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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Hey, I resemble that remark!
  2. Brackers, Elias and Nevin, eh? In order: still within the average life expectancy (more of us should have twigged that last Christmas, tbh); literally near death all year but hanging on as a massive outlier; exaggerated to all hell. Pan Breed made three terminal errors last year, from what I can see. The first was subbing out Hewlett/Snuka/Magill/Skellern right before I sent my team for Aspin/Baghdadi/Holmlund/Suisala. A point deficit of 41 points there. Very daft. Second, ignoring deadpool sabermetrics (as Spade puts it) on a few picks that weren't going to obit. Third, and most damning, a complete lack of judgement. About 34 names from my final shortlist of 50 are gone, but only 10 from my main DDP team. Says it all. I'm not sure how your system can account for the third one overall, but I will be interested to see!
  3. msc


    Although, now I've thought of it, terminal IBS would be a right shitey way to go.
  4. msc


    Few years back Bono was on the Graham Norton show and said he'd been badly ill, then looked all sad. Norton looked worried and said "Is it cancer?" "No", said the "singer", "Glaucoma." So he probably suffered from terminal IBS or Stage IV acne.
  5. msc

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Given I had her in the Hares Pool but not in the Hartlepool or Deathrace, shows what my prognosis of her chances were 24 hours ago. That was a sudden down turn. Like that dictator last Christmas, I forget his name now.
  6. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Well, at least it's not a 120 point lead!
  7. msc

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Not to say I am highly skeptical here, but if Vervoort is on the 2018 Deathlist, I will put £5 to the charity of Sean's choice.
  8. msc

    Deathrace 2018

    The best team is the one which makes in it before the deadline imo.
  9. msc

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Mind you, without spoiling things too much, if Leah Bracknell goes on Hogmanay, I might have a full on panic attack.
  10. msc

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    You don't want me to have to add in a whole bunch of Crowdsourced subs, right?
  11. msc

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    I think all 3 of them will be gone before 2018, tbh.
  12. msc

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Garner is the annual Christmas massive HA - see Fisher, Srnicek. Fisher lasted 4 day so expect Garner's death tonight or early tomorrow.
  13. msc

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    The theme is people who starred opposite the two Ronnies, right?
  14. msc

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    You celebrating it like it's his last birthday? .... ... hopefully.
  15. msc

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Think about the poor sod for whom she was the last person cut from the Deathrace team before it was sent a few hours ago. I even referenced this very trope to MPFC saying I bet it was going to happen.
  16. In where? If PM, it didn't reach me!
  17. msc

    27 Club

    Few weeks ago we were in a cafe and something that sounded like a cat drowning was playing on the radio. I was told after that was apparently Ed Sheeran. First time hearing him, forgotten him already. I didn't even know she had a wee sister!
  18. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    He didn't obit? Blimey. Him and Bloembergen (had a look around, no luck even in look back articles) didn't get qualifying obits while Sara Hankins did... This is more damning of the press than any deadpooler.
  19. msc

    27 Club

    Well there's a list to make me feel completely out of touch! Other than Sheeran, Jedward and the One Direction guy, the only other one I've even heard of is someone people keep trying to add to the Crowdsourced Deathlist every year.
  20. msc

    George Bush Senior Versus Mikhail Gorbachev

    All Gorbachev, all the time. Get him on the list.
  21. Hares - in. Hartlepool - in Alt Obits - in DbN - in RadGuy's inbox. Deathrace - in MPFC's inbox. Just the DDP teams to sort out now.
  22. msc

    Deathrace 2018

    I can confirm the 2015 winner has sent a team to the boss. It wont be a massively competitive one, I just like the taking part.
  23. msc

    Fernando Ricksen

    Nae Surrender? A cliche to the last.
  24. And that's him after he's lost weight!
  25. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    Cruyff said in early March he was 2-0 up in his battle with cancer. Sadly, it turned out his cancer defence was actually Liverpool football club, and we all know how they are after half time sometimes...

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