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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I have sort of the same issue with the Dalai Lama. He seems cool, but it would be cool to see a reincarnation happen, they occur so rarely these days...
  2. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    What does legit US newspaper The Globe have to say? Ah.
  3. Or will it? I think you'll find the main list is in that spot just as I predicted. It was just, err, hidden. Yeah, that'll be it.
  4. 1. A joke only really works once. 2. I am vaguely aware of Darrieux, through being a super old actress popular in deadpools on this site, though I don't believe I've ever seen any of her work. 3. Not Sir Creep related, but good spot Joey.
  5. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    After Brexit v EUer, Trump v not-Trump, and Indy Ref or bust, we're back to good old Republicanism vs Monarchism, I see.
  6. msc


    Does add creedence to my belief that someone mentioned as ill in the Daily Mail long enough can get on the Drop 40, just from casual deadpoolers recalling the name. Good work, DI.
  7. msc

    Predict The Drop 40

    They'd be quite interesting to see.
  8. msc

    Deathlist On The Net

    Magere is missing from the forum, and lots of folk are worried. Lady Grendel still admins and shows with posts now and again. Ditto Boudicca iirc. No idea about notapotato. Heavencanwait is now called Paul Bearer. Banshees is still about.
  9. msc

    Rotten Dead Pool

    Apparently my 2017 team picked a few days ago is: Michael of Romania, Daniel Arap Moi, Lilianne Bettencourt, Glen Campbell, Franco Zeffirelli, Freeman Dyson, Gorbachev, Anthony Hewish, Glynis Johns, Mario Soares. And if you think I get bored finding all the ill people I know aren't on their list, so just pick the first old people I can think of, then you're absolutely right.
  10. msc

    Deathlist On The Lad Bible

    450 odd likes, 50 laughs, and only 30 or so dislikes - I'd take those odds. I like how several of the replies, before I got bored, were "too many old people, duh!"
  11. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    She invested Ray Wheaton...and then passed on her cold to him.
  12. msc

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    It's probably because the whole thing is an unworkable mess without some fine and capable political brains around to sort it out all. Now, where did we put our fine and capable political brains?
  13. msc

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Or, you know, in a fortnights time she'll be doing her public stuff again and this will all look rather foolish. Time will tell.
  14. Keeping a modern Deathlist forum tradition alive... Been keeping in touch with that pal who works in Brinsworth House? Got your Telegraph subscription up to date, and a moleskine notebook close to hand? Or perhaps you've got a super secret unique dead cert that you are going to spend most of December fearing gcreptile mentions in the Ideas thread?
  15. msc


