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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    And Scotland. Don't forget, she was once a villain in Taggart.
  2. msc

    Room 101

    Sorry to hear about your cat. Pets often feel like part of the family, or more so than the actual humans.
  3. msc

    Magic Johnson, And Other Basketball Players

    Lauren Hill II was Dani Kemp and she died without an obit earlier this year.
  4. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    Context clearly point to them being her doctors. When you compare her to former Deathlist picks like Tammy Faye Messner or Errol Christie who were her age with the same illness/prognosis, she's merely living to the outer edges of the statistical norm for it. Errol Christie's fight would last her to December 2018, after all.
  5. msc


    People obsessed with trying to pick the latest suicide option (for some reason) could do worse than pro-wrestler Michael Elgin. He was once the can't miss prospect for the WWE to pick up, but screwed it up. Now he's had to sell his own promotion after news he tried to cover up an alleged rape and his own sexual quirks. Also, he's losing bookings because he tried to pull a political hit on his New Japan tag partner, only it got out in the open, and now said tag partner is replacing Elgin on shows. Also, he's been cheating on his wife, who being both a pro-wrestler (and iirc legit blackbelt) and genius level scientist (and superior to Elgin in every way), could probably deal with him and not get traced. He may present deadpool points to someone, but even not, it's always good to see that someone, somewhere, is fucking up more than you.
  6. msc

    Dead Poets Society

    It's a homage. Remember Malcolm Hulke on writing: all you need to write is an original idea. It needn't be your own. Not a fan of her poetry, the little I've seen of it, mind you.
  7. msc

    A Joke

    Do the Battersea Dogs Home one next, Wee Jum.
  8. msc

    Dead Poets Society

    Times 2012 - breast cancer. Her poetry book, checks for cancer in the blood. This now? Guessing Stage III or IV breast cancer, prognosis unknown.
  9. msc

    Dead Poets Society

    For all the flowery talk about death which seems to be everywhere now (see anything Leah Bracknell posts), my favourite such comment by a Drop 40-er in recent years has to be Jenny Diski's announcement of "Life cancelled/cancered."
  10. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    For one thing, if it were recent, the current British weather would give her pneumonia long before we need rely on the end stage lung cancer.
  11. msc

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Yeah, drollercoaster will be better next year. Which will be a tough one, given lack of Spade: arguably a dozen sides are in the mix, before knowing teams etc.
  12. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Good luck! Three friendly tips 1. Remember to send your team to the right address. Like what I didn't do in 2011. 2. Enjoy. 3. Have you ever considered picking Rick Davies? I hear he is going to be a top cult pick. Just ask Joey, he'll tell you.
  13. msc

    Who Should Be On The 2018 Deathlist?

    Not in the UK (where the Deathlist is based), but general point taken.
  14. msc

    Windy City Deadpool 2017-18

    Pretty sure Gilbert, Rae and Francis will live into the 2018-19 Windy City Deadpool contention too. I ain't winning this. I think Drol will be top 2.
  15. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I didn't, but Hotmail seems to be less useful by the day. Probably going to change to another email account for this sort of thing.
  16. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Conrad Brooks, Plan 9 from Outer Space actor, has died aged 86 according to Bloody Disgusting, a genre news site. He was known as the "Gielgud of bad movies" by the NYT.
  17. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Good luck everyone, but especially Spade. Currently picture you going "Free at last" like Marcus Scarman at the end of Pyramids here. Planning to do a OoO 2010, continue the tradition?
  18. msc

    Tony Blackburn

    Spend two seconds copy and pasting a link and get Ninja'd. Story of my life.
  19. msc

    Tony Blackburn

    Apparently he suffers from very bad depression these days, so doesn't do much. Though he did make an appearance or two on Loose Women last year. Also, a look around says he presented some shit thing on Channel 5 this very summer.
  20. msc

    Please list your karaoke standards

    The only time I was ever coerced up to do karaoke, the karaoke machine promptly and permanently broke down. I suspect this was to save the human race.
  21. msc

    Rotten Dead Pool

    Apparently I am running at 4/10. I think I am just sticking with the Alt Obits pool for games outside this forum. That just gave me a nice email to tell me I got 2 points for picking King Michael, along with Death Impends (who I am currently beating, a rarity!), deadsox (who I am not currently beating) and some non-Deathlisters.
  22. Right out of the Spade school! I put together my shortlist in some free time earlier. 70 names, but once I remove those who wont get acceptable BBC obits, those who I don't think will get any obits, and those who are too 50/50 for my liking, it'll be considerably lower. On the plus side, found lots of interesting names for my proposed theme team, including some I am actually surprised qualify for it. Always nice. That theme team might actually out score Pan Breed in 2018, tbh.
  23. msc

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Mike Adamle is likely one to keep an eye on in the years ahead.
  24. msc

    Johnny Hallyday

    Pretty sure he'd have been a 10 pointer in the DDP next year if he'd lived a bit longer.
  25. Piers Sellers, Craig Sager, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, Gregorio Alvarez, Bruce DeHaven, Alphonze Mouzon, Rachel Owen, that Oxbridge student that wanted to go to Disneyland, the Man City fan guy, Barrelhouse Chuck, and AA GIll would have all featured heavily. I suspect Greg Lake would have appeared on one or two of the top contenders too as there were rumours about his health. I'm forgetting loads. It is what it is. 2015 into 2016 and 2013 into 2014 were quite spectacularly bad for this sort of thing too, iirc. Contenders just pick the next hospice dweller, and the rest of us go.... wait for it.... "Oh well, Bernard Hepton's still alive, better pick him!" And you know what? He is and all!

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