And, let me present, "Hamsters in Hats": ~ Note their campaign against fluffy bedding ~ It's important.
So, sorry, buddy. You have been quite truly, literally and authentically compared to other freaks on the Internet (albeit in my own worrying mind). To confirm - so there can be no grey areas - I am saying that you lot are equally as scary as these fine exhibits and perfect comparitive material for the next freaky/nutty website I happen to wander into via Google's inadequacies...(and not my natural leanings because they are all borderline): "Hey, you weirdos, you'll never guess how weird you all are. You're as weird as this bunch of Celebrity Death Fans. No, really. I just hope you're still active and I'm not too late".
Syd - it's a shame that I've wasted a lot of my lunch break on Godot, as I feel you're the true brains of this outfit. Thanks for your post. It would all make sense except for one thing - if you look closely enough, you can find websites that uphold all of the worthy, satirical, irreverent, aspects of death, celebrity, etc, that don't endlessly have to scrape the bottom of the barrel (possibly out of desperation, possibly just to stir - who knows?). You see, once first impressions are that dire, you stretch your credibility, push away those with a hint of conscience and then the baying mob takes over. If it only feels interesting to be here when its purile, childlike or off-topic, then that creates a doomed paradox. To be fully immersed in an activity, you have to take seriously its main principles. Anyone seeking enlightenment and something a bit big and clever - as well as inane banality -- yes, we all seek a bit of that -- will shudder at what is generally disregarded by producing a carefully considered list, sitting back, and hoping...even making it a pastime...and then gleaming with joy, anticipating the banter, because they actually died. OMG, YAY!
Sorry, but for me to relax here, I'd have to feel I could wholly defend its vulgar intrinsics. This doesn't mean I couldn't otherwise (without prior imagining them dead) add to the topic of any renown individual passing away. And I do loathe a lot of celebrities...while standing in awe of many human achievements...Go humans!! Yes, I can see those sideline elements existing here; they are fine by me.
And so we've come full circle...and I'm bitterly disappointed in you all.
All? Even me? Well now, how can I cope with such a crushing indictment? I know, I'll ignore it.
Got to say though, someone who googles 'deaths in 2011' just because they are bored, then repeatedly comes back trolling probably has more to worry about socially than I do.