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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Emperor Akihito

    Official abdication announcement expected to have been brought forward to next month, instead of next summer.
  2. msc

    Stefan Karl Stefansson

    He's been "in remission" twice this year, for Stage IV pancreatic/other stuff in that area of the body cancer. And it returns swiftly because it's Stage IV pancreatic/other stuff in that area of the body cancer. I'm full James Randi on this news, till proven otherwise.
  3. msc

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Oh, I thought it meant "Don't panic!", tbh.
  4. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    So, about this legend: Well, he died in March, aged 105. Not a single obit, let a QO, despite his role in history. So in reference to @Weebl and @maryportfuncity's doubts on this man getting an obit, well: my bad!
  5. msc


    Ric Flair in hospital with "heart related issues". His PR team say not to worry. He's 68 now, coming rapidly close to my "he wont see 70" line.
  6. msc

    Your Personal Survivors

    Well I guess there's been some movement: 2011 - Dr Sree Sree Swaniji, Johan Van Hulst, Mary Carlisle, (3/50) 2012 - Penny Marshall, Peregrine Worsthorne, Clive James, Mary Wilson, Leslie Philips, (5/20) 2013 - Robert Mugabe,Judy Blume, Nicholas Edwards, Danny Kirwan, Bob Dole, Michael Jopling, Mark Eden, Ryan Buell, Freddie Starr (9/20) 2014 - Ryan Buell, Liz Dawn, Valerie Harper, Wilko Johnson, Chris Moncrieff, Pat Rice, Ian Watkins, 7/20 2015 - Seumas Milne, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Jacques Villenueve Sr, Vojislav Seselj, Mary Wilson,Peter Sutcliffe, 6/20 2016 - Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Nobby Stiles 2/20 2017 - 10/20 I wonder who'll be last man standing for 2016: the cancer stricken bishop, or the demented footballer.
  7. msc

    Brian Wilson

    Yeah, just looks...70 odd to me, too. Of course, now he'll pop his clogs next year and this thread will be full of people going "What a miss!"
  8. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    That wouldn't be an abdication. Daft headline.
  9. msc

    Glen Campbell

    Watching An Evening with Glen Campbell that were on BBC4. Introduces Jimmy Webb, and the wife goes "Oh its him who was talking about him on Last Word". She was right, and all, and spotted it before me. Highly obitable, but only turning 71 this week, so a wee while before he troubles deadpools.
  10. msc

    Ice Hockey Players

    Bit like 2013, then. It felt quiet next to 2012 (which was carnage), but it was a bonanza on the DDP, and if you actually look at the big names that went that year (Mandela, Thatcher, Winner, Chavez, Bearer, Briers and Griffiths, Ebert, Harryhausen, Jack Vance and Iain Banks and Matheson, Gandolfini, Heaney and Frost and Mel Smith, Tom Clancy, Ken Norton, Doris Lessing, Peter O'Toole and Lou fucking Reed, to give a few)... well, it were a creeper, I guess.
  11. msc

    Aaron Ramsey

    They stretch this out another few months, someone somewhere's going for the sneak Pak Doo-ik DDP spot next year.
  12. msc

    Advent Avalanche

    Yes, if King Michael, and then 1 of the 3 old, ill but not bankers (Ewing, Hall, Baddiel) go.
  13. msc


    Of course, the UK had a Pat who was on TV a lot and brainwashed people with propaganda too.
  14. msc


    I see. Mixing up my right wing political Pats.
  15. msc


    He ran for President in 2000? And folk voted for him by accident, mistaking him for Al Gore? Or was that another religious right Pat?
  16. msc

    Clive James

    The Mail quoted him on bloody Diana last week:
  17. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Comparison, not exclusion. (Unlike the article.)
  18. msc

    The Dead Of 2017

    Judge Wapner a major celebrity death, Peter Sallis not. Article must have been written by one of BCAlum's proteges.
  19. msc

    Greatest Deaths Ever

    Was on holiday with family when I saw Kurt Cobain death news being reported. "Who was Kurt Cobain?" I said. "An arsehole" said Dad. True story.
  20. msc

    Ask A Deathlister

    Now have images of Sir Creep interviewing Forum members but due to the anonymity:
  21. msc

    Aretha Franklin

    Franklin last November. Is she actually telling folk she has cancer then? If so, suggests far more serious: her previous brush she hid under a variety of excuses.
  22. msc

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Hah, clawing and clinging on. My joker's still living, but likely to live into 2018... though if he did do a Ray Price on us all, that'd be interesting. Anyhow, I'm just happy to be taking part.
  23. msc

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    One of those who, because they keep lingering on, sans publicity, you sort of forget, or pass over. See also Richie Kara. Also, I suppose Joanne Woodward, who has meant to be in end stage Alzheimer's allegedly for 4 or 5 years now.
  24. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    She looks like fucking shit. The "I'll be dead before the World Cup" look isn't a great one.
  25. msc

    Stan Lee

    No, can't think.

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