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Everything posted by philheybrookbay

  1. philheybrookbay

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    So what do you plan to stockpile and amounts? I get stockpiling - I do it with washing powder (I buy in 100 washes when Lidl have them in at 2 for £14 and keep in the loft) but there’s a limit to how much tinned/ packet foods I’d keep in.
  2. philheybrookbay

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Perhaps just perhaps we’ll go back to just eating seasonal food like when I was kid. You had fresh strawberries for a short few weeks not the whole year. Same with asparagus and peaches as other examples. Ive always got tinned goods in ( child of the 70s). If if it gets grim it’ll be rationing . Heck that will do us the power of good loose weight and healthy diet. But panic buy? No way.
  3. philheybrookbay

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    KKK in Newtonards? Nuts. Deluded. Mad as a box of frogs.
  4. philheybrookbay

    Sinéad O'Connor aka Shuhada' Davitt

    Don’t give Stable Mable above ^^^ a gun for fuck sake
  5. And she expects to get pregnant with said ghost. Could she be The modern Mary Magdalene
  6. https://www.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/woman-who-sex-15-ghosts-2161821?fbclid=IwAR3JS01ja1nGVCTUcUkeAsEXWF7xLL3w8zdEntc-FRNth0_WJO9MUxe0Iw4 All jokes about having the willies put up her will not be reported but ‘graded’.
  7. philheybrookbay

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Work. i cunting hate the fucking bastard place. It’s a Monday night and I trying so fucking hard not to reach for either the vodka bottle or for 50 grains of Valium. Or both. They can can all do one. Vodka wins....
  8. philheybrookbay


    Halloween..... Dont you just fucking hate extremely part time Deathlisters......
  9. philheybrookbay

    John McCririck

    A most depressing read. Won’t be announcing his death, no funeral at his request. And its all Claire Baldings fault. So 2 out 3 ain’t bad
  10. philheybrookbay

    The World of the Snowflake

    I’m almost looking forward to reading about Tracey’s attempted compo claim reference said Earthquake. 50p bet that she’ll be on either Look North or Calendar tonight as well.
  11. philheybrookbay

    The World of the Snowflake

    The road around the harbour has a crack in it and some plate glass has gone in the shops in Zakynthos town. Pretty standard stuff for earthquakes on Zakynthos trust me. No one was injured reading the Ionian newspaper on line and nobody attended the hospital. Bar Tracey from Yorkshire who was ‘badly shook up’...
  12. philheybrookbay

    The World of the Snowflake

    Back to ‘Snowflake’. A series of Earthquakes have hit my favourite island of Zakynthos overnight. The largest was 6.8 ish - admittedly pretty strong (I’ve been there when earthquakes have been around 5+), but reading ‘The Sun’ story this morning you’d think all hell had broken loose. Tracey Archer, from Yorkshire, tweeted to travel agent Thomas Cook: “Please do something!! We are stuck in Zante after an earthquake and everyone is outside the hotel in blankets. There’s babies and young children. Please do something, we’re scared and cold.” Tracey, 27, told The Sun Online: “We’re terrified. We’ve just had another bad aftershock and they keep coming. “We were stood outside the hotel for about three hours in the freezing cold, scared. “There were young children crying and screaming. We felt a quake about 1.30am and later a larger one half hour later.” She added: “The bed was shaking violently for minutes it. My partner and I screamed and grabbed each other and he put a pillow over us to protect us as we thought the ceiling would cave.” All buildings in Zakynthos are built with reinforced concrete to the highest standard following the Ionian earthquake in 1953. I think Tracey was being a little bit melodramatic. Edit- just spoken to my mate on the island. He’s confirmed no damage bar a broken coffee cup. I’m starting a fund to assist with his rebuilding Tracey can sit in her blanket outside her hotel for all I care
  13. philheybrookbay

    Crashing Companies

    Debenhams lost the plot. Last Christmas they were selling large jars of Nutella. A problem made worse that the same size large jars were much cheaper in every supermarket I went in- leading to barely any of them being sold in Debenhams. Nutella and Debenhams. And they lost £462 million......
  14. philheybrookbay

    Reality TV

    He’s a strange one. Started off as a favourite in the BB house but his game playing and Gender fluid actions haven’t gone well in the house, nor with the other 5 people apart from me still watching this. Up for eviction again this week. Likely to go as well
  15. philheybrookbay

    Death In The Family

    Sorry to hear this both Handy and Fixed. Always horrendous news.
  16. philheybrookbay

    The World of the Snowflake

    As a full member of the gay community since early 1990s ( before it was fashionable to be gay trust me)- the change from LGB name to add the the initial T was bad enough , but now we had LGBTIQFFK community. And it’s ruining the original LGB community as suddenly we have every bastard idiot saying ‘ we’re different can we come to your space’. Dont get me started on this drag obsession on the scene either. Fucking millennials coming to the pubs like it’s an episode of Ru Paul’s Drag race. It’s fucking wet Tuesday in Plymouth you muppets, it’s not Hollywood, your primark makeup is sliding off your face and you all look like a joke. What happened to just going to the pub in a polo shirt, jeans and trainers and being men fancing men? As for the weekend Brenda’s who are Brian Mon to Fri - hands like shovels but now drink jäger like pints.... The above will mean millennials will send me on an anger management course... Grrrrrrrrrrr
  17. philheybrookbay

    The World of the Snowflake

    I had the misfortune to see a discussion on This Morning yesterday. Called ‘Are Fairy Tales sexist’? It basically envolved a snowflake saying that as Snow White didn’t given permission for her kiss it was abuse. And that all female characters in Fairy Tales needed updating to show strong female empowerment and that they didn’t need a Prince as this was unrealistic to real life. The other classic last week was that you should ask your babies permission to change their nappy as this could be viewed as getting into their personal space and humiliating them. This should start immediately from birth. (No advice given for the period where they can’t talk). I just roll my eyes at this generation.....
  18. philheybrookbay

    When will Harry and meghan divorce if at all?

    Half way there. They both looked miserable as sin at that wedding.
  19. philheybrookbay

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Tends to be viewed as a job for life at the Top- I’m guessing there hasn’t been a Immediate Past Grand Master for many years if ever.
  20. philheybrookbay

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    As a Freemason, the Duke of Kent is the Grand Master for us masons in England. Having seen him close hand dealing with complex ritual from memory, he’s safe for another 5 years minimum. Trust me - the stuff he has to learn wouldn’t be out of place with an actor on the stage in the West End.
  21. philheybrookbay

    38. Prunella Scales

    No real update but I think there’s a new canal series been done (?). As Storm Callum rages , I’m having an afternoon with ‘After Henry’. Gentle comedy from late 80s with Pru as the lead Sarah France. Worth a look on YouTube. It’s held up well compared to other 80s comedies imho.
  22. philheybrookbay

    Leah Bracknell

    In my job, there’s a couple of known addresses where all I have to do is stop outside and inhale deeply whilst patrolling. One turned out to be a cannabis factory- at least it numbed the pain
  23. philheybrookbay

    John McCririck

    Well it was my spot on reality thread having seen him this morning in Big Brother Bit in Side but if he gets to Christmas he’ll be doing well imho. The reference to Tammy and Robin Gibb are apt.
  24. philheybrookbay

    Reality TV

    Just catching up with Big Brothers Bit on the Side and John McCririck is on the panel. Hes a walking skeleton. Gaunt face and confirmed he’s been ill for several months but getting ‘better’. But he’s got that ‘terminal look’ about him. I think he was a cigar smoker from memory so could be related. One for 2019 for certain if he gets there

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