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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Time Added

    One day later... 24 hours? That's even faster than the late James Moody.
  2. msc

    The 9Th Death Of 2016

    Wouk. Random.
  3. msc

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    It always feels as though the last three months of the year are good for the Deathlist, even if the stats don't necessarily back them up (November being the weakest Deathlist month there is). There's been at least one hit in November or December since 2003, however.
  4. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Aye, as I recall I've got winning form a few years back in HPDP and also the long-gone CPDP. More luck than judgement, mind The CPDP was before I started paying attention to the actual deadpools on here. The bold is pretty much true of them all though - especially the Deathrace!
  5. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Not long to go now, MPFC - you won any of these before? I can't recall. Glen Campbell is surely a 2016/2017 death, and the other two are very, very old. So...to misquote Kenny Dalglish: "could do, could no do..."
  6. msc

    The Crowdsourced Deathlist

    THE KING AND DIE 12/50 13th October 2016 The King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, has died at the age of 88 to give The Crowdsourced Deathlist a round dozen of hits. Also known as Rama IX, he took reign in 1946, and was at the time of death, the longest reigning world leader. He had been in ill health for some time, and made his debut at 10th place on the list.
  7. msc

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    259th Deathlist hit in history, then. This years Deathlist reaches 1998's record of 8/50 (ie joint 20th place so far).
  8. msc

    Bob Dylan

    I'd rather you won over Dylan, being honest.
  9. msc

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    Dead according to Reuters.
  10. msc

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    The source was the BBC South East Asian Correspondent, hence the interest. I suspect we'll hear something by end of the day, one way or another.
  11. msc

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    It's 5.23pm Thailand time right now, so not long to go if there's fire to this latest smoke.
  12. Aye, and we all know what happened to Rockefeller. Went with a bang.
  13. Hmm, many years ago I read the autobiography of Marian Gouveneur, the daughter in law of the son in law of James Monroe... as you do. From memory, Van Buren was seen in those circles as an irrelevant idiot with a high opinion of himself who nobody liked. As for Harrison, all I know about him is that he won election based on his ability to kill Native Americans, and then, after insisting on giving his entire inauguration speech out in the pissing rain while suffering from a cold, took pneumonia and died. Oh, and every US President elected in a year ending with "0" are meant to be cursed because of his whole killing the Natives thing.
  14. msc

    Leonard Cohen

    I was thinking of the sociologist there, he's long dead. Wikipedia gives us 6 different Stanley Cohens, who knew it was such a popular name.
  15. I thought the whole "Hillary's dying" thing was a bit of an own goal. Instead of it being "vote for Donald, she's ill", it sort of reads as "why vote for the lesser of two evils - vote Hilary, she's going to die anyway, then you can get someone else..." Even their third party candidates are shit though.
  16. Aye, or the other way up to near 10%. (As Ed Miliband found out...) Key thing to remember is US polls, iirc, have a long history of being shite.
  17. Wow - "fucked" got past the swear filter. Fucking amazing.
  18. Well the polls have gone from tied or narrow 1-2 point leads to 5-7 point leads for Clinton (and that 14 point one the other day of course) - four weeks out from an election, I'd say that's a fair raise. Gary Johnson is fucked, from what I can see, by that Utah poll, if the Utah Republicans decide to move behind McMullin. Libertarians tend to be overpromoted by polls - 2012 saw them with 6% in the October polls, and 1% in the actual election, and now places where they actually had a chance (Utah due to the local issues) have found a better candidate. New Mexico will go Democrat, and even if it isn't, if the Republican party need to defend the likes of Utah and Kansas as suggested, this isn't a close election. Georgia might turn Democrat but I'm not convinced. It feels a bit like Pennsylvania for the Republicans - the demographics appeal to them, but the state's out of reach. North Carolina looks a good bet for Clinton of all the Republican states (I think Obama won it once too). I also believe South Carolina is going to be one of the first polls to shut - obviously Republican, and if its close (or worse) for them, they're in lots of trouble. I thought Trump was going to do the whole Brexit thing, but he's doing a great job of trying to piss off every single swing voter. Just wait for the leaked footage of Donald Trump swearing at a kitten with a broken leg, it'll be game over then...
  19. msc

    Time Added

    Is this a triple-bluff or a quadruple one? As if I'd do either...
  20. msc

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Time for a Batman Gambit if you will. I mentioned him last week, but Nabeel Qureshi, who seems a bit religious, to say the least, and wrote a bunch of Christian books, has been diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer and the prognosis is "grim". Just a wee heads up for any passing Daily Mail* obituary writer thinking about their 2017 DDP team. Just think of the headline potential, in a Christian convert from Islam who puts foot in mouth every ten seconds. It's like Joey Feek with evangelism. *This applies to any other qualifying source obit team too, of course.
  21. msc

    Time Added

    Willian tends to score quite often for club and country, which means he will keep dedicating goals and Brazil wins to his mother. To recap, her name is Maria da Silva (or "Zeze" for short), she has had an unspecified form of cancer for 2 and a half years, with 5 operations and at least one bout of chemotherapy, and now her "health condition has reportedly deteriorated over the past few weeks".
  22. msc

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Ban coming up. Z ? (I'd assumed our newest member most likely...) Nah he's not zyklon; he's the one I got chucked out of the chat room for because he's (or was) under 16 and I was deemed a threat; that's when I added my Childcatcher signature. Did they post under another name then? A lot of these mayfly type posters merge into one in my memory.
  23. msc

    Killer Clowns

    Glasgow had killer clown fads a quarter of a century ago. Mysteriously they seemed to appear around the time It was shown on TV here.
  24. msc

    Professional Cyclists

    I actually thought that the obit was a given, but her fitness might carry her into 2018. I think she's not a great pick, merely a good one. Obit cert. I was merely pointing out that if it has spread to her pelvis already, that's circa 35% 5 year survival to start. One to watch how the treatment goes, further updates, etc etc.
  25. msc

    Last Word

    I thought that was the name for Jeremy Corbyn's foreign policy.

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