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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Death By Jazz

    There's nine DDP teams cursing him for not waiting one more day. Tomorrow would have been his birthday.
  2. time

    Death By Jazz

    Maybe he's just taking five?
  3. time

    Academy Award Winners

    Oscar -winning special effects 'wizard' Eileen Moran has died from ovarian cancer. she was 'in her mid-50s'.
  4. time

    Room 101

    Its a woman having a baby FFS!!
  5. time


    Arsenal Chairman Peter Hill-Wood is in hospital recovering from a heart attack. He's apparently making a good recovery but at 76, just getting over pneumonia, its not looking that great for him long-term.
  6. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2013

    As I'm still 0 for 60, can you just take my 2012 teams and re-enter them? It'd save me the trouble of e-mailing them. Same goes for 2014. Cheers.
  7. time

    Work Or Home?

    Do you mention you know what on your CV?
  8. time

    Rolf Harris

    No, no-ones naming names except Mark Williams-Thomas. Its been re-tweeted 703 times. (Sally Bercow is not amongst them.) The Daily Mirror is running the story, crediting Williams-Thomas with breaking the news of the 'fourth man', but without naming him. Doubtless the rest of the press will be full of it too.
  9. time

    Chuck Berry

    If you're thinking rock is dead because of what's in the charts, you're using the wrong criterion by which to judge. The charts have never been rock-oriented; indeed its a novelty when a rock act hits the charts.
  10. time

    Rolf Harris

    Released. He hasn't been charged
  11. time

    Rolf Harris

    Ooh... Always did feel a bit uneasy about that Jake the Peg Not to mention Two Little Boys....
  12. time

    Academic Footnotes

    The coroner rules this an accidental death. Prof Rawlings suffered a heart attack after being restrained by Dr Sivia when the former attacked the latter.
  13. time

    Political Frailty

    Saudi King Abdullah is clinically dead, or he might be in good health. Either way, he underwent several hours of back surgery 10 days ago, so who knows? Stay tuned!
  14. time

    Art For Death's Sake

    Artist Lisa de Kooning, daughter of the more famous Willem, has died in the US Virgin Islands, aged 56. A police investigation is ongoing.
  15. time

    Time Added

    Ahhh...proper Man United managers! Fk off. He was the man who brought trophies to Stamford Bridge before that tosspot Roman Abramovich was even a twinkle in his fathers eye. He was also the last man to bring any honours England's way. He was a proper manager when we had proper football clubs. Those were the days. But would Chelsea fans now swap such serial success and that money being spent on players for the odd bit of glory? I like a trophy in the cabinet as much as the next fan, but football was so much simpler 40 years ago. You did have the sense that the trophy was won as a result of what happened on the pitch rather than what happened in the boardroom, but that's a whole other argument. I blame Murdoch.
  16. time

    Forum organisation

    I'm wonder if a separate forum for the dead is a good suggestion, if only because it means that topics must be moved there after a candidate dies. Considering the flak moderators get when they forget to stick the label "dead" to the dead, I'm not too keen on this idea. The topic of guest posting is a sensitive one. I rather like the principle, but I appreciate that guests' posts rarely contribute positively to the discussion. That said: the same is true of many members' posts. regards, Hein I can't help thinking a separate forum for the dead will be realllllllllllllllllllly quiet, but if you can get them to post, go for it! Why not!! A separate forum for guests however.... I'd go for that. But, as many have said, guests post shit, registered users post shit and its dead easy for a guest to register and post shit, so what would we gain by banning guests from posting (bearing in mind also that some guests posts may be useful or entertaining)?
  17. time

    Time Added

    Ahhh...proper Man United managers! Fk off. He was the man who brought trophies to Stamford Bridge before that tosspot Roman Abramovich was even a twinkle in his fathers eye. He was also the last man to bring any honours England's way. He was a proper manager when we had proper football clubs.
  18. time

    Reality TV

    FFS, Anybody who watches the show deserves to go. Anybody who admits so in a public forum, doubly so. (imo)
  19. time

    Margaret Thatcher

    Influential she may have been - that doesn't necessarily mean it was for the good.History is littered with influential people, many of whom were misguided, many of whom were downright evil.
  20. time

    Bruce Forsyth

    I think, like his jokes, he's waaayyyyy past his best and he should be put out to pasture. That's been the case for the past decade.
  21. time

    Ask A Deathlister

    No, but give it ten minutes and I might be, as I don't have to work tomorrow. In fact I didn't work today, and I don't have to go to work until Tuesday. Which is a good job, as I'm severely fucked off as I'm having to APPLY FOR MY OWN FUCKING JOB next week You pissed again Lardy? You're not a Chief Constable are you?
  22. time


    There was a profile of US-American photographer/film-maker William Klein on BBC the other night. He's 84, is looking a bit frail but shows no sign of slowing down. He's still working and was well enough (at time of shooting) to lead Alan Yentob around town. Its still up on iPlayer if you're so inclined.
  23. time

    Ask A Deathlister

    It works OK when I do it. I suspect that the clue is in the question, or rather the statement. Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again?
  24. time

    The English Language

    I cringe when I see some of what passes for English on the website of my local newspaper. I'm not talking about the 'readers' comments' below stories but the actual copy posted by jounalists. There are frequent typographical errors, numerous tautologies and downright confusing sentence constructs. I don't think this can be blamed on the proliferation of gadgets as, presumably, any prospective journalist would surely have to have reached a certain standard of written English. I conclude that this standard is now lower than it was in the past. I suspect that proof-readers are no longer the norm in the (local) newspaper publishing industry these days, which may explain how some of these errors creep through, but some of them can only be down to the journalists' ignorance.
  25. time

    Ronnie Biggs

    I see Ronnie's on the box again (ITV1 as we speak). I hope he's getting appearance money.

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