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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Death List Convention

    Those of you (if any) planning to visit certain establishments unique to Amsterdam may find this interesting.
  2. time

    Political Frailty

    Former Albanian leader Ramiz Alia has died aged 86. He succeeded Enver Hoxha and was the country's last communist leader.
  3. time

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Actress Diane Cilento, Oscar nominee and Tony award winner, and former Mrs Sean Connery, has died aged 78, following a long illness.
  4. time

    Steve Jobs

    This from August works just as nicely now, I think...
  5. time

    From Cleric To Relic

    Nothing wrong with that...
  6. Duchess of Alba marries. So, Alfonso, what first attracted you to the billionaire eccentric 85 year old Duchess?
  7. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Found the little bastard after about 10 minutes last nightBehind the fence, innit? I give up. Where is the little fecker?Look to the greenery at the top right, look down under the path. The little shits just sitting there.I found it! OK, so I googled it. I am now officially less perceptive than a 13 year old. New glasses, mebby? New eyes? Brain? regards, Hein New glasses - Almost certainly. New eyes - Would help. Brain - needs a holiday, that's all.
  8. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Found the little bastard after about 10 minutes last night Behind the fence, innit? regards, Hein I give up. Where is the little fecker? Look to the greenery at the top right, look down under the path. The little shits just sitting there. I found it! OK, so I googled it. I am now officially less perceptive than a 13 year old.
  9. time

    Death List Convention

    Do both... The 2012 Deathlist European Tour...
  10. time

    The 6th Death Of 2011

    Shut the fuck up notaguest. Can we ban guest postings for a while. Until he buggers off... I think if we just make the captchas a bit more complicated by inserting a few punctuation marks he'll be really fucked.
  11. time


    Well, yes, she may have 'won' but its still unlikely she (or any other pub) will be allowed to show matches via imported decoders because of copyright issues. I await the ruling from British courts during ratification of the EU ruling with interest. Hopefully Sky will be forced to price their domestic coverage at a more realistic (i.e. cheaper) level.
  12. time

    Nobel Prize In Death

    It would appear the committee have decided he can keep the prize.
  13. time

    Nobel Prize In Death

    One of this years Nobel Laureates in medicine, Ralph Steinman, has died aged 68, days after winning the award. Edit: It may be he died days before receiving the award, as the report talks of the award being announced 'Monday' but isn't specific which Monday. Updated: Seems he did die before the award.
  14. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    I've come to the conclusion that the dog has chased it away.
  15. time

    Meat Loaf

    Judge his "performance" for yourselves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkEotyud3No...feature=related Reminds me on Probably not his greatest moment, but then again, surely the audience had gone to watch a football game (or whatever). This is .
  16. time

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    He'll probably die from the weight of that big chip he seems to be carrying on his shoulder.
  17. time

    Name Shame?

    Membership is only open to those applying in their native language. Have a nice day.
  18. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    Marv Tarplin, guitarist with the Miracles and co-writer of some of Smokey Robinson's biggest solo hits has died aged 70.
  19. time

    From Cleric To Relic

    Archbishop Philip Hannan who deliverd the eulogy for JFK (and RFK), has died aged 98.
  20. time

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Former Broward County Sheriff Nick Navarro has died aged 81. He initiallly came to prominence by featuring in the Fox TV show COPS, and gained more exposure when he ordered the arrest of 2 Live Crew for obscenity, arising from a performance of tracks from their album As Nasty as They Wanna Be.
  21. time

    World's Oldest

    World's Oldest Woman passes away. What another one? I hear you cry. According to the article, her date of birth only became official once she became a Turkish citizen, earlier this year.
  22. time

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Nearly... Brings tears to the eyes.
  23. time

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    Wilson Greatbatch, the man who invented (or advanced the development of) the cardiac pacemaker, has died, aged 92.
  24. time

    60 Minutes

    I knew there was a thread somwhere... Anyway, Andy Rooney is leaving 60 Minutes. He's approaching 93 years of age, make of it what you will.

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