuse a 10 year old, or younger and for all we know he may well of done given what happened at the BBC with Savile and co. He looks like one Creepy bas**rd even his wiki profile pic is creepy him in a dressing gown posing for a selfie . Whose wiki profile pic is a pic they took themselves in their dressing gown at home. The guy is a paedo end of story and he is one of the few celebs i genuinely hope dies as soon as possible, well maybe not until I have picked him in 2015. haha
  16. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    ISIS are now only 1 hour away from baghdad http://www.independe...ck-9763658.html If they manage to get to the urban parts and civilian parts (Guerrilla warfare) , the death toll and blood letting will be horrific . These two along with all the politicians will have huge targets on their back for obvious reason's . http://en.wikipedia....Haider_al-Abadi http://en.wikipedia....Nouri_al-Maliki
  17. the_engineer

    Lynda Bellingham

    I can see her dying on December 30th just to be fooking awkward.
  18. the_engineer

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    http://carteblanche.dstv.com/player/617534/ update from September 2nd looks quite good considering.I think he will make it to next year now. He was quite muscular and in shape so his muscles may take longer to atrophy. It will be his 5th year next year and people with ALS are given 2 to 5 years. Will he beat the odds and survive to 2016 ?
  19. the_engineer

    Denis Norden

    This reminds me of how I felt every time I watched that show growing up!I think he along with Nicholas Parsons and John Craven are the most mind-numbingly boring TV presenters alive! Nicolas parsons I don't know because I don't think i ever seen him present a show but Yea nothing against john craven or denis norden but they bored me too. With Norden though it maybe because he was presenting a home video show / blooper reel show which I personally think are the worse shows, next to judging panel talent competition shows.
  20. the_engineer

    Leonard Nimoy

    Nimoy was wheelchair bound last pic I saw of him , looks in bad shape.
  21. the_engineer

    Quiz Time

    5 out of 23 . 3 of those for knowing items of clothing i'm really not posh and thank god.
  22. the_engineer

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Dead 5 year ago ! He was on my 2015 list too. I wonder if anyone has had a pick on their list only to discover they died a while back and if so what was the longest period of time? http://www.bbc.co.uk...africa-29352927
  23. the_engineer

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    http://www.wrestling...l-Bearers-Sons/ One of paul bearer's son's. I feel really bad for Daniel moody , he lost his mum in 2009 his dad in 2013 and brother 2014 . Best wishes to him !!
  24. the_engineer


    Sunny got took away in a ambulance at a wrestling event today , people at the event said it was a seizure but she said she passed out due to not eating anything. Think its safe to say sunny isn't going to live into old age. http://www.ewrestlin...sed-out-details
  25. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    He also has an aggressive form of eating by the looks of it too.

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