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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Lee Madden, director of Hells Angels '69, has gone for his long bike ride.
  2. time

    Phil Spector

    Apparently, he's appealing... ...as you can see... According to ITN, when he started going bald, he just turned all the lights off so no-one would see. Must have chosen that syrup in the dark! Video report
  3. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Former QPR player Mike Keen passed away the same evening
  4. time

    Fidel Castro

    Looks like there's life in the old dog yet US politicians meet 'fit' Castro
  5. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Watch out for those church coffee mornings
  6. time

    Wishful Thinking Death List

    Some of the people I'd gladly never see again: Russel Brand - never did get him David Beckham - give someone else a go Max Clifford - say no more ManUre fans - not the proper ones, (i.e the over 60's) but the ones who think the team only has to turn up to win Trinny & Susannah - have they taken a look at themselves lately? Bernie Ecclestone - how can someone make so much money from traffic? Leona 'bleedin eardrums' Lewis - sounds like shes in pain and trying to inflict it on the rest of us Simon Cowell - see above I'd also endorse David Van Day, the well-known burger van man. He's a local celebrity y'know, as is Davina McCall, who is very rarely out of the papers now shes moved 35 miles away. Lets throw Mrs Heather Lady Mills McCartney on the pile too. I'm just fed up of her.
  7. time

    Missing In Action

    I love the reader comments!
  8. time

    Jane Goodie

    . I don't suppose Max Clifford is Parky's publicist, then? I agree with Parky, interestingly, MSN has a different slant 'Michael Parkinson Slams Jade Goody' Max doesn't seem to agree
  9. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Former Glamorgan All-rounder has died suddenly at aged 50 http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/cricket/co...gan/7961081.stm
  10. Thanks Dia Thanks to all the other 'welcomers' too.
  11. time

    Jane Goodie

    I think it would be a fitting tribute if they made a Bollywood film of her life. Brilliant!
  12. time

    Jane Goodie

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...e-pipeline.html Is there no escape?
  13. time

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    I voted USA, seemed a logical choice, but then I began to have this nagging doubt, that one day US school massacres are going to be so commonplace they won't be reported!
  14. Hello all, Yes, I joined specifically as a result of St. Jade of Bermondsey. I hope to be around a while and make a contribution where I can. Time!
  15. time

    Jane Goodie

    Been a sporadic lurker for a while now - I forget who I googled - but registered because I knew I'd find like-minded individuals who would agree when i said hooray! Not that I wish anyone dead (well very few) but at least now the media circus willl end. OK give it a month or two. Hello to all those I've been reading over the past couple of years. (You don't know who you are but you've given me some laughs)

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