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Everything posted by CaptainChorizo

  1. CaptainChorizo

    The 2Nd Crowdsourced Deathlist (2017 Edition)

    Norman Lloyd is in great shape but at 102 he could easily go next year.Liz Dawn I think is a must have for next year. Still think Leah Bracknell needs to be on next years list and Tony Booth. Tony Booth for sure but Leahs situation sadly sounds quite dire and tragic and I fear she may go before 2017 Another name that springs to mind is Ryan O'Neal. Other names to throw into the discussion - Norman Tebbit, Sumner Redstone, Michael Caine, Joan Plowright, Gerald Kaufman (Labour MP) Silvio berculusoni -former Italian pm but I'm sure I've spelt his name wrong! Jacques Chirac, Nicholas F Brady US Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan and Bush senior, Robert Wagner, Anne Douglas (actress Wife of Kirk Douglas) and Winnie Mandela Just to help jump start some discussion! Michael Caine,Plowright.Tebitt,Winnie Mandela and Robert Wagner seem like they all got many years left in them
  2. CaptainChorizo

    Death By Jazz

    This really may be one of the most brutal years ever for Music Deaths
  3. CaptainChorizo


    Vader time might run out in 2017-2018
  4. CaptainChorizo

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Raoul Coutard The Cinematographer from the French New Wave is dead at 92
  5. With Pennsylvania called he pretty much has it in the bag since she is behind too much in Arizona.
  6. Hilary's only path now is to sweep all these rustbelt states. Don't look good anyway in Michigan right now
  7. This is scary af. Seems like it will all rest on Michigan the state that they are happy for black people not to have drinking water.
  8. CaptainChorizo

    Advent Avalanche

    Death Slam Form Guide #15 Lupita Tovar She's 106 Was already an adult in her 20's when she acted in the first Mexican Talkie 84 years ago One of the last people left on this planet who would think of Zsa Zsa as some punk kid
  9. CaptainChorizo

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    I am still hopeful some disgruntled Japanese deathpooler will run over Yoshiro Nakamatsu with their car.
  10. CaptainChorizo

    Janet Reno

    Janet Reno will always be remembered by many around the world for her uncanny resemblance to the South Park charecter Ms. Choksondik
  11. CaptainChorizo

    Ice Hockey Players

    Pretty risky name for 2017. He only played 37 NHL games,as the rest of his career was spent in various minor leagues. On the basis of his hockey career probably has a 1% chance of getting an Orbit outside of North America,but him having a small acting role in the 2004 film Miracle may be enough for a Daily Mail mention.
  12. CaptainChorizo

    Phil Collins (And Other Genesis Types)

    I think the term Alternative became a a catch all genre name because a lot of these bands despite coming from different subgenre's of music all sorta either came from non mainstream and college rock stations. The same thing happened when people starting using the term "Electronica" to describe unrelated genres of TripHop,House,SynthPop,NoisePop,Ambient etc for a time in the late 90's. The term Indie is used as a catch all now though because outside of Arena Rock bands in general the Rock scene literally is independent now from Mainstream. I'd even go far to as saying Kurt Cobain was probably the last new American rock star.
  13. CaptainChorizo

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Also Rowena Kincaid and Bonnie Brown since the June update
  14. CaptainChorizo

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    If time travel exists she very well might have been born then
  15. In that case she might already be dead;) I hate both candidates for the record ! Obama was a good president, but both of the candidates in this election is SHITE!!! Obama was a f ucking disaster, he saw that the country was badly divided and what did he do, the fuckwit increased that divide and Donald Trump is the response. The second he got into office the alt right started a bunch of he is a Halibut from Kenya who needs to show his birth certificate bs. Also a lot of the racial divide in the Us already existed but the birth of twitter,facebook and other social media that was non existent a decade ago has just put it out in the open more.
  16. CaptainChorizo


    1.Huston Smith 2.Lupita Tovar 3.Viola Smith 4.William Coors 5.Kirk Douglas 6.Konstantinos Mitsotakis 7.June Foray 8.Judge Joseph Wapner 9.Mary Carlisle 10.Victor Oristano
  17. CaptainChorizo

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Stefan Karl The actor who plays Robbie Rotten on the children show LazyTown has Pancreatic Cancer and a GoFundMe page
  18. CaptainChorizo

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Don't know the current health status of any of these fella's from Italy but certainly should be on people's radars the next few years based on age. Nino Castelnuovo born 1936 -100% would get a DDP Qualifying Orbit because of his roles in Umbrellas of Cherbourg and The English Patient Lando Buzzanca born 1935 -70-80% certain he would get a QO Orbit . Another actor Giorgio Albertazzi, with a similiar lengthy resume in Italy got a Guardian Orbit earlier this year. Aldo Puglisi born 1935- 50/50 chance Hasn't been in anything in decades. Most memorable performance,Peppino in the classic comedy" Seduced And Abandoned" was never shown in UK theater's according to IMDB
  19. CaptainChorizo

    Who Should Be On The 2017 Deathlist

    According to his go fund me page and other sites Ray Wilson died in July.
  20. CaptainChorizo

    Big Brother

    If you want a trainwreck season here would be the ideal cast Teddy Hart,Gary Busey,Aubrey O'Day ,Alberto Del Rio,Paige,New York,Ozzy Osbourne,Angelique Morgan,Scott Disick ,Ke$ha, Lindsay Lohan,Blu Cantrell,Buster Mottram
  21. CaptainChorizo

    Deathlist Under 45

    Just found out about this one while noticing comments on one of his songs on youtube Fergus Miller The Australian Shoegaze/Indy Rock artist who went by the name Bored Nothing has committed suicide at age 26
  22. CaptainChorizo

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    I wonder if Sumner Redstone died about 2 years ago and his former body is being held up Weekend At Bernie's style.
  23. CaptainChorizo

    Big Brother

    I bet it wasn't coincidence that Ivan Drago's wife and Rocky's Mom were cast on the same season.
  24. CaptainChorizo

    Sidney Poitier

    Hmmm I guess not many people in the UK have seen Dolemite
  25. CaptainChorizo

    Donald J Trump

    Believe you me he has the greatest health in the history of modern medicine. His immune systems ability to fight off germs and disease and make them look like losers is YUGE

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