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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Who is not Deathlist worthy?

    Yes, but until then, Sinead is a complete waste of space. And on top of that, a wasted Deathlist pick.
  2. msc

    Who is not Deathlist worthy?

    Sinead. Always Sinead. I think Gilbert, Cryne and Francis are Deathlisty if the Cmme say they are! But never Sinead. What a waste of a pick that'd be.
  3. msc

    Who is not Deathlist worthy?

    So this is the thread to point to when folk ask why the 2018 list is full of 90 year old comedians and football owners?
  4. msc

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Why not pick Thomas Schafernaker or however you spell his name? I am told by a reliable journalistic source (Deathray) that he might walk out in front of a tsunami on live TV sometime in 2018 or something.
  5. msc

    John McCain

    I suspect we might be slightly different politically (dunno what gave it away really ) but even from my centrist spot, I've always had some respect for McCain, even if he is a bit flawed at times. He survived as POW, and was on the right side of history on a few big political issues. Also wrong on others, but meh, no one is perfect.
  6. msc

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Hey currently on the Crowdsourced, once you eliminate the joke entrants, there's around...350 legit potential contenders... and only 50 spots. And that's with folk ignoring some folk who will go on the Deathlist or could have. Or other big name famous old folk who get lost in the shuffle.
  7. msc

    John McCain

    I'm not convinced at this point in time he'll see 2018. A conclusion you might have just reached above, I see.
  8. msc

    Hollywood Possibilities

    I always liked Joe Don Baker. He's great fun in Edge of Darkness, and a wonderfully OTT Bond villain. "Dude died peacefully in his sleep. Of bullet wounds." NOTE - In response to Drols list. He's not dead.
  9. msc

    Last Word

    What I said a few days ago... Please tell me I wasn't the only one who say this and did a double take, thinking of Norman Baker the fairly notable Lib Dem.
  10. msc


    Didn't Muffy die? EDIT - No, I just checked. I'm thinking of Marianna ie Beaver Cleavage's "mum"/girlfriend. (Oh that Russo.)
  11. msc


    The 100% optimistic Facebook message from his brother contains: "I don't know how long he has". Surprised he's only 59, tbh.
  12. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    Well, that's what I get for skim reading and giving up before the end.
  13. msc

    Predictions not death anyone else feeling psychic

    Someone very famous but old will die. At least two posters will call this a huge miss for the Deathlist, even though the last footage of the famous person was of them dancing on Christmas TV with the Queen.
  14. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    Yeah, that's actually remarkably sane by her standards. And, with the "here's signs of early lung cancer, go get treatment if you've got them" and not a hint of shamanism, perhaps her most useful info to her followers?
  15. msc

    Tessa Jowell

    Another pic of her looking frail in the House of Lords, with nice bobble hat and what looks to be her own hair.
  16. msc

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    She is briefly interviewed alongside 3 other terminally ill people in the BBC podcast from a few weeks ago.
  17. msc

    Mugabe vs Tsvangirai

    I seem to be fairly unique at present in going for the 94 year old.
  18. msc

    Morgan Tsvangirai

    Bet he does a McGuinness and resigns 10 days into the new year.
  19. msc

    Robert Mugabe

    Makes sense, he hasn't posted in a few days.
  20. msc

    Political Frailty

    iirc when Iain Banks got told he had terminal cancer, his immediate response was "Well, bugger." Sums it up better in 2 words than Brackers does in 20, 000.
  21. msc

    Tessa Jowell

    Sean, did I ever tell you what my ex-MP said when he saw the SNP polls in 2015? "I'm set to Defcon Fucked!" Which, it turned out, he was. Anyhow, that's what Tessa is, now.
  22. msc

    Political Frailty

    "I am fucked" is usually a handy message to deadpoolers, of course.
  23. msc

    Political Frailty

    He sounds like the polite sort who would tell us what type it is if he finds out before Hogmanay...
  24. msc


    He's breaking Sir Creep's First Law of Cancer: don't brag about beating cancer. I'd add: especially when you apparently aren't even in remission yet. (Though non-Hodgkin's prognosis has improved a lot in the last 20 years or so...)
  25. msc

    Advent Avalanche 2017

    Certainly not cheekily crossing him off my Deathrace team now, honest. *innocent face*

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