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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2022

    I think you may need to take one for the good of humanity here, Biblio!
  2. msc

    Dead Screenwriters Society

    If I can precede this by noting Gaynor Faye is always one of those actresses I am aware is in things rather than seen (as its mostly Corrie, Emmerdale and her mums shows). This is me learning Gaynor Faye is younger than I thought! She's 50. I legit thought, as a 90s Corrie name, that she'd be ages with Kirsten Scott Thomas and the others from that 1990s generation of actors who are in their early 60s now!
  3. msc

    Dead Screenwriters Society

    I can't remember if it was her or Lynda La Plante who made the "everyone I know has dated a serial killer" line in an interview about 20 years ago, because I laughed at that one. And I always mix those two up.
  4. msc

    Dead Screenwriters Society

    I was just referencing Children's Ward in the other thread. And tbf, how many Hit Dramas do ITV ever have these days? It's usually Netflix, or BBC/Channel 4, who produce the talked about shows. ITV is the home of afternoon quiz shows, reality TV and This Morning.
  5. msc

    The Dead of 2022

    Genuinely surprised, she's a huge name in British TV screenwriting going back decades. Created Children's Ward which was a huge kids TV show in the early 90s, before writing the acclaimed Band of Gold, a who dunnit set among prostitutes which was considered groundbreaking at the time. She also co-created, wrote and directed much of The Syndicate, and lots of romance type dramas.. Her stuff really isn't my cup of tea but yeah, she's a massive behind the scenes name.
  6. msc

    Bernard Cribbins

    I think - and I could be wrong here - the wheelchair is for the character, as he's seemingly playing a much older Wilf than last time, and the character was already older than Bernard Cribbins himself iirc. But even so, he's a very old national treasure, so the production will be taking great care with him.
  7. msc

    Bernard Cribbins

    This makes me more excited than David Tennant returning, tbh. Cribbins doing TV again. Bloody hell.
  8. msc

    3. Pete Murray

    Pete Murray well enough to be interviewed in a new Channel 5 doc about the Eurovision. I mean, for a man who is 97 in a few months, he looked good, but in general, he looked a bit knackered. Maybe one for 2023 if DLy enough.
  9. msc

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    A DDP pick in 2022. I know this, because I picked him!
  10. msc

    Curse Of The Eurovision

  11. msc

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Stunned, the UK song is actually decent! Also at least its not a fucking sombre ballad like half of them. Nice to see The Rasmus making some of us feel really old! Ukraine will walk this, for sure.
  12. msc

    Ron Mael

    I don't know much about any of Sparks current health, but tbh I am amazed a proper big name celeb has survived 3 years since Paul Bearer created their thread. That's usually the kiss of death!
  13. msc

    Tom Baker

    Tom Baker, this week. He's certainly aging now but in better nick than 99.9% of 88 year old former alcoholics.
  14. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    "She opened the door in her dressing gown. Funny place to put a door, I thought." (Chic Murray)
  15. msc

    Elon Musk

    Pictured - Plan B
  16. msc


    Obligatory grumble, grumble, etc.
  17. msc

    Windy City Deadpool 2021-2022

    Well done, Joey!
  18. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Wee old lady gets nice wee trip out to see some horses.
  19. msc


    In 2018 when Ken Dodd died we all discussed it. Names mentioned included Alan Bates, Dudley Moore, David Mackay, Jeffrey Tate, Naim Dangoor, Robert Stephens and the aforementioned Tam Galbraith as people who died in under six months (well under in some cases) of being announced. But @time brought up Sir Henry Cotton, 3 time Open winning Golfer, who died nine days BEFORE his knighthood was publicly announced, having agreed to it and died before it could be made public!
  20. msc


    I was thinking of Alan Bates tbh, but looking it up, the memory cheats. He was given a knighthood when it was known he was dying, but he did make it to the ceremony and died not long afterwards. The popular Glasgow Tory MP Tam Galbraith* was announced for a knighthood in the New Years Honours for 1981/2, but I'm not sure he was even aware of it, as he was gravely ill at the time, and died on the 2nd January. Deborah James will likely be close to Tam than Alan. Anyhow, if you can judge someone on their actions when the reaper is in the room, then James's continual fundraising for cancer treatment that will only help other people now speaks highly. She'll be thought of more highly than the Prime Minister trying to curry favour off her last breaths ever will. *Genuinely not taking the piss, he was seen as a good local MP and held his seat as the Tories lost out everywhere else. Since his death there's hasn't been another Glasgow Tory MP.
  21. The only one of their songs I remember is "Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived." Wrong age. Mind you, I do still remember most of the Animaniacs Presidents song ("James Garfield someone really hated, coz he was assassinated") despite it being 4 Presidents out of date now. And the Monkey Song, which only told us that we don't know what to say the monkeys wont do. Come to think of it, Yakko's World song is probably very out of date now too.
  22. msc

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    A famous name but not one I've read. Quite a few authors haven't really lived up to the "last a long time" part of the thread title lately. Letting the side down.
  23. msc

    Rugby Players

    A shame, I found the echo amusing. The Rugby Thread (Rugby).
  24. From a non royal/republican pov, it's fascinating to see the usual press suspects go from years of "Barmy Prince has woke sons, mad green ideas, was mean to Saint Diana of Our Hearts (formerly The People's Jezebel ruining Britain with her whoredom 1994-97 TM) to suddenly twigging he's going to be the King in the near future. The U-turn to "he's going to be the King, suck up to him" is hilarious. I'm sure similar things happened in 1898-1901 with playboy don Teddy becoming statesman future king Edward.
  25. msc

    George Alagiah

    Deborah James has lasted 6 years as an outlier. That timeframe would give our George about 18-24 months more, tops, alas.

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