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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Life In Prison

    What about the other one?
  2. time

    Meat Loaf

    Two days later, he's taken ill and misses his appearance on 'Loose Women'. Mind you, they make me sick as well.
  3. time

    The Monkees

    You mean "i'm a Bereaver". Sadly, hes on the Last Train to Carks-ville.
  4. time

    The Monkees

    We got the wrong Monkee.
  5. Of course TV was much better 20+ years ago - there were only 4 channels - at most - to choose from (and I'm not sure Channel 4 had children's programmes). Now, there are so many channels the quality is spread far too thin, including far more dedicated children's programming. I'm also of the opinion that its far too much aiming for the lowest common denominator.
  6. time

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    I thought this was it!
  7. time

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    One of Frank Carson's contemporaries, Ken Goodwin has died aged 78 in a Welsh Nursing home. He was too good for this place.
  8. You see, that's what I've based my heavily-researched thesis on. From my understanding back in those days there was a clear class divide when it came to Blue Peter/Magp (and, I won't lie, I only vaguely understand what Magpie was, something to do with talk radio nutjob Tommy Boyd right?). And in my youthful days of the late 80s/early 90s, CBBC seemed a lot... worthier. CITV was all bright colours and people being splatted with cream pies and Knightmare with that beardy dude haunting my darkest dreams for the next two decades as he cackled over graphics of the children competing's faces turning to skulls and Julia Sawahalahala being a solid 7 on Press Gang. CBBC was just, like, lots of TV shows that had the faint aroma of Enid Blyton around them. And The Movie Game,which is as an obscure a reference as you'll ever see on this website. In the process of researching this answer (read: trying to remember what The Movie Game was called), I found out that the 1980 series of Screen Test was won by Jan Pinkava, director of Ratatouille. There must have been a shift around the late 70's early 80's; as a kid, my Grandparents (upper-working class) never watched BBC. It was always an effort to get them to put Dr Who (Hartnell/Troughton vintage) on if we happened to be visiting Saturday tea-time. At home, viewing was split between BBC and ITV. BBC - Jaqckanory, Blue Peter, Magic Roundabout, Crackerjack; ITV, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Tomorrow People, Lift Off with Ayshea (at least an 8, possibly 9) and the aforementioned Magpie.
  9. Spade that's bollocks. You know it's true. It's the CITV/CBBC divide. It's not a coincidence that New Labour's destruction of traditional values of working class values coincides with the death of CITV. Just to define the terms of reference, which era are you talking about? I was a working class kid of the 60s/early 70s and watched Blue peter until Jenny Hanley proved a greater attraction on Magpie.
  10. time

    Frank Carson

    It was the way he told 'em That's a croaker.
  11. time


    Shit, that's sad, I know knew her, one tough woman who'd already lost an eye in Sri Lanka. She was never the type to report from across the border like others do. She wanted to be where the action was so I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. RIP Marie. Always the way . With the high amount of scum journlists in the world one of the few good ones dies. Sadly, the scum journos never leave the safety of their PC.
  12. Not when I was a kid they didn't. (By which, I mean working class kids did too).
  13. time


    Sunday Times journalist Marie Colvin is reported killed in Homs, Syria, after the house in which she was staying was shelled.French photographer Remi Ochlik was also killed. Colvin was the only journalist for a British paper in the city.
  14. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    Head Dead-Head Dead. Jon McIntire, Grateful Dead's manager, credited with starting the 'Dead-Head movement, has died aged 70, from lung cancer.
  15. time

    Robert Mugabe

  16. time

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    A bit harsh on the guy driving the car that killed him to be wanted for causing death by dangerous driving. I mean who the hell expects/could avoid a sofa flying towards you in the middle of the road? I took it that it was the guy towing the sofa who was 'the accused'.
  17. time

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Sitting on the couch all day is bad for you.
  18. time

    Life In Prison

    The gay slayer , i wonder how many times he was slayed by gaymen in prison "...after making a New Year's resolution in 1993 to become a serial killer." Surely, nobody actually keeps New Year's resolutions?
  19. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2012

    This link works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustav_Lantschner It would appear from that that he did indeed die last year. At least it wasn't me this time.
  20. time

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Renato Dulbecco, 1975 Laureate for medicine, has died aged 97.
  21. Kerry Katona tells us about her family. If its all true (and you couldn't really make it up), its no wonder she's a mess.
  22. time

    Political Frailty

    Akihito's heart bypass 'a success'.
  23. time

    Prince Friso Of The Netherlands

    What, all of them? I think he is saying that all the Dutch are dead. And I don't believe him It'll be a shit DLCON if they are.
  24. time

    Prince Friso Of The Netherlands

    What, all of them?
  25. time

    Rupert Murdoch

    Cynical marketing ploy and desperate attempt to combine the appearance of being in charge (by the Murdochs) with the generation of some sympathy (for those losing jobs), and thereby deflect criticism of the phone hacking, or summat. I'm not sure how the company is structured financially but if NOTW is a separate financial entity and they suddenly stop the income stream, there'll be some chance of deflecting damages claims because there won't be anyone to sue. I thought as much How long do you think it'll be before the launch of 'The Sunday Sun', or summat similar? Coming 'Soon'!

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