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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Which of this entertainers will be next to go

    I went for Tarbuck. Doddy and Norden are good fun, and O'Connor appeals to some folk. Reminded of the journo who asked Norden what he thought about hosting Alright on the Night for 29 years and he replied "When I started out, I didn't think TV would run for 29 years, let alone a show."
  2. msc

    Political Frailty

    Yep, but he wound up on the List of the Lost on Compost Corner's team, not mine.
  3. msc

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Damn you, Widows Peak!!!!!!!!! I mean, Well Done old chap.
  4. Good idea. Hey in line with a comment earlier in the thread, I was going to read JP de Cuellar's memoirs and reveal 10 Fascinating Facts about the guy from it. However, the library don't have a copy. Well, the thought that counts, and all that jazz...
  5. msc

    Political Frailty

    I was going to put this guy on my DDP Reserves team, to test how far Daily Mail obits would go for obscure US politicos. He ruined it by dying in December and not getting the obit. Spoilsport.
  6. msc

    Political Frailty

    Drop 40 bonus for sure...
  7. msc

    Bruce Forsyth

    If they pay, I'll do it!
  8. msc

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    Jokes aside, Drol does have a good lead at this point.
  9. msc

    Bruce Forsyth

    The One Show is axed for tonight, replaced by tribute show. Even in death, he brings happiness.
  10. msc

    Denis Norden

    Always steal from the best, I say.
  11. msc

    The 10th death of 2017

    Gone for Downie.
  12. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Bit ironic DDT being Italy there, no?
  13. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I don't know snooker, but if I said Djokovic to Nadal/Federer, or, uhm... can't think of a football equivalent off the top of my head to presumably keep the analogy accurate.
  14. msc

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    Blimey - Gregory's alive? For now, anyhow.
  15. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Good luck to you Bert. DI can win it in 2019 after I win 2018 next year instead...
  16. msc


    If Bouteflika is seriously ill as suggested on here a few months back, then 2006 has an exciting race of sorts to see who will be last person standing. Five left. My money's on Rev Billy G.
  17. msc

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Apparently, 17 here too, though I didn't bother checking which of them actually got QOs...
  18. msc

    Denis Norden

    Well... funny.... thing.... about... that. I....am....reminded....of....the.....fact....that....the...answer....is.....No. Not enough pauses there, sorry.
  19. msc

    The Deathlist Poker Tournament 2017

    And nobody did win anything for a pair with him!
  20. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Hmm, of your list I wouldn't write Christmas cards for Lewis, Booth, Downie or Bracknell right now. Suspect (at least) one of the old timers will go, too. That takes us to 14, and as you point out, lots of folk in dire straits, none of which would surprise if their death was announced tomorrow.
  21. msc

    The Generation Game

    Would be inappropriate hit for the Poker tournie of YW, though, as you get nothing for a pair.
  22. msc

    Bruce Forsyth

    For the record, only seen this now. RIP Bruce, though.
  23. DIDN'T HE DIE WELL? 16/50 18th August 2017 Entertainer Bruce Forsyth, one of the most familiar faces in British TV history, has died after a long illness to give The Crowdsourced Deathlist another success. Bruce Forsyth, who was born in 1928 before the release of sliced bread to the public, made his first TV appearance in 1939! After a period of life spent in the circus, pantomime and the RAF (one wonders which was the most arduous!), it was his early performances as compere of Sunday Night at the London Palladium from 1958 which gave him his first big break. From that point until his health failed in 2015, Bruce Forsyth was never off British TV. Some of his most popular programmes included the game shows The Generation Game, Play Your Cards Right, and Bruce Forsyth's Big Night. His audience interaction catchphrases became part of popular culture from "Didn't they do well?" (always said with a grin after a contestant on one of his game shows came up with a frankly appallingly stupid wrong answer), to the inimitable "Nice to see you, to see you... " "Nice!" Into his 70s and 80s, he hosted the Strictly Come Dancing revival on BBC1, and was Knighted by the Queen in 2011. He might have been the man who went to the school what burned down before they built the old school, but Bruce Forsyth was a calm and reassuring TV face. Someone who'd always been there, just like he'd always been there for your mum and your gran's weekend TV viewing, part of the furniture if you will. Brucie was a popular pick for the Deathlist voters, who clearly played their cards right, as he appeared in 8th place on this years list. Forsyth's death is the 16th hit of a remarkable year, which still has a number of tottering potential hits and the dark Winter nights still to come.
  24. Wait, what? Bloody hell! Just logged in, still feeling hideous. Right, give me 5 mins or so.
  25. msc

    Michael Barrymore

    Could the BBC have found a more "looks like shit" photo to use?

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