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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Alex Higgins (And Snooker)

    He's a knob. Always has been always will be.
  2. time

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I realised the mistake I had made after I posted that. I did read Time's Signature which I got from the local library but very little of it stayed with me. I am not sure Doctor Who is suited to the short story format. It's in the library? Do I get royalties?
  3. time

    The 3rd death of 2016

    Billy Graham. Might as well keep up the losing streak.
  4. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    25 years since we said away you go to athletics coach & BBC commentator/presenter Ron Pickering, aged 60.
  5. time

    From Cleric To Relic

    Geoffrey Robinson has always sounded to me as much an opportunist as the Howard Marks's or Lynne Stewarts of the world. I didn't include him anywhere this year--I simply don't believe he's in as dire straits as presented at testimony. I need more news updates on his 'condition' with a quote from or visit to a physician at the very least before he even makes a 2017 list.SC Assuming you're under the impression that this is another Megrahi gambit, Robinson's been a longtime advocate for the Catholic Church to be far, far more transparent regarding its child abuse, rather than someone who was hiding information, so I doubt he'd be hamming up his ailment. I could see him lasting for some time, but that's moreso because the cancer is still stable last I've read of him and not because of deliberate exaggeration. It's quite a simple rule IMHO: if a person could 'potentially' use a health matter to obtain public sympathy, no matter how scant, they sure as hell are doing it. Don't be a lemming, don't believe the hype. It's my rule and it works for me; dismiss as you feel appropriate. I think history favors my position though. Citing an opposing name or two when you know I can throw at least a 2:1 ratio back at u is a disingenuous position. Talk to the hand. Insert Robinson into the rule and there you go. It's funny it's only ever the criminal or their attorney who proffer doomsday health, never a doctor on the stand confirming it. Think about it. SC Howard Marks has been out of prison for over 20 years, so I don't get why you keep including him in your list of jail-dodging malingerers. Rules is rules.
  6. time

    31. Louis Farrakhan

    I put "Dr Zorders" into there, and got: Muddaththir "Your Taxi Driver" el Sayidul Mursaleen I put my real name in and got Rasool ul Mulaahim "He who Flies with Bang" bin Miftaah ul Jannah Not quite sure why this is the Louis Farrakhan thread though!
  7. time


  8. time

    Barry Manilow

    They've just released the X-ray detailing why oral surgery was needed. Jeez, I thought it was a nose job!!
  9. time


    Let's think about this. I suppose that when a really famous person dies, in the phil/pope/potus class, any and all newspaper with an eye on world events will carry the news. Possibly in thousands of languages. My current rules say: present the evidence and points will be awarded if its language can be identified and if it is one of the 291 languages that have a Wikipedia. I don't expect obits written in Latin, but if you find one in a reliable news source (doesn't the Vatican do a news bulletin in Latin?) you're in luck. The trouble with a cap is that any number lower than 291 is arbitrary. Hell, my choice of what are qualifying languages is utterly arbitrary. Contenders get a week to find QOs in as many QLs as they can. They can also let other members, who have the same hit, do the work. They all score the same, barring jokers. I'm not keen on a cap, but if somebody has ideas or a new perspective, spit it out. Oh, and the period of the deadline can be shorter. How about a day? A day's too short. Some of us do work, you know! But, your ball, your rules.
  10. time

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Feb 21st. Give him until the end of the week to decide to pull the plug.
  11. time

    By-Election Bingo

    FAO Maryport The Voice of YMP might be on for a good one here, long term. Mike Gapes had a heart attack, and was only released from hospital last week, 2 months on. Shit, he's lording it over me already without this encouraging boost. This ain't a sprint, ain't a marathon but it's an ultra-marathon, right. Well unless some blue ones start dying we have still got another 50 months to play. Maybe a nice hotel stopover in Brighton... No. That would fuck up my journey to work!
  12. time


    Not only dropped
  13. time

    Language Barrier

    1. Not interchangeable at all. Continuously = uninterrupted Continually = repeatedly Numerous on-line resources explain this. 2. The Canadians were right.
  14. In the 90s I worked in London for half a year. I didn't call myself immigrant nor expat, nothing at all, really. I didn't have the esprit to present myself as a gastarbeiter. Well I've been here for 12 years now, so I suppose I would fall under the category of an immigrant. A gastarbeiter or guest worker, conjures up the definition that you're working on contract from a company that has offices in different countries. I prefer the term 'resident alien'.
  15. time

    Burt Reynolds

    This one, about his dad, ain't fun for us: even less so for them.
  16. time

    Liam Neeson

    Denies its Kristen Stewart. Bookies favourite is Susan Sarandon (which almost certainly means it isn't).
  17. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    14 years ago actor Barry Foster, everyone's favourite Dutch detective & serial killer, died aged 74.
  18. time

    Burt Reynolds

    80 Today Here's some 'fun facts'.
  19. time

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Ilyin, dead aged 84
  20. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    There's no need to pander to SC's 5 year rule, as that is entirely his own invention. Would you could lay off that, mate. I make no demands you are free to post what you like, including 1 month anniversaries for all I care. Having no rules means you can post literally every dead person's name every single year. If that's what you want to do, enjoy yourself using your free hand to mouse click. My last words on the matter. SirC Maybe not recently... http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7017&p=234715 http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7017&p=226941 http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7017&p=225129 <pedantry> There's no such thing as a 'month anniversary', the word anniversary coming from the Latin annus (year) and vertere (to turn). The words 'mensiversary' (Latin mensis = month) and 'unciaversary' (Latin uncia = twelth part) have been suggested as alternatives. (Source) </pedantry>
  21. time


    I might give this a go, given that I can't be arsed to do all the important stuff I'm supposed to be doing I've got some spare time. Tracking down foreign language obits will give me something to do during quiet times at work. (Assuming I get any hits of course).
  22. time

    William Thickey

    All right all right! I've never listened to The Archers and I'm assuming the other thing is some American shite. I do recognise her face but don't know where from. To be honest, she looks like she could do with getting fingered more often. I don't know how listening to the Archers would help anyway...
  23. time

    Language Barrier

    Bagels aren't remotely like do(ugh)nuts (and I should know, I've eaten one bagel and loads of do(ugh)nuts). They are exactly how you describe them, though in my experience USAians have a tendecy to call things donuts which are more like round cakes with holes in, sponge-y rather than dough-y. Sprite v 7up v (British) Lemonade - yeah all pretty much taste the same, but wasn't it sprite that boasted it had 'the great taste of Limon', i.e. Lemon and Lime? I've just had a fizzy drink containing no sugars. Artificial sweeteners aplenty but no sugars. Just thought I'd mention this in passing.

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