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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Time Added

    Promising Atalanta youth talent Andrea Rinaldi has died of a brain hemorrhage aged only 19.
  2. msc

    Death In The Family

    Sorry to hear of your loss, Clorox.
  3. msc

    The 10th Death of 2020

    As we've seen a number of folk who nearly made the Drop 40 die in the next few weeks: Leon Spinks.
  4. msc

    Jerry Lee Lewis

    Most recent Jerry Lee Lewis story I know of is from 2017, when Vince McMahon decided to call a wrestling show Great Balls of Fire. Because Vince is insane. But didn't check the copyright, thinking it public domain. Because he's out of touch and insane. However, he was saved by Jerry Lawler, who knew Jerry Lee Lewis, as they share the same lawyer. Well, of course they do. Jerry Lee Lewis gladly took the money and ran.
  5. msc

    Thoughts and Opinions on the 2020 List

    Sods law, Stiller was a late edit off that list as it turned out his serious stroke in 2019 was fake news? I was late to that bit. And now he is late.
  6. msc

    2020 What next?

    Is this before or after the nuclear war you're promising us?
  7. msc

    Jerry Lee Lewis

    Duane Eddy being alive always surprises me. There's also Eugene Wright from the Dave Brubeck Quartet. Last one standing.
  8. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    Is there a more worrisome browser notification pop up to receive than "YoungWillz has quoted you in British Science Fiction Series"? Nope, can't think of one.
  9. msc

    Ask A Deathlister

    Don't need to tell me, my General Tetchy Thread didn't survive 20 minutes. I was quite tetchy about it tbh. There was also a time last year when some big name died and everyone was making pun jokes about it then Paul woke up and deleted it all as spam! Franco Zeffirelli iirc. All a bit fun police imo.
  10. msc

    Little Richard

    Three in 12 days in fact - Goldberg, Gascoine and now Richard. I knew that one because you got mentioned twice in the obits written late last night so it was fresh in the mind!
  11. msc

    Little Richard

    Joey said this to me last week. I didn't expect it to be a Gooseberry Crumble style promise...
  12. msc

    Little Richard

    This guy was spot on if the news is true.
  13. msc

    Reality TV

    Well there goes my "the DDP wont accept Race Around the World's Jo as an acceptable answer on its own, sorry" gag.
  14. msc

    Ask A Deathlister

    It went on for like 6 months, you need to be more specific! There's the time he got upset at the oxymoron and it went on for a bit. There's also the time in February 2016 which led to this putdown about Milton Keynes teens which was class: The time he told Phantom to kill himself was here. Well, one of them. But for all I know you could be talking about yet another one of his hissy fits. There were a lot of them. Also, imagine having a problem with Phantom, FFS. He's like the least offensive chap on the entire forum. That's like being chased off the forum because Toast teased you. Oh wait, that happened in 2016 too...
  15. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Thanks to ongoing help from Willz, Joey and DI... theme team standing, List of the Lost, List of the Missed all updated. The front page obits are up to date, and the trackers updated with Jill our new lead. And Reptile fixed the annoying big white blank bit at the top of the page (a broken menu, basically) because he is great. Last time I got up to date, the dam broke. What is that Gooseberry Reaper planning next...
  16. msc

    Reality TV

    Ah, cool. Note for everyone - there's about 40, 000 celebrities (from memory it might be close to twice that number) in the database so if you spot a List of the Missed name, use that term in your post as I can Search it and add them on my updates.
  17. msc

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    Oh yes, Sam Lloyd needed a sub. Forgot about that. Still, another could go today, could go in August name.
  18. msc

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    Hmm, with Cordero on the mend, I need 2 from Tobin, Hallett, Draper and Cullen to go just to pull level now. The concession speech is in the drawer ready to go.
  19. msc

    Elon Musk

    Every forum needs its the Father of the House. It's just that ours, LFN, really remembers the Alamo... by reading about it in The Times at the time.
  20. msc

    Elon Musk

    I'm sure Toast is really hurt by these comments by a muppet young enough to be her grandchild. No offence, Toast, btw.
  21. msc

    Windy City Deadpool 2020-2021

    I'd just like to humbly apologise in advance to all of Alex Trebek's many many fans on this forum on current form...
  22. msc

    Elon Musk

    Or the social. Whereas Elon Musk probably deals with social workers via a trapdoor into a shark tank in his secret volcano lair...
  23. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Steve Blackmore's death puts Love Boat within 3 points of the top. After years of discussing what Reptile needed to do to take that next step in the DDP, apparently the answer was "become a member of the Committee and put your team in a week earlier than everyone else instead of second guess it for a week"...
  24. msc

    The 100 Club

    Leonidas appears to have died off everyones radar - I did a check on 1916 names when Erdman died and he was still "alive" in the usual suspects!

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