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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Thoughts and opinions on the death list 2019

    5 hits in 47 days. It's as if those of us who say wait and see tend to be vindicated more than not!
  2. msc

    The 12th death of 2019

  3. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    In among the tributes, just learnt she was daughter of assistant director David Bracknell who worked on the Indiana Jones films and many British ones, and who died in 1987, aged 55, of cancer. Like father, like daughter.
  4. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2019

    As all top 10 jokers are used up, and you missed out on Brackers here, I think this puts me and Chorizo joint 2nd.... 25 points behind Death Impends! I mean, all jokes aside, surely he has to win this one now.
  5. msc

    Nobby Stiles

    The long timers round here will remember many, many names who seemed like they would cheat all types of ill health, only for all of them to reach the same terminus in the end. Brackers joins the long list of Swayze, Dr Granger, Al Megrahi, and other lingerers, and one day Nobby will join that elite Deathlist list...
  6. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    RIP. She lived a lot longer than any of us expected, but the prognosis odds were too great even for all the weed in the world.
  7. msc

    The World of the Snowflake

    Obligatory gag: Met many blue people who've complained about it lately? Anyhow, the backlash against Trudeau isn't so much for the photos, but more that he spent 4 years being publicly "woker than thee" and then it turns out he was a huge hypocrite.
  8. England by 9 New Zealand by 30 France by 11 South Africa by 20
  9. msc

    The English Language

    Reminds me of Dave Allen's bit about the vagaries of English in the US. "SHIT! I stood in doggy doo-doo!"
  10. Imagine having a Rock Hall of Fame and not having put Thin Lizzy in the fucking thing decades ago. Ditto Motorhead.
  11. msc

    Alex Trebek

    On the contrary, not saying he is a household name (because he blatantly isn't), but I've always been quite surprised by Trebek's level of known status in the UK for someone who never had a UK TV show. Even my mum who never uses the internet is aware of him, thanks to 30 odd years of US TV imports referencing him or featuring guest appearances. In terms of the DDP, anyone vaguely notable the whole forum here is aware of having Stage IV pancreatic cancer is immediately at an advantage of reaching the Drop 40, over a new candidate who isn't.
  12. msc

    Alex Trebek

    He says that, the Reaper's plans are TBC but likely predictable.
  13. msc

    Bovine Attacks

    We were in Germany during the week after Diana died, so my recollection of events is translated from German local newspapers in the Black Forest. Anyhow, the day it came out the driver was drunk, all the Diana news was squashed to the side to make way for the days big story: a bullfighter got badly (mortally?) gored in a Spanish fight. The headline in big capitals, said: "Finally the bull wins!"
  14. It was, though weirdly my corresponding memory is the wee old lady standing next to me at the bus stop. You know the type, really old, bit deaf, slightly away with the fairies... "Was there an accident, son?" "Yeah, a man got hit by a car." "Oh that's a shame. Is he hurt?" "I think he's dead." "Oh, that's terrible.... he'll miss the Celtic match now!" This went on and on... And then the next day, soon after I found out he died, who did I bump into? That same wee old lady!
  15. Saw a guy die when I was 14. Was waiting for the bus home from school. Guy on motorbike went to turn into a side street a block away. Car driver ploughed right into him. Guy did a sort of full flop in the air and landed head first on the ground. Bike crashed to the side and something flopped from it - which I only learnt after the fact was his leg, which had come off. Ambulance came inside 2-3 minutes, but they pretty much put the blanket over his face immediately and put him in the back. I was too far away to see the blood but you could smell the incident. Found out the next day the guy had died.
  16. msc

    Lynch Mob

    Bigger surprise is Russ Tamblyn, who was meant to be deeply ill 5 years ago, has outlived so many of his co-stars since.
  17. Namibia v Canada 04.15 ko - Canada by 17 USA v Tonga 06.45 ko - Tonga by 20 Wales v Uruguay 09.15 ko - Wales by 50 Japan v Scotland 11.45 ko - DOESNT HAPPEN BECAUSE WORLD RUGBY ARE SHITHEADS...err, sorry, I mean Japan by 20.
  18. msc

    The 2019 Deathlist Cup

    Totally forgot about Gigi Simoni. One of the other 7 is going to be on every competitive DDP team if they see January 1st.
  19. msc

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Mad Men's strength seems to be the odd great episode which knocks it out of the park, but yeah, I wasn't fully enamoured with it. Currently giving that Stranger Things everyone is on about a shot. Bloody dull, like a superlong bad Stephen King adaptation. Although... I recently gave How I Met Your Mother a shot, as it had Ally Hannigan in it, and contrary to seemingly most of the internet whinging about not getting the show they thought they were entitled to, I thought it was surprisingly well done for a US sitcom.
  20. msc


    Yeah but who knows how many of them will be allowed in 2020! Oh wait, I do. All of them. Sorry, just needlessly worrying folk for a moment..
  21. msc

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    With that update (35% capacity lungs, chemo not working, blood numbers on the decline) I give Porridge about 6 weeks to 4 months left, on the Eric Lubbock scale. Could be a huge Drop 40 pick in 2020 if they make it that far.
  22. msc

    Fort William Football Club

    Knew it was an error giving organisation of the Highland League to the Rugby World Cup chiefs.
  23. I'm more surprised to learn we've had £2 coins since 1998! It didn't feel that long ago.
  24. msc

    Ozzy Osbourne

    He should use this power for good. Whens Piers Morgan touring?

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