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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Jimmy Savile

    stewardesses and trolley dollies are the same thing. They're also known as a "tart with a cart" and "wagon dragons".
  2. time


    Germany v Algeria best game I've seen so far, though that last 15 minutes of Belgium v USA was pretty good
  3. time

    Tennis players

    Are you suggesting he might top himself?
  4. time


    They are; Monday nights, 10pm (so we've already missed ep. 1. No iPlayer catchups available either, bastards!) That's alright, I've got it on DVD... so have I. Your recommendation I believe.
  5. time


    They are; Monday nights, 10pm (so we've already missed ep. 1. No iPlayer catchups available either, bastards!)
  6. time

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    I'm lead to believe its homoeopathy that's keeping him going - regular beef injections.
  7. time

    Room 101

    I dare you to go a week.
  8. time

    Rolf Harris

    I see what you mean. That is, I am struggling to see what they mean. Could well be heading towards an inability to reach a verdict, a retrail etc. etc. Really stressful all round and - s'cuse the cynicism - but a development that might put his wife on our 2015 radar as well. If i were Rolf (or his brief), based on what I've read here, i'd be questioning the suitability of the jury to make a decision on what to have in the sandwiches, let alone my/his guilt, or otherwise.
  9. time

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Mary Rodgers, author of Freaky Friday (originally filmed starring Jodie Foster, remade starring DL fave Lindsay Lohan) and daughter of Richard, has died aged 83.
  10. time

    Kirk Douglas

    That should be .......is it? Or maybe "....innit, ya get me?" if you want to be down with the kids.
  11. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Farrah Fawcett also died 5 years ago today at age 62. Farrah who?
  12. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Yes, seems she's only gone to work for Dr Lowther after all.
  13. time

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Jean Alexander, Hilda Ogden, gone to the great muriel in the sky
  14. time

    Eli Wallach

    Spaghetti Western star - pasta way.
  15. time

    Who Will Be The 5th Hit Of 2014?

    Dennis Norden again.
  16. time

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Cops kidnap comatose murder suspect from ICU, try to check him in as luggage, handcuff him to a bench, fall asleep and wake to find him dying. So farcical it has to be true!
  17. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    Stuntman Terry Richards, aged 81. Here he is in action in one of his most well-known scenes:
  18. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    Stuntman Terry Richards, aged 81. Here he is in action in one of his most well-known scenes:
  19. time

    Bovine Attacks

    Not a bovine attack, but a man has been killed after riding his motor-cycle into a cow in Russia. (as reported in the Mos-cow Times)
  20. time

    Political Frailty

    Can't find it anywhere, but forgive me if I've overlooked it it. Former TUC Gen Sec (84 to 93) Norman Willis has died aged 81.
  21. time

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Surely a winning margin! Well done Toastie!
  22. time

    Country For Old Men (And Women)

    Surely you mean 'sounds like'?
  23. time

    Deathlist 2014

    Sure. Post a link to the site once you've set it up. You missed the point, we could do it with the poll feature on this site and the thread system. I think you've missed the point of what DL is. You want to change it into something different - an elected list (Death Factor?), which may be fine as an idea for another site but not for DL. (Just my opinion of course)
  24. time

    Nicholas Parsons

    Anyone fancy a night out to see how he's looking?
  25. time

    2014 DDP Dumping Ground & Salvage Lot

    Isn't that where Hein comes from too?

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