    Snuka charges dropped due to health. Recovery from the terminal ill position in 5..4...3... Not dead, or ill but Teddy Hart, DUI, evading arrest - a case of not If but When. He's Bret's nephew. Stu and Helen Hart had 12 kids, there's a lot of Harts out there.
  16. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Being Scottish - we all have Second Sight, you know - I'm going to deduce that Spade has Mark Sims as his joker, has a bunch of folk in common with myself (if I dare say so, ego wise), and a terminally ill British Navy Chief and extremist (two different people there!) who are likely to bring in 21 points no one else really thought of. I was aided by this post. I'll review Sir Creep's team too: Pat Bowlen: Really difficult to call late Alzhiemers - look at those trying to go for Glen Campbell and the like over the years. Whereas I knew a chap who went within months of diagnosis! Not like cancer when you can have a rough guide. Bowlen's certainly sick enough, he'll obit, but will he die... Colin Butts - On my team, a risky obit, but docs gave him 18 months tops in Jan/Feb 2016, so likely to die this year, even if he's happily tweeting away right now. Rico - I knew about him, you'll be shocked to know, massive pro-wrestling fan that I am. However, pro-wrestlers are known to exaggerate their health issues - it's usually the ones who don't who just pass away out of the spotlight, no one had an inkling about Doug Furnas's years of trouble till the obits - but more of an issue, I don't think he'll get an obit based on one tag title run and a spot in the 2004 Rumble match. I know he pinned Ric Flair once, but I'm probably the only person in the world who remembers that, including Flair and Rico. Also, most of our info comes from a known bullshitter (Kenny . Risky pick. Errol Christie - Given a year due to metastatic lung cancer sometime before the Euros. A lock. Rayya Elias - Of course she's a guaranteed obit. Imagine you're the Daily Mail editor for a minute. Story about an immigrant, writer, and the God loving partner who dumps her husband for her best friend - female - who is dying of liver and pancreatic cancer. Immigration, God, lesbianism, cancer - it's like their dream story. Also, that combination = lock. Scott Hamilton - Isn't it a benign brain tumour? That's what I read. You can have tonnes of those, and until they go malignant.... Mo Haque - A risky obit given his news was covered by local, not national. Sasha Lakovic - Certain to die, on my team too, but I suspect we're hoping for a quiet news week re Qualifying Obits. I've watched NHL on here (Calgary Flames losing the Cup final in...2004ish) but it's never made anything to the same traction that the American football or basketball has. Tracy McGiffin - Yeah, she'll die and she'll obit. PS In fairness, it was Spade that revealed her when I think Rad Guy was making quiet allusions to her, Joey only named her once Spade had (and Spade had his own mega points bankers on hand). Sir Colin Meads - 80 year old with pancreatic cancer, you know the score here. Vincent Mullins - Jumped the gun, somewhat. Richard Overton - Really old guy you like. Might not die, might not obit and certainly not worth many points. Nabeel Qureshi - Was on my team till the whole "God cured me" - you can look at it two ways, he's either deluded or frauding. After the Ryan Buell stuff, I went for fraud. If he does think God cured him though, he's fucked. Simon Ricketts/Peter Skellern/Mario Soares - Will all die. Valeri Spiridinov - He'll most likely die this year. I just had one of those last minute "don't pick him" gut feelings which worked so well last year for Peter Esterhazy in 2016. John Wetton - Never even crossed my mind. Now he's a likely obit, a likely death and a likely Drop 40 bonus - never saw most of that coming. Mike WIlliams/PM Patrick John - Sick enough but risky obits imo. Paul Van Zandvliet - Stage 4 glioblastoma with secondary kidney/liver cancer since 2015. Fucked.
  17. msc

    2017 Wtf Deadpool 5 For ?

    Yeah, and I started by sending my DDP team to the wrong email and therefore not taking part in the 2011 Derby Dead Pool!
  18. msc

    Charles Manson

    Looking like the first big death of 2017. Poor John Berger.
  19. msc

    2017 Wtf Deadpool 5 For ?

    I believe most of Shaun's pools are open for entry 24/7. You can check in the respective threads.
  20. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I see. I remember when I started posted on internet forums, about that age. All of that was thankfully lost in the Geocities/Angelfire purges of 2009/2010.
  21. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Fifteen??? Bloody hell, not long off having posters on here young enough to be my kids... I'm just about getting used to the idea that at the next World Cup there will be players born this century.
  22. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Well, look at the logistics: Christie, Coward, Downie, Gilbert, McGiffin, Meads, Ricketts, Sim, Skellern, Suisala will probably die. That's 104 points to aim for off the bat, which leaves potential in Joost, Wetton, Al-Baghdadi, Aspin, Booth, Campbell as folk who could easily die in 2017. (156) Of course, if they do, I'd be about 30 points behind you with Nevin/Zandvliet/Elias/Bracknell yet unaccounted for, of course...
  23. Joining in, my entire car history... .
  24. msc

    Deathrace 2017

    Yup, the chap who picked Pruitt is in the early lead. Visual representation:
  25. msc

    The Deathlist Howto

    I like the concept of William Hartnell being 109 when he died, because he'd actually still be around today if that were the case! And probably properly bamboozled at how big the show's become... Probably not as much as the guy in the Star Trek pilot who was never used again, and died young, mind you.

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