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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    1966 Sara Leighton / b. 1937 Nina, Baroness van Pallandt / b. 1932 Virginia McKenna / b. 1931 Michael Craig / b. 1928 June Ritchie / b. 1938 Katharine Whitehorn / b. 1928 Arnold Wesker / b. 1932 Stephen Bishop / b. 1940 Chay Blyth / b. 1940 John Ridgway / b. 1938 Arnold Wesker dead, 83.
  2. time

    Jill Gascoine

    She was good in Euro 96.
  3. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Like this?
  4. time

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    FTFY before Toastie saw it!
  5. Where's that 'Only in America' thread? Fast food restaurant staff have been tricked into smashing windows to release dangerous levels of gas.
  6. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Richie Benaud, 1 year ago.
  7. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    I'll take Leonard Fenton (Dr. Legg, EastEnders, 89)
  8. time

    Hugh Hefner

    Money and sex....that's why Hugh is 90 today and he'll keep up until 100, I bet my ass he will i know that you mean, and in part you are right but... also it's probably that at his age can have an heart attack "during the act" Studies have shown that people who have lots of sex and enjoy it have a low chance of heart attack....meaning: heart is a muscle and he's pumping it to perfection.....his heart is healthier than my whole body, that's why MJ died at 50 Forever blowing bubbles. God smote him down. Incidentally, did those studies inform you as to the chance of a heart attack for people who have a lot of sex and don't enjoy it? Are there any? Then why do they have sex if they don't enjoy it? I love cake and I eat cake and I enjoy it, I don't enjoy onions so I don't eat them. Probably quite a lot of sex workers. They enjoy the money that comes from sex. Same thing. They get laid and earn hundreds for a 5 minute job, or less..... 1) Enjoying the money that comes from the job, doesn't equate to enjoying the job. 2) Bear in mind that many sex workers are coerced/ threatened/blackmailed into the role. I doubt they enjoy the job, and see precious little money from it.
  9. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    I'm, err, more accurate than Scraggy Taters!!!
  10. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Yup. I know that, I'm just trying to figure out what soap character Bill Teacher played? Not a character as such, but William Teacher can be found behind the bar in EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale etc. Already subtley cracked that gag (post 335) old bean. So you did. (but its whisky btw. He was a Scot).
  11. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    NO! Not sure what the point your making is, if you don't want to be part of it just don't enter. Can you tell me what soap Bill Teacher appeared in and as what character? your mom. I didn't realise you were a Brummie, MK. That's a bit off Toastie. You have now accused the good folk of Birmingham of being, well, illiterate. And as a literate Brummie, I wholeheartedly concur! No I didn't! My mom mum's family were Brummie and they say mom, not mum. And they were all Villa fans Looking forward to renewing the rivalry next season then.
  12. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Yup. I know that, I'm just trying to figure out what soap character Bill Teacher played? Not a character as such, but William Teacher can be found behind the bar in EastEnders, Coronation Street, Emmerdale etc.
  13. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    I prefer to phone a random Brussell sprout. Not phoning random taters? Still, each to his own. Might I suggest you phone this one, he looks like he needs cheering up.
  14. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    NO! Not sure what the point your making is, if you don't want to be part of it just don't enter. Can you tell me what soap Bill Teacher appeared in and as what character? your mom. I didn't realise you were a Brummie, MK. That's a bit off Toastie. You have now accused the good folk of Birmingham of being, well, illiterate. And as a literate Brummie, I wholeheartedly concur!
  15. time

    Gangster, Gangster

    Albert Donoghue, Kray twins enforcer-turned-informant, dead at 80.
  16. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Leukemia, withdrawn from public life...http://uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/idUKKCN0W42RB
  17. time

    The Beatles Death Curse

    I still think that George Harrison was the coolest Beatle - at least for the Deathlist. He smoked himself to death, got brain cancer and fought off an armed attacker by chanting Hare Krishna!!in that order? That is cool!
  18. time

    Ask A Deathlister

    Simple answer, no, you can't change Excel's mind. Google offers a multitude of answers involving macros, conversions etc., but if all you're doing is using it to determine age at death, why not enter years in 2 digit format, making Excel believe you're interested in (say) 1986 and died in 2085?
  19. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Phone a random Swede.
  20. time

    Dead Drummers

    David Bowie's (amongst others) drummer Dennis Davis, dead after 'cancer battle'.
  21. Which one? Hopefully not this one.
  22. time


    Bad Mary! But made me laugh.
  23. time


    Ray Fitzwalter, BAFTA winning editor of World in Action, has died. For those too young to remember, World in Action was a current affairs show, back when ITV had programmes worth watching.
  24. time

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    I know that anything is possible with Zsa Zsa but there is surely no way she is heading back to Hungary to die as surely knowone would insure her for the trip and also it would be a nightmare getting all her medical equipment and Doctors on board also she would surely die before she reached Hungary. I also doubt the story is true as Zsa Zsa is so far gone with her Dementia she won't know what Day it is never mind be considering returning to Hungary, just another case of Von Anhalt creating a news story. Sedate her, wheel her around the block while someone throws some fresh paint at the walls. Wheel her back in. Tell her she's in Hungary, she's dies happy. Everyone wins.

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