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Everything posted by philheybrookbay

  1. philheybrookbay

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    But weird that all BBC news presenters are in black.....
  2. philheybrookbay

    Room 101

    It appears my Doctors receptionist has taken a dislike to me - by changing my strength of anti depression meds by doubling my dose. (Part of the lovely new system at my new multi practice, you can order repeats via these dragons) Being the muppet I am it’s taken 6 days to work out why I’m so slow and sluggish. No harm done but ‘Nurse Crippin’ will be getting a blast on the phone this morning.
  3. philheybrookbay

    World Cup 2018

    Well apart from Sterling who didn’t really impress, this bunch of lads have done miles better than we could dreamed of. Finally we have a bunch who want to play for England rather than play and not appear to be interested- yes I’m looking st you Rooney.... It looks promising for the future for the first time in years. No bad thing
  4. philheybrookbay

    Lord Carrington

    An honourable politician, the like of which we will never see again. On a separate tack agree about Sheila Mercer- that will be a big one in the UK especially within the old YTV (Yorkshire TV) area.
  5. philheybrookbay

    The 7th Death of 2018

    Leah again. Mind you I’ve been saying that for months...
  6. philheybrookbay

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Joke doing the rounds What do Theresa May and Gareth Southgate have in common? They’re both going to need a new cabinet by next Weekend I’m here all week folks.
  7. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    The telling point will be the numbers. If it’s around 65-70, she’s got no chance (not that I expect she will have much of one)
  8. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    48 Tories MPs need to write to the chair of the 1922 committee stating unhappiness with her leadership. Sounds like they’ve reached that number and with some ease.
  9. philheybrookbay

    Boris Johnson

    Spineless coward was as close to the door as possible. He’ll be Prime Minister by the weekend
  10. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    God that was a look of pure hate from Dr Liam Fox towards May in the commons...
  11. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    Rumblings abound that there’s more resignations due amongst her Ministers... Like a pack of cards falling.
  12. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    Going to be interesting..... She’ll be on the front bench on her own at this rate
  13. philheybrookbay

    Boris Johnson

    Gin O’clock sums up the mood brilliantly
  14. philheybrookbay

    Boris Johnson

    We’re in meltdown. May will go by the end of the day....
  15. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    It’s always the bloody same argument with the Tories. This infighting has been going on for decades over Europe. What’s more galling is that it’s same old names trotted out when it goes wrong. Gove and Rees Mogg are just horrendous individuals who shouldn’t be near the top of power imho.
  16. philheybrookbay

    Theresa May

    It’s just a mess. Hard or soft exit, the Tories cannot stop this bloody infighting. Will Boris Johnson last the day in post? Probably as he’s awaiting Mays demise to pounce. As for Gove? A weasel. A total cockwomble.
  17. philheybrookbay

    (Return Of) The Celebrity Split List

    No mention that Cheryl Tweedy/Cole/Fernandez Versedi/Just Cheryl and Liam Payne split earlier this week. She’s the only woman whose love life makes Jordan /Katie Price look stable. Her Mother isn’t to blame apprantly (yeah right)
  18. philheybrookbay

    Words We Like

    Squamous. Again cant be used much
  19. philheybrookbay

    The Weather

    Now a hosepipe ban in Northern Ireland
  20. philheybrookbay

    Iain Lee

    Shows T shirt he wore during said ‘attack’. It could of course be red paint.....
  21. philheybrookbay

    The Weather

    The great thing with this current ‘heatwave’ is that the humidity has been really low, so it’s been bare able. Mind you being on the coast so 25c has been really rather nice . Last night was the first uncomfortable night as well but again ok with a fan on. However with thunderstorms forecast for us now on Sunday, I expect that to change.
  22. philheybrookbay

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Whilst looking up Amanda Barrie, it appears she had a relationship with Heather Chason at some point who played the fabulously bitchy Valerie Pollard in Crossroads. Heather is now 90 so one to watch perhaps????
  23. philheybrookbay

    Ed Sheeran

    Anyone who counts Elle Goulding as an ex must have been on something.....
  24. philheybrookbay

    World Cup 2018

    Twice now. I on the other hand is having a lovely afternoon with a Dan Jones Box Set on the War of the Roses from Channel 5. Well it’s one battle England will win at anyway
  25. philheybrookbay

    The Weather

    If like Death ray and myself , you look at the weather forecast models (Netweather is a good site) then yes a Heatwave is nailed on for next week, for all of the UK and Ireland. The top temp record for Eire is 33c and that’s in danger of going next Thursday/Friday. The temperature is just going to build and build, with a possible reload going into mid July. In my job, that’s going to be insufferable

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