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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Robert Mugabe

    A shit Monday, or a bad day for three potential rivals?
  2. msc


    Sorely tempted to reply "Saw it, Roey", but I'm not that mean. If he does, he'll see next year, imo. Or we'll have a pretty good idea of his prognosis. Shades of Carrie?
  3. msc


    Jimmy Van‏ @jimmyvan74 @FightfulOnline I'm told from sources close to the situation, as of this morning Ric Flair was in a medically induced coma. 8:44 am - 14 Aug 2017 I blatantly haven't a clue how to embed tweets. It's not as easy as their how to makes it look. Anyhow, induced coma for Flair.
  4. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Yeah, same. Though perhaps he didn't want it publicized, or, sounds like he lived alone and there's a to do about his estate? Might not have been many people to let the press know, ala Patricia Laffan.
  5. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Really good actor, he's in a Peel/Steed Avengers episode called Murdersville. Also Elizabeth R, A Woman Sobbing, and Yes Prime Minister. Oh, and Sugar and Spice, an episode of Shadows of Fear, in which he plays a dad, who comes home drunk to find his youngest child missing, and his daughter telling her mum that she "promised daddy" she wouldn't say what happened to him... Creepy 70s horror, no supernatural element in sight. Recommended heavily. See, I can talk up character actors even if they didn't appear in Dr Who.
  6. msc

    Reality TV

    Yep, always got to keep those dead people to yourself, for fear of someone nabbing them for the DDP.
  7. msc

    Reality TV

    She'll get a Mail obit, no worry. Not really famous enough for the poker tournie, though.
  8. msc


    If he gets through this, he is one of the half dozen American pro-wrestlers who feel Deathlisty. In a world where Jake the Snake made the list, of course, that number might be somewhat higher.
  9. msc


    If you like ghost stories, and antiquary/lit history references, A Podcast to the Curious is for you. If not, it's probably not. There was a cool life of Napoleon one I lost track of, url and all.
  10. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Never heard of this guy, tbh, but looking at his Wiki: Man, they weren't even trying with that casting.
  11. msc

    Hooroo, Mate.

    He was a unique pick on the DDP for Death Impends in 2015. Whereas in 2016, he was a pick for Diana Rots tribute team Whole in Won. Picked by nobody this time out.
  12. msc

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    OoO retired, the Skunk is always there or there abouts in the top 30 now, and DDT's record speaks for itself. Curious stat though. Was convinced you finished 2nd at some point, just from vague memory.
  13. msc


    Yeah, tweets from his PR have gone from "nothing to worry about" to "please pray" very quickly.
  14. msc

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Sometimes bits of a persons Wiki just stand out at you.
  15. msc

    Death List Convention

    I'm an extremely antisocial git who took a vow of poverty (aka have weans, or black holes of all money ever) but enjoy the meetup, anyhow!
  16. msc

    Country For Old Men (And Women)

    Aye, so how was Dave, then? Hey, its British music, I've probably got a... 15-20% chance of nabbing the right first name by default.
  17. msc

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    If Spade is bowing out DQSP next year (afaik), then 2018 will be a rather open. Be interesting to see how some folk deal with the position of being favourites rather than as underdog. Perhaps someone entirely unheralded will come racing up to the front, or even Ali or Banshees will finally win one. All very open and interesting.
  18. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

  19. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Look out Digital Nun, Christy Dignam and Gino Odjick then!
  20. msc

    Stefan Karl Stefansson

    You say that, but even the top teams talk themselves into a sneaky Luke Halpin.
  21. msc

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    Those who actually research to death are about 15 teams out of 500, if that. And that's vastly overestimating the research, no doubt. Rules shouldn't be changed to suit 15/500.
  22. msc

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    I did wonder who'd be on the Drop 40, but... man, was my finger not on the pulse of the DDP! As for those, 3 is destined to grumpiness when taking on Spade.
  23. msc

    DDP 2018 Town Hall

    So? Used to be you could win the DDP with 20 points. Are they? And if the people are picking more popular (and thus more famous by default) people, how is that reducing the quality of the teams? You just said they were all gaining more points. That's a reason in favour of it, imo. Got to give it a year or two to see how that adjusts. Its clear that a fair few folk (hi) didn't quite twig how the Drop 40 bonus would trigger certain picks.
  24. msc

    Stan Lee

    Reminds me of when Tony Hart announced he couldn't draw anymore, as that came out around this time of the year, too. He was dead the next January.
  25. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    Ah yes, June Foray did that for a bit in the 1960s, explaining her longevity.

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