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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    John Demjanjuk

    I always read it as John Demjamjuk'd, which sounds like slang for dead.
  2. msc

    Ian Brady

    I myself am quite a pacifistic type, but I suspect I would do the same if stuck in a room with someone who had done the same. There's a Clarence Darrow