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Everything posted by time

  1. time


    In the absence of Sky TV, I'm reduced to a combination of Teletext and t'internet to keep abreast of developments during matches. My text commentaries of choice are provided by The Grauniad, as they are liberally laced with humour, witticisms, and general irreverence, such as I particularly liked this contribution from tonights League Cup match between United and United - the score was 4-0 at the time - The Ashes over-by-over commentaries are in a similar vein.
  2. time

    The Poseidon Adventure Cast

    TMZ just reported his dead Surely you can't be serious?
  3. time

    DL's Video Vault

    I thought it might have been TMIB, but we're both wrong - it was Honez; see here.
  4. time

    DL's Video Vault

    Cross-reference with this, imho I've got this on my mp3 player after someone flagged it up last year!
  5. time

    Quiz Time

    I got 14. 8 I knew, 4 were educated guesses based on date/locale and 2 were gimmes by getting related answers. I went through every French president except the right one for one of them!
  6. time

    The Dead Of 2010

    Horror! Ingrid Pitt has died. BBC
  7. It would seem so; IMDB lists 2 Matthew Wilders, one who does music and one who directs. However they both link to the same stories about La Lohan. Wikipedia clearly staes that this is the same man (though that is obviously no guarantee).
  8. time

    Dead Drummers

    Albert 'June' Gardner has died aged 79. He was Sam Cooke's drummer for 4 years and can be heard on the Lee Dorsey hit 'Working in the Coalmine'.
  9. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2011

    I've not seen him mentioned much but King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is 86 and appears to be in declining health, having spent some time in hospital and travelling to the US for treatment. Though if you believe the Saudi health minister, he's fine.
  10. time

    Death List Convention

    Now that I'm fully awake and sober (not that I was that pissed last night), I'd like to reiterate what an enjoyable afternoon it was (though I wish I'd arrived a little earlier - no sooner had I arrived that Six had to leave, but a nice impression was made nonetheless). I remarked to NAP and RA that people don't actually turn out as you expect based on forum interaction - they're actually a lot nicer in the flesh. Very good company and hopefully we'll all meet again, hopefully with a few more (no criticism intended of those that couldn't make it. I'm lucky in that I live fairly 'local' to London with good(ish) travel connections.) Thanks to RA for getting it all together - though how you found the time with all the research you must do is beyond me!! Thanks also to Six, MPFC and NAP for the convivial company.
  11. time

    Death List Convention

    Just got back from DL Con IV. Nice to meet those who I met, though a pretty poor turn out. Windsor's dirty laundry may have put a few off but it did ensure that those who were there got a table. I hope to meet a few more next time.
  12. time

    Ronnie Biggs

    Ronnie returns to the scene of the crime.
  13. time

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Kate Middleton, Jewish or not? (most likely not)
  14. Its "Have sex with a guy with a moustache day" . Ladies, you have 3 1/2 hours left (this side of the pond at least) - please form an orderly queue.
  15. time

    37. Dick Cheney

    Your wish is my command......... Sorted Nearly...
  16. time

    The Dead Of 2010

    Robin Day has died; no, not that one, this one. He was the man who designed those stacking plastic chairs we've all tripped over at some time grown to know and love. He was 95
  17. time

    Dom Mintoff

    In hospital suffering from congestive heart failure and dehydration, where he is 'improving' but 'still on the critical list'.
  18. time

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    My new ISP. I can now watch actual real live TV on my computer whereas with AO-HELL I couldn't even watch a low-def youtube vid without the blue circle of no-response burning into the screen. And its nearly £10 a month cheaper.
  19. time

    The 9th Death Of 2010 (poll Version)

    I've gone for Dom Mintoff - he's not doing great.
  20. time

    Ariel Sharon

    Apparently, he's ready to go home.
  21. time

    Room 101

    What annoys me is those people (especialy local journalists) who insist on using the terms "12 am" and "12 pm" when referring to noon or midnight. Don't these people learn anything at school these days?
  22. time

    Room 101

    This chap probably doesn't share your highly-charged opinion. I remember hearing a story many years ago of the Herman's Hermits singer arriving in the USA and being paged at the airport... "Mr No-one, pick up the white courtesy phone, Mr No-one pick up the white courtesy phone..."
  23. time

    Edmundo Ros

    and its been 4 years since his thread had a new entry.
  24. time

    Room 101

    I guess you've just been listening to radio 2 then? Yes, not that I normally do on a saturday afternoon, but I felt like some music (and to be fair, there was some good stuff) and my usual station was just talk. Still it could have been worse, it might have been Dale Winton. Oh, for the days of Alan Freeman - not 'arf!

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