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Everything posted by msc

  1. Now look @Gooseberry Crumble has gone and killed Kobe Bryant!
  2. msc

    Kobe Bryant

  3. Ebola spreads really easy. What was it again - 40 million dead by Jan 2015 or something like that? OK Back then I tried to calm folk down by pointing out there's cases of Black Death in the USA every year now. Didn't calm them down. In the slightest.
  4. msc

    The Dead of 2020

    Nobody appeared to have picked this no name for the DDP. Good.
  5. Remember when SARS was going to wipe us out? This is basically SARS. Actually I say that, but it is ACTUALLY basically SARS with a new name.
  6. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    I had nowt to do with Shot in the Dark's theme team status for the record. But you know, given Reptile had to fix a coding error in the site that'd been around for a decade or so, that was buggering up the website loading, from scratch, I think the priorities were right for 2020 to just get it done.
  7. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Tbh the theme team league has been abused for years by complete wankers who put any old team in and let it get the theme team nod. Like that cunt who ran a "These guys wont get a DDP QO" team which nearly won last year... I am open to adding theme team definitions to the big DDP Cmme rule discussion this summer, but nobody's really brought it up before - that I've noticed. In short, yes its rubbish, but the theme team league is a bit rubbish as it stands tbh...
  8. Scots drink whatever they can get their hands on, surely...
  9. msc

    Alt Obituaries Deadpool

    Leading the Alt Obits for the first time ever, thanks to a solo pick in the late Robbie Rensenbrink. Only my 2nd solo in 4 years of the game, actually. Although dropping Elizabeth Wurtzel from my 2019 squad was a bit of a faux pas.
  10. msc

    Linda Ronstadt

    Blimey and she's had it for years too? Diagnosed in January 2013, apparently. Thats an immediate shortlister.
  11. msc

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Look, you'd have been disappointed if this open goal had been missed...
  12. msc

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Although more accurately, its the thing Peter Sarstedt died of, which is a cross between ALS and Terry Jones's thing. Sounds equally nasty.
  13. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Well, he did on Wednesday. These sort of jinxes never work for Peter fucking Tobin...
  14. msc

    Dead Drummers

    Maybe they should start naming these bands things like Immortality and Javier Perez De Cuellar instead.
  15. msc

    Ask A Deathlister

    Once heard, never forgotten...
  16. msc

    Terry Jones

    Chance would be a fine thing.
  17. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Hah, my wee gag. Although once you start getting to years I *remember*... And the 20 uniques is quite impressive.
  18. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Hah, the effects of looking over 500 odd teams. Just there I spotted one or two which got missed but they can bloody wait. Some didn't get changed because the teams literally haven't done anything of note since 2015!
  19. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    2009 pick so that'll have been OoO or a volunteer of the time. Rude Kid's obit for Prunella Scales is really one that needs fixed imo...
  20. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Team descriptions up for as many notable teams as possible. Think about 100 teams have them now, I know I wrote about 60 or so...
  21. msc


    5 time CZW champ Justice Pain dead at 41. Shocking that a man who wrestled in so many deathmatches dies so young, I know...
  22. msc

    Magic Johnson, And Other Basketball Players

    Robert Archibald, the only Scottish player to have played in the NBA (for Toronto Raptors) has died aged 39.
  23. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    tbf, a glaikit sod who might be on the DDP Cmme asked him nicely if he was still doing them. On account of being a glaikit sod and being likely to miss names once 700 a week pop their clogs. I have been warned 2020 deaths are going to be like a medical procedure by a passing Crumble...
  24. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Thank you, Mr Willz.
  25. msc

    Thoughts and Opinions on the 2020 List

    Yeah, you're right, list needs more wrestlers.

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