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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Laughing At Funerals

    I was at a funeral of a former customer. The priest was in the pulpit spouting forth about this bloke we hardly recognised from his eulogy when the microphone stand began slowly subsiding. It was as if old Bill himself had heard enough crap! We all had a little titter. Another time was quite deliberate - the deceased's favourite part of his favourite TV program was played as the curtains closed on the coffin. Only Fools and Horses - 'Cwying'!
  2. time

    David Carradine

    Killed Bill... Lets see - he was found hanging while shooting a movie called 'Stretch' - are we sure he wasn't just rehearsing?
  3. time

    Fings Aint Wot They Used To Be..

    Last year I saw the DVD of 'Gangsters' in HMV. This was must-see viewing back when I was a certain age in the seventies, so I shelled out a full £40 for it (2 series, 2 discs, no discount). The first series was about as good as I remember. The second series was a major disappointment. The writer was trying to be far too clever and even if it was good originally it certainkly hasn't stood the test of time. Hope Tutti-Frutti doesn't turn out the same! I'm currently watching 'Cracker' as I never saw much of it first time round.
  4. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Mort Abrahams 28-05-09 No proper UK obit online yet (that i've found).
  5. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    ....unless Carol was found in a bath full of ice with a large incision in her back(?) Cause of death reportedly lung cancer, but no reports I've found have mentioned the lack of a large incision...
  6. time


    I tried to help - it just got very messi!
  7. time

    Nobel Prize In Death

    One less medicine laureate. Furchgott is now Furchgone. No one seems to have picked him on the DDP either. The ukmedix news site begs to disagree: Man Who Helped SPAM Development Born "This news is unlikely to mean anything to members of the public..." Maybe they should spend less time being patronising and more on getting their headlines right. Tw@ts! They've corrected it now. Hope they could close the coffin lid OK!
  8. time

    Natalie Cole

    Natalie Cole's sister (and Nat's 'other' daughter), Carol, an actress and singer died on Monday, the same day Natalie was having a kidney transplant. It is not thought the two events are connected.
  9. time

    Places With Silly Names

    On a Deathlist note, This lady who recently lost her way seems to have been the authority on place names.
  10. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Carl Spencer, according to this article. Whilst exploring the Brittanic.
  11. time

    Places With Silly Names

    I used to live a few miles from this place, which I thought was a pretty unfortunate name.
  12. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    I apologise in advance if there's a rap music thread, but this fella Dolla's been shot dead in a mall in LA. Pity, he was twice as good as 50cent. Bigger pity, I saw 'Dollar' at first and thought it meant David Van Day!
  13. time

    World's Oldest

    Wikipedia has removed the death notice, and I couldn't find any other reports of her death. I did find that New Zealand's oldest woman, Ruby Billings, died recently though.
  14. time

    Places With Silly Names

    Blue Ball, Pa anyone? On the subject of childish humour, growing up in Birmingham, I always used to find Small Heath Amateur Gardeners Club incredibly funny.
  15. time

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    I don't consider Irish Rugby League players famous so Wayne Kerr qualifies in my book!
  16. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Probably not too famous but i remember being told about this chap in a school assembly back in the 70's
  17. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    There's already a thread for munchkins apologies - in my defence I did a search and came up with nothing, though if i search munchkins now i get a list as long as my arm.
  18. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    One of the last surviving Munchkins Mickey Carroll has died. By a neat coincidence, his family business produces gravestones.
  19. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Former Labour leader John Smith QC, died 15 years ago today.
  20. time

    Bird Flu

    Swine flu hasn't made much of an impact in this locale (save for a few cancelled flights at Gatwck), but we did have this a few days ago.
  21. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    I actually laughed at this - nice one
  22. time

    Bird Flu

    Apparently, those most at risk are the young and healthy, though if you catch swine flu, presumably that makes you unhealthy and lessens the risk?
  23. time

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2010

    I would, theres at least 2 experiences i can think of, so go for it.
  24. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    The well-known American actor John Wilkes Booth had an alibi, having died on this day in 1865
  25. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Jill Dando changed her role in Crimewatch 10 years ago today

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