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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Fantasy Football

    I'm in.
  2. time

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Former England all-rounder Allan Watkins has died aged 89. He was the first Glamorgan player to score a test century (111 v S Africa, Jo'burg, 1949).
  3. time

    Room 101

    He'd have to be able to shoot for that. As I understand it, David aimed at the ground and managed to miss. I wouldn't trust him with a sling, let alone an air rifle. regards, Hein Its worse than that - he aimed at the air and missed! Anyway, I'd like to know how David knows the goose wasn't injured, given that it was flying when it was shot and presumably didn't bother giving a medical report.
  4. time

    Max (In A Grave) Bygraves

    Bit of muck-raking from the Daily Mail re Max's third 'lovechild'. The report reveals One for next year.
  5. time

    Hosni Mubarak

    The difference is that if executed my candidate would be DEAD, whereas yours would still be ALIVE. Thus I should get points because my candidate was DEAD, and you shouldn't because yours are still ALIVE. I agree that your candidate will be dead, but, if he's executed, he will have died by circumstance not entitling you to any points, so, harsh as it may be, you shouldn't have any points. Under the circumstances I should have my points because when I chose him back in December there was no hint of an execution. Everybody knows why the no execution rule was brought into play, and everybody knows that it doesn't apply to Mubarak's circumstances due to the timeline. I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue if 'one of the gang' had chosen him. Deep down I'm sure that you all understand why I'd be entitled to the points. It really depends on how long you all plan on acting like a bunch of arse licking plebs, desperate to stay on the good side of the DDP organiser. I understand perfectly why you think you should be entitled to the points. Do you understand why I think you shouldn't? As for being an 'arse licking pleb desperate to stay on the good side of the DDP organiser', why would you even think this? I don't know, or even care, if I'm on his good side or not (if I am, its not helped me thus far), and I'm not even sure anyone has demonstrated any arse-licking (except maybe DDT, and I'm sure that was meant tongue in cheek (oo-er!)).
  6. time

    Hosni Mubarak

    The difference is that if executed my candidate would be DEAD, whereas yours would still be ALIVE. Thus I should get points because my candidate was DEAD, and you shouldn't because yours are still ALIVE. I agree that your candidate will be dead, but, if he's executed, he will have died by circumstance not entitling you to any points, so, harsh as it may be, you shouldn't have any points.
  7. time

    Hosni Mubarak

    Crawler, you should be docked DDP points for sucking up. I reckon 50 would be reasonable. If he's docked 50, points, can I have them, because I picked my team based on the expectation that they would all die within the year. Here we are, nearly 7/12ths through the year and not one hit. Its not within the spirit of the game! For what its worth, my opinion is that TMIB is absolutely correct - the rules state that the executed earn no points - no riders or exclusions about whether they are already on death row exist, so [Alan Sugar mode]with regret[/Alan Sugar mode], no points if he gets executed. However, Windsor has raised a point that needs addressing should the situation actually arise in the future, and a simple amendment to the rules, disallowing anyone already sentenced to death but allowing anyone who wasn't (at the start of the contest) should suffice. From next year. But, as has already been said, its TMIB's decision to make, and he's made it.
  8. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    apparantely he was killed today, but i pre-announced his death on monday .Is this the first time a member has posted the death of someone 3 days before it actually happened? No. Unfortunately wrong information is posted too frequently by some members. Ok fair anough,but just in case I have developed some kind of psychic power,I'm going to pre announce the death of Zsa Zsa Gabor for this weekend! No you didn't pre-announce it, you announced it prematurely.
  9. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    Film Director Silvio Narizanno has died. His best known work included swinging 60s film 'Georgy Girl' and 70s Joe Orton caper 'Loot'.
  10. time

    London 2012 Olympics

    Bling Britain strikes again... Article in the Grauniad. Seems we're not the only ones underwhelmed.
  11. time

    London 2012 Olympics

    The medals have been unveiled: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14291544. The obverse looks fine, but the reverse is carrying on the tradition of crap visual images we've come to expect; what got me though, was the size of the things. 85mm diameter, 7mm thick and weigh a staggering 400 grams - the heaviest ever and twice as heavy as the last lot.
  12. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2012

    Bam Margera in hospital again. Surely its when, not if?
  13. time

    Amy Winehouse

    Wouldn't they have to delete that 'Live in London' tagline?
  14. time

    Amy Winehouse

    Who's Ketty Katona? He means Ketty Karona.
  15. time

    Amy Winehouse

    So, is anyone awaiting the arrival of a new iPod?
  16. time

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    Cardinal Virgilio Noe has died aged 89. According to the report, he was responsible for the physical upkeep of St Peter's Basilica. He was also a former master of pontifical ceremonies, which is an impressive sounding title, but may well have been the chap handing out hymn books for all I know.
  17. time

    Amy Winehouse

    No we're not. Its only Amy Winehouse. Its not JFK, its not Martin Luther King, its not Elvis or Lennon or Jacko. Its not Princess Di or the Queen Mum. Its not Jim Morrison or Janis Joplin or Hendrix. Its not even the blonde haired bloke from Sweet. Its Amy Winehouse. Its like Kerry Katona or Katie Price being found dead for fucks sake. Now get a grip and stop posting crap every five minutes.
  18. time

    Amy Winehouse

    22 DDP-ers, had her, including 2 jokers. TMIB (if it were he) hit the nail firmly on the head with her bio if the reports are to be believed...
  19. time

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    I'm not sure if he should be banned. I just think he is over enthusiastic which, I do admit, is more than a bit annoying. He just needs to calm down a bit. and how to spel.and use of punctooachun... I suggest that all his posts be redirected here, which suits his style more than this forum.
  20. time

    Amy Winehouse

    I was surprised when I heard, but not shocked (as I was with John Lennon). I was more shocked that the person who told me knew before I did. I didn't cry. She was talented, but that doesn't stop one from being either stupid or addicted. If I was a betting man (and there was a book open), I'd say accidental. Anyway, isn't there a test match on?
  21. time

    Nelson Mandela

    Dude seriously, you are kinda clutching at straws here I know,but if theres breaking news tonight that Nelson Mandela died today you'd start to wonder wouldnt you... No.

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