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Everything posted by Spade_Cooley

  1. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Have you tried entering one of the quite frankly shameless lists like your normal main team alongside a more classy team that avoids these picks, to see if you could replicate the same scoring with actual celebrities? Click here for the answer
  2. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Looking at a few of the more Shameless-y picks this year on my line-up: L!sa M@gill hasn't made any social media posts since January 1st, and there's a lot of concerned fans on her Facebook page desperate for updates P@ul Br!ggs: Removal of CANH (clinically assisted nutrition and hydration) should lead to death within a month in most patients, so if he was moved to palliative care between Christmas and New Year as was reported, we should be hearing news of his death around Burns' Night. M@rk S!ms: Could go tomorrow, could go December 31st. Can't see him making spring though. J@y Cl@rk: I actually find it too depressing to go on his Facebook and check his condition due to all the pictures of his son, so his death will have to come as a surprise to me.
  3. Spade_Cooley

    The Dead Of 2017

    Richard Machowicz, who hosted the third and final series of Deadliest Warrior, has died from brain cancer at 51. If you've never watched Deadliest Warrior, you owe it to yourself, especially the "who would win in a fight between the IRA and the Taliban" episode.
  4. Spade_Cooley

    The Dead Of 2017

    Rolf Noskwith, who surely must have been the last living member of Alan Turing's "Hut 8" at Bletchley, dead at 97.
  5. Spade_Cooley

    People I Was Surprised To Find Are Still Alive

    Sepp Piontek, manager of the hipster's favourite football team, mid-80s Denmark. Didn't realise he was only in his mid-40s at the time.
  6. Spade_Cooley

    Quincy Jones

    Of course if you want absolute travesties look at the British versions of Impractical Jokers (twice they've remade it with a UK cast now, twice it has been one of the worst TV shows of the year) and The Soup (hard to imagine a bigger downgrade than Joel McHale to Iain Lee).
  7. Spade_Cooley

    Quincy Jones

    Brighton Belles is a notorious bomb in UK sitcom history, yeah. There are a few other examples though: Good Times was remade as The Fosters which was the first "black" British sitcom (cast including Norman Beaton, who would go on to star in the definitive Afro-Carribnean-Brit sit Desmond's); Married... with Children was remade as Married for Life and they cast Russ Abbott in the lead role - it was as good as that sounds; and of course Who's The Boss became The Upper Hand, starring 2017 DL draftee Honor Blackman.
  8. Spade_Cooley

    Death Anniversary Thread

    114 years ago today, Alois Hitler shuffled off this moral coil. His son would go on to have slightly more fame.
  9. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Let's have a big hand for the six non-theme teams who scored the big bagel this year: 6-Foot-Under Insert Name Here Permanent Kip Tarkinator The Return of Dr Death's Diabolical Dice Of Doom Toasted Brown Bread
  10. Just got my first name on the 2018 longlist.
  11. Spade_Cooley

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen Elizabeth Li, one of my favourite Chinese drag performers.
  12. Spade_Cooley

    Honor Blackman

    She'll always be the shit fake-Blanche-from-The-Golden-Girls in "The Upper Hand" to me.
  13. Spade_Cooley

    Quincy Jones

    Have recently started watching all of the canonical US sitcoms, particularly the ones that were never broadcast on UK TV when I was a nipper. Hot dang The Honeymooners is fucking shit.
  14. Spade_Cooley

    What Kind Of Person Deadpools?

    And the channel with the Von Moltke recording also contains the music for a number of "Oh No, More Lemmings" levels on the Commodore Amiga. Guy who runs that a real renaissance man.
  15. Spade_Cooley

    What Kind Of Person Deadpools?

    When some people go to museums they want to see grandiose paintings of world leaders and dukes fighting in heroic wars, I prefer those little booths where you press a button and you get some old dear talking about what it was like when the first post office opened in Redbridge.
  16. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    I've said before, DDT is the greatest natural deadpooler of all time, but I think my research game is 100%.
  17. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Thanks guys, an amazing year in the DDP and a testament to how strong the competition is here that a score of 110, which would have won all but two previous DDPs, wouldn't even have seen you go top 10 this year. It is worth noting how a number of my victories have been won on either circumstance (Sadhana dying on Christmas Day) or obituaries only coming in one, usually overlooked source (Yosra El-Essawy in the Express, Andrew Millwall on Sky Sports). But a fourth title does actually feel like a big achievement. Weird situation to be in when you're actively hoping that the leader of Isis doesn't die, but there you go. Good luck in 2017, should be another cracker.
  18. Spade_Cooley

    Larry King

    Lazza giving the big finger to anyone who's picked him in 2017.
  19. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I expected as much. The days when someone like a Marlise Munoz would skip through as a unique are long gone.
  20. Spade_Cooley

    Close To The End

    Had completely ignored the Wetton talk as that of less-experienced deadpoolers around these parts, until I looked at his Twitter page on Xmas day: Reminiscent of Henry Cecil in his final months.
  21. Spade_Cooley

    2017 Ddp Salvage Lot

    Yeah, there's a few inconsistencies in Q Jones' story... maybe that's shoddy reporting, but I trust most circuit stand-ups about as far as I can throw them.
  22. The one I mentioned w/r/t being a pick I didn't think would obit but just seemed like such a me pick was Vinny Vella, an actor who had minor roles in Casino and The Sopranos and has stage-four liver cancer.
  23. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Well if all obits have to be local time, then surely it's over now as it is 2017 across the world? It does lead to an interesting possibility of picking a team solely comprising inhabitants of American Samoa so you get an extra 11 hours for them to die each pool.
  24. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    DJ Casper was my sub, literally was a case of "person with the least recent health updates gets dropped". Also, I like Laurie Brokenshire as a pick, interesting character. Former commodore of the HMS Raleigh, a CBE and apparently the owner of the world's largest private puzzle collection.Has also fostered 68 children in his days as well. If that combined doesn't get him a Telegraph obit, we may as well pack up and go home.
  25. Spade_Cooley

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    . I would have agreed with you, or at least made him 30/70 on chances of a QO, but a little extra research would have revealed he is Sunny Hundal's brother. If you don't think the Guardian will commission SH to write a "my extremist brother..." piece when he goes...

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