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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Oh, I didn't even twig for 3 days.
  2. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    There were all in the same file... and suddenly Healey's first law of holes comes to mind.
  3. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    In order (a revival from 2015, this one...) 1. 2015 (14/50), 2008 (14/50), 2003 (14/50) 2. 2017 (13/50), 2013 (13/50), 2006 (13/50) 3. 2016 (12/50), 2012 (12/50), 2009 (12/50), 2005 (12/50), 2004 (12/50) 4. 2014 (10/50), 2007 (10/50), 2002 (10/50), 2001 (10/50), 2000 (10/50), 1999 (10/50) 5. 2010 (9/50), 1997 (9/50), 1995 (9/50), 1994 (9/50) 6. 1998 (8/50), 7. 2011 (7/50), 1996 (7/50) 8. 1993 (5/56), 1992 (5/37) 9. 1990 (3/42), 1989 (3/32) 10. 1987 (1/31) 11. 1991 (0/40) Right, any other stats aren't in that one Word Doc I put together in 2015 when people thought the record was going then!
  4. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Well, here's a mad stat about the vagaries of life and all that: From 2011 to 2016, there were 2 Deathlist hits in the month of September - Herbert Lom (2012) and Ian Paisley (2014). From 20th September 2017 to 26th September 2017, there were three! For those who must know such things: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 all provided October hits consecutively. 2014, 2015, 2016 for November hits, ditto. Whereas since 2003, only 2007 and 2015 have gone without a single December hit.
  5. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    We're on 276 now, btw.
  6. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    100th - Hardy Amies, 5th March 2003 150th - Gerald Ford, 27th December 2006 200th - Betty Ford, 9th July 2011 250th - Al Molinaro, 30th October 2015
  7. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Oh wait, the King...
  8. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Just realised Tony B is my B-team joker, which means Here's Who you could have won will be about a dozen points ahead of Pan Breed! Sods law that is!
  9. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Yeah, just to reiterate this... Double down on it, I believe the Americans like to put it.
  10. msc

    The 14th death of 2017

    Nabbed Kirk quickly while I still have time today...
  11. msc

    Tony Booth

    It was a quiet week, that's why...
  12. msc

    Tony Booth

    And then the Queen Mum died at the weekend (48 hours later).
  13. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    Yes, in 2012 - Megrahi and Gibb. But otherwise, back in 2002, so almost historical by Deathlist standards.
  14. TILL DEATH US DID PART! 18/50 26th September 2017 Actor Tony Booth has died to give The Crowdsourced Deathlist another hit in a highly successful year. Booth broke into stage and TV acting in the late 1950s after demob, and became most famous for the sitcom Till Death Us Do Part. As Mike, Tony Booth was the leftist counterweight to the ramblings of the other extremist, Alf Garnett. It was a role he was born to play, as a former Communist and life long supporter of the Labour party. He later became the father-in-law of the Prime Minister, after Tony Blair (husband of his daughter Cherie) became Prime Minister in 1997. Booth also made appearances in a range of shows from Family Affairs to Adolf Hitler: My Part in his Downfall. The widow of Corrie legend Pat Phoenix, Booth has died after a long illness.
  15. msc

    Tony Booth

    You're kidding! Flipping heck.
  16. msc

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    With Liz Dawn going, and Bracknell and Downie still on the clock, the list would be highly unfortunate not to equal the record now.
  17. msc

    Liz Dawn

    Wouldn't want to be Valerie Harper looking at the front page right about now.
  18. Of course with Liz Dawn's death now, that's level!
  19. msc

    Liz Dawn

    RIP - she lasted far longer than I expected. Also one of the few soap actresses I'd recognise on sight. Commiserations with Deathray, incidentally.
  20. msc

    Barbara Walters

    Yes, according to her friends, but kept very low key. Don't know how far gone. Looked in when MIA (essentially) during Indy Ref. Also had assumed the Record or Mail, etc, had mentioned it, otherwise wouldn't have said aloud...
  21. msc

    Do You Actually Research?

    Yes, the Mail is the deadpooler's (and fascist's, of course) friend.
  22. msc

    Do You Actually Research?

    .... unless they're on my team, of course. wow, Joey, talk about ninja'ing a post in and completely wrecking the flow of this one!
  23. msc

    Kim Jong-Un

    Hey if you thought being a US general was dispiriting, imagine being a North Korean one round about now. Kim could be a 32 point joker next year... (10 + drop 40 + unnatural bonus)
  24. msc

    Barbara Walters

    Barbara Walters (allegedly), Jill Gascoine, Joanne Woodward, Winnie Ewing, Prunella Scales... Monica Vitti and Jeanne Mockford iirc... There's practically enough of them out there for a Famous Women With Dementia theme team...
  25. msc

    Do You Actually Research?

    Canada's weird like that. No one really dislikes it, it seems cool, but it rarely seems to be thought about. Canadian MPs, even less so. Unless they were a rare household name like Trudeau. Either Trudeau. Their PMs will obit, sure, but even their Cabinet members might struggle. Any Joe or Jane Bloggs who ever got into parliament in the UK (Scotland, Wales, N Ireland or UK as a whole) will get the obit. Any President, President's cabinet member, notable family of President, Senators, and probably most congressmen will get the obit. Their families too, if the stories big enough. Any state congress folk or dog catchers, forget it. This year's had a few wrong turns (bloody hockey players! what's up with really old chess guys? etc) but in general, the biggest group who don't obit are Obscure Nonentities no one has ever heard of.

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