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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc


    Blake Edwards and James Moody are upstairs consoling Grandmaster as we speak.
  2. msc


    Big Davey Meltzer confirms and adds Brickhouse back to the list of the lost:
  3. msc

    Political Frailty

    Oooh, Sequel! Face Off 2: The Never Dying Reviews "Wish I'd thought of that" - Roger Ebert "Pah, these guys are amateurs" - Le Duc Anh
  4. msc

    Political Frailty

    Didn't you pick him two or three times in the Cup? A bit like Pedro and that old priest.
  5. msc


    DEAD - Via Lawler family sources
  6. msc

    Political Frailty

    That Face Off was shorter than the fucking film! But better, because the film is shite.
  7. msc


    Premature - Pro Wrestling Insider just tweeted "Not expected to recover".
  8. It's understandable to see tensions rise, Nikolai Volkoff was a much loved institution after all...
  9. msc


    Pro Wrestling Sheet says alive, but dying. Note - Pro Wrestling Sheet has a rep in wrestling circles slightly lower than the National Inquirer's is. But now its out there, it'll be denied. Or...not.
  10. msc


    Rumoured - went looking on Spade's post. Limbo right now. Meant to be a "if true" in that post you quote but I got distracted by children.
  11. msc


    Just saw that one looking up Brian Christopher. Sounds like the 1940-early 1950s DOB wrestlers are starting to go en masse going by the last 18 months or so. Christopher another of the druggies. And another Marty Jannetty outlives, that man is the Le Duc Anh of waster pro-wrestlers.
  12. 10/10 for actually using the search engine, though.
  13. msc

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Hajduk really needed to make that pun?
  14. msc

    Death Links

    When my grandad was on the road out, he spent his last week clearly utterly out of it from late stage cancer. Then at the weekend, he suddenly perked right up and was telling jokes. At the time I was rather younger so assumed he was making a comeback. He died on the Sunday. Was like one last moment before the quick exit.
  15. msc

    British Character Actors

    Gary Russell reporting death of dependable 60s/70s British character actor, Alan Bennion. Yeah, Doctor Who villain (and non-villain, actually, multiple roles) hence Russell, but Z-Cars, Juliet Bravo, the usual suspects too, and a highly acclaimed stage career. EDIT - He here in A Family at War, without the alien get up!
  16. msc

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Here he is. The interviews about cruise ships and nowt about his health, mind.
  17. msc

    Golf: The 19th Hole

    And there goes one of my "2019 locks - if they make it". In July! This is like Christmas, getting earlier every year.
  18. msc

    Buster Keaton

    Buster fucking Keaton. Quick, get Winston Churchill on the 2019 list - must be getting on a bit now!
  19. msc

    Deathlist Dreaming

    Weirdo dream for a weirdo. So last night, I was dreaming that for some reason, the government had insisted all deadpoolers lived together. So they'd chucked a bunch of us in the same house, only all the other Deathlisters were all famous folk. So there was me, charon (Jerry Sadowitz), Sir Creep (Ed Harris as his character from the Abyss!), DDT (an old farmer I didn't catch the name of - looked a bit like the Fast Show farmer tbh) and Bou (Joanna Lumley). Apparently Deathray was in the house but asleep, and Death Impends lived there but was in court as "the neighbours thought his name was a threat". Charon/Sadowitz kept looking out of the windows for the police coming. Anyhow, knock at the door and I got sent to answer it. Sir Humphrey Appleby from Yes Minister. He walks into the room, and everyone else is all "Oh its Bibliogryphon here for the rent!" I said it was Sir Humphrey and Ed Harris/Sir Creep went "Yeah but everyone knows he's Gryphon!" They haggled over money, and Sir Humphrey/Biblio forbid charon from knocking down a wall in the house as it could hurt or kill people. "Only English passersby!" Anyhow, then DDT, who had been silent up to this point, suggests we had Sister Wendy over for tea - his only line in the entire dream - and then I woke up. So none of the rest of you got to show up. Very weird.
  20. msc

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Think it was more a common sense thing (and a Sir Creep bear bug) but some folk worthy of mention - like the non-Brit World Cup players - just don't get English references, sadly.
  21. msc

    Aerospace and Astronomy

    There was a massive eclipse around 1997-ish which we got a brilliant spot on view of in Glasgow. Remember it vividly. Watched it from the steps outside mums house.
  22. msc

    Aerospace and Astronomy

    Apparently the sun and moon are so far below the horizon line from here tonight they are on intimate terms with Australia, practically.

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