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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Just watched Life of Brian on Netflix. A film of its time that could just not be made today, very funny but not especially woke, one for the snowflakes to melt.
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    What I would like to have been to qualify for Deathlist

    Niles Rogers had a catchy little riff which seems to have earned a fair bit, that would be nice as well.
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    What I would like to have been to qualify for Deathlist

    Please note the classification of Shipman is one I do not like, I passed the surgery twice a day on my way to work and several of my colleagues had relatives who had been his victims, a detestable human being.
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    Anyone remember the Europeans planning and the butter mountains? This was the result of previous political meddling for the greater good. Too many cooks in the kitchen, fingers in the pie, lunatics in the asylum and politicians trying to look good. Astra Zeneca Vaccine produced on a non profit basis does make the vaccines cheaper. Cheaper does not mean inferior in performance. The third wave is happening in the countries where the uptake of the vaccines has been slow, politicians are just trying to shift the blame for their own poor performance. Does anybody question who has produced the annual flu Jabs? No, we have political one-upmanship with the Europeans once again demonstrating why the Brexit negotiations were so difficult with petty bureaucracy replacing common sense. There appears to be a blind sheep mentality with little common sense being shown. Literally lemmings off a cliff. The politicians who make unsubstantiated comments about the lack of efficacy of a Vaccine should be held to account. Off the cuff political comments can create a lot of damage.
  5. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    And the critical point is 13 clots 1 death, keep taking the aspirin. There is a greater chance of being knocked over by a car and a much larger risk of dying from Covid they need to get a sense of perspective. This is scaremongering and a greater appreciation of the general risks in existence is required. If I was being cynical it would just be another excuse for the poor vaccination performance in the EU.
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    Ian St John

    Saint and Greavsie, Football pundits when mud and confrontation were plentiful. Enjoy.
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Six people, six months

    1. Bob Dole 2. Phil the Greek 3. Harvey Weinstein 4. Tony Bennett 5. Jimmy Carter 6. Murray Walker
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    Unrequited Love / Secret Crush

    Isabella Adjani. Stunning from Nosferatu, Subway, and One Deadly Summer the sort of girl you could dream about. I also found out many years later that I was the crush of my best friends sister, which sort of explained why she transformed from a stroppy teenager to a blushing recluse whenever I was around. A fact that was used to taunt her mercilessly as siblings do, I was completely unaware.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    Did Donald Trump incite an insurrection/erection?

    Trump, by proxy, something smells funny round here.
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    Dead Relatives - old photos from the 20th century and before

    You can do some very good image recovery with modern software.
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    Room 101

  12. Charlotte's Controller

    Burt Bacharach

    Looking good for his age.
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Just had my first jab, Oxford/Astra Zeneca, at the weekend. Felt not so bright on Sunday/Monday morning as my immune system kicked in but by dinner felt much brighter. A couple of days of feeling shit versus potential Covid death seems like a reasonable trade off.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    The calls for inter country lock down appear to be largely irrelevant. The new variants are appearing because of mutation. This is not dependent upon where you are or where you have been. The fact is a stronger and dominant mutation will prevail, lockdown as ever will stop the spread of a contagious breakout. As ever a sensible population will help, the Japanese have just brought in curfew type laws in certain prefectures to enforce lockdowns and the people are concerned and compliant. With raves, parties and events we have a portion of our population who do not care and are predominantly selfish. I think fines and produce production are ideal solutions for a change in attitude. Fines to hurt, produce production for a sense of reality, this is the cost they should pay. The vaccines can bring a new outlook, the current roll out in the UK is ahead of Europe .The European nations couldn't arrange a piss up in a brewery and would be blaming other parties well after the event, no leadership no responsibility. The thing that is lacking in general is a degree of sensibility. The journalists who question the ministers and scientists at the briefings have questions that at best are ill-concieved, stupid or both. It would be a an interesting week to have a government run by journalists, oh sorry we have that already, comments with responsibility. Discuss.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Captain Tom Moore

    Could we at least have the spelling of his name correct.
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    The 2nd Death of 2021

    Spinks for me
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    Captain Tom Moore

    RIP to a true Gentleman, A great effort appreciated by all bringing the nation together. Not many people will have had such a flourish late in life.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    Donald J Trump

    I think some high walled enclosure could be created with it's own media centre, permanent visitors centre, golf course and governance. Funded by trump, he has experience of building walls, apparently he is good at it. He would be at home, cartoons, fast food, golf, fawning supporters. Has he some other long term corporate plan. I would like to see how this works out. Apparently he is a good businessman.
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    Bill Clinton

    Somebody did
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    I review Numbers What the goverment want to do is cut down on deaths. Those most at risk and those caring for them get vaccinnes Those clinically at risk get vaccines The assumption is that the others take precautions to stop the spread of the Virus (Government Guidelines) We continue to vaccinate the rest of the population. To take the overview that we are trying to protect the general population to eliminate surplus deaths. We must appreciate that flu and covid deaths will happen but we do not want them to be excessive. The vaccine will reduce the severity of the Covid and hopefully the death rate. I feel that the Government have been poor at putting forward their message, the population have been ignorant in following directions and rules. (see other countries with lower death rates) Even if government have been poor in their advice common sense should have prevailed. Some questions (there may be different answers with vaccinations/negative tests and guidelines) 1. Why would anybody book and go on holiday in a pandemnic. 2. Why would anybody not wear a mask shopping or on public transport unless it spoilt their makeup or they did not give a shit. 3. Do current partying people have no consideration except for themselves. 4. Most of the guidelines are based on numbers, just because you have a group of six, or two does not mean it it safe. One infection is all it takes. as a final comment wedding parties in excess of 100 people deserve to be shot for the benefit of the population.
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Currently being audited, the auditor has been in contact by Microsoft teams, he has had covid his experience summed up by the lack of experience from eating a bacon sandwich (taste and smell, still continuing), youth, his father was a junior of mine. I am waiting for my first vaccination, my condition sarcoidosis has many of the symptoms of long covid (Sarcoidis has some 4500 diagnoses per year UK), I appreciate the new audit experience, more interaction an improvement on prior year interactions and better focus.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    Plants: The Other Life Form

    I had a similar gift, Chilli seeds they came with a coconut based media to plant them in. Subsequently I have found out that ground coffee residue is a similar medium for the growth. I'm drinking so much coffee in lockdown and I do like chillies.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    The Beatles Death Curse

    Ron Campbell Whilst he was alive the majority of us would not of been aware of what he did and his influence. RIP your work was appreciated. This is one of the reasons that I appreciate the Deathlist, so many people are not recognised for their achievements in their fields when they occur . People should appreciate this man for their influence on their childhhood.
  24. Charlotte's Controller

    Bill Clinton

    Cigars are not good for you.
  25. Charlotte's Controller

    Joe Biden

    The Trump family made it clear they won't go without a fight - even if that means a ridiculous one. (The Independent) May I suggest inflatable sumo suits, Trump can come as he is. American politics may now return to a bit more sanity.

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