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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    Another old soldier fades away, John McAleese, who led the SAS storming of the Iranian Embassy in 1980, has died in Greece, aged 60-somthing.
  2. time

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic, former Archbishop of Canada, has died aged 81, after a long illness.
  3. time

    Death List Convention

    Indeed. There's that. I see a few practical problems for DLers from overseas, but otherwise I'd be happy to think up a nice venue for the First Official Continental DLcon. How about this? ehrm you know, Hein Is it anything like this?
  4. time

    Steve Jobs

    August 13th 2012, just after the Olympics.
  5. time

    Big Brother

    I think you meant to post that here, or maybe here or here.
  6. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    A more informative report.
  7. time

    Richard Branson

    That's the bit I underlined in pencil from all of that. Being 90 and having to get hauled out of a burning building by Kate Winslet can't be good for your longevity. but better for it than being left behind
  8. time

    Elvis Presley

    Songwriter Jerry Leiber dies aged 78.
  9. English Language report
  10. time

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Danish singer/actress Ellen Winther has died at the age of 78. She represented Denmark at the 1962 contest, held in Luxembourg, with the song Vuggevise (Lullaby). She came 10th. It was won by the French entry.
  11. time

    The Welsh

    I'll leave it up to any Welshmen on this forum to decide if they are insulted or deeply gratified to be considered "foreign" by you Poms. Meanwhile, Sif Ruud has rudely departed at the age of 95. She was the star of a number of Ingmar Bergman films including It Rains on Our Love, Wild Strawberries and The Magician, so this is a big loss for the world of non-English language cinema: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sif_Ruud Pobol y Cwm is performed in Welsh ... that makes it foreign. I did look for the Eminent Welshmen thread, but there isn't one.
  12. time

    The Welsh

    Huw Ceredig, who played Reg Harries for 29 years in Pobol y Cwm, has died aged 69.
  13. time

    People Who You Forgot Were Dead

    While shopping at my local quik-e-mart, gazing longingly in the freezer section at forbidden goodies like haagen-dazs and Ben and Jerry's, my peripheral vision espied a Linda McCartney Vegetarian Lasagne. I'd forgotten she'd ever lived, let alone had died.
  14. time

    Top 10 People Alive Today

    So who would you add? Lets see your list. Edit: My list - remove Bazalgette, add Murdoch. I'd add J. K. Rowling, she's certainly had a major impact in publishing and her Harry Potter novels will likely endure the test of time. and the other 9?
  15. time

    Internet Celebrities

    Is it worth noting that 'internet celebrity' is another way of saying 'attention-seeking nobody who couldn't take no for an answer'?
  16. time

    Top 10 People Alive Today

    So who would you add? Lets see your list. Edit: My list - remove Bazalgette, add Murdoch.
  17. time

    Top 10 People Alive Today

    I presume they changed the World for the worse? You presume correctly (I've also taken the liberty of correcting an omission).
  18. time

    Top 10 People Alive Today

    I'm assuming you're after the people who have made a difference to the world in which we live, thus influencing our lives and the way we live as a society, rather than at an individual level. That being the case I'd go along with Armstrong Mandela Gorbachev Thatcher Gates and Berners-Lee and to those I'd add Lech Walesa Simon Cowell Stelios Haji-Ioannou Peter Bazalgette
  19. time

    Nederlandse Dead Pool

    My first hit in any deadpool since 4th January, and its the one thats been stopped due to the organiser going to art school.
  20. time

    Quiz Time

    The logical thing to do is Google it...
  21. time

    A Joke

    regards, Hein In a similar vein I had a little chortle or two here.
  22. time

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Neal Abberley former Warwickshire opener and coach, has died aged 67. He was an archetypal county player, spending his whole playing career at Warks, then joining the coaching staff.
  23. time

    Is The Deathlist Dying?

    Well you're obviously annoying but hardly a full-scale troll who would have driven vast numbers of regular posters away, IMHO. Please compare my detractors quota of off topic posts compared to mine.I rest my case No-one has accused you of chasing people away over the past year. In fact HarryMac points out that its not just you. And surely, if the problem was that established members were failing to welcome new members, it would be the new members who'd disappear, not the old ones. Your total of 'off-topic' posts may well pale into insignificance compared with those of your detractors, but you are averaging over 3 posts per day, many of which while 'on-topic', are not all that relevant. All this wild speculation that Zsa-Zsa will die 'soon', Maggie will die 'in less than three years' etc, is just witless. It appears to be posting for the sake of post-whoring. I did suggest that all your posts be directed to Twitter, as you seem to like that style - saying precious little in as few words as possible, as often as possible. Quality not quantity. BTW, what happened to that break you were going to take?
  24. time

    Political Frailty

    Former Finnish Prime Minister Harri Holkeri has died after a period of 'weakened-health'. He co-chaired Northern Ireland peace negotiations and was made an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire by HRH. He was 74.

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