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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Lord Carrington

    Lord Carrington taking the oath in the Lords earlier. Walking with cane but seems in better nick than Healey did at his age. Chap who took oath before him mumbled, rasped and looked hideous. When Hansard comes up later, will be able to see who that was.
  2. msc

    Political Frailty

    Knew that "designated regent for a year" thing when Bhumibol died was a tad optimistic.
  3. msc

    O.J. Simpson: Run Out Of Juice?

    The biggest shock is he's been in prison for 9 years. Time flies.
  4. msc

    John McCain

    Drop 40, Deathlist main list certainty if he reaches January 1st without doubt. Actual household name here, not many Senators you can say that about. (We got taught about him in school, even, though he had just been the losing Presidential candidate*..) On a completely unbiased level, however, this is dreadful news for American politics. *The first time round. vs Bush in 2000. He offered the Channel 4 News reporter a cup of tea at a rally.
  5. msc


    Used to work for the Daily Mail, iirc and had a career in local newspapers before.
  6. msc


    Six months left is his default worst case scenario, apparently. He's hopefully of 2-3 years. No "oh I have metastases" or other helpful statements, so all opinion. In a Zevonesque enjoy every sandwich mood.
  7. You're what, 20-ish? Give or take a few years? I didn't have a clue what I was doing then. Hell my dad, who is very successful in his field now, thought himself washed up and career-less aged 25. There's no rush to the grave.
  8. msc

    Union People

    Damn, suggested by me last Summer, but then forgotten.
  9. msc

    World War Three

    That's nothing. At our wedding, you should have seen the size of some of the pests bugging their way around the receptio... No, wait, sorry, that was the in-laws.
  10. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    The 2017 List of the Missed continues to grow steadily, while Not the List of the Missed has a single solitary hit. Sods law!
  11. msc

    Denis Norden versus Bruce Forsyth

    ^ Didn't he do well?
  12. msc

    Denis Norden versus Bruce Forsyth

    It'll be the next Megrahi v Gibb photo-finish...
  13. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    Yes, but, think how delighted Leela is going to be.
  14. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    Well, you know, WW3, all that. Folk don't get great TV signal in their fallout shelters.
  15. msc

    Burt Bacharach

    Damn, I kept my alter ego as a zombie who lives in the Necropolis hidden too.
  16. msc

    Political Frailty

    His healths always been a bit shaky. Doesn't he have non-malignant skin cancer and other stuff?
  17. msc

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    In 2016, we had the David Gest Is Not Dead tour, too.
  18. msc

    George A. Romero

    Hands up everyone who knew Romero was ill on January 1st? Yep, just as I thought.
  19. msc

    DL Dead Pools

    July/August have always been quiet deadpooling months, iirc. In before someone brings up Stats to prove me wrong.
  20. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    More people watching TV On Demand, less watching "as live". Ratings down across the boards.
  21. Aye, though I wouldn't advise going on Dr Who forums. It's like pro-wrestling forums, but even more extreme.
  22. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    Sad news. Broken by Big Finish, so true.
  23. Dunno, Spade, for some reason I'm perfectly OK with the new choice...
  24. msc

    William Shatner Versus Martin Landau

    That's a shame. One of those cult actors. Brilliant in Ed Wood.
  25. msc

    George A. Romero

    I love the finish of Night of the Living Dead. The real monsters are the humans.

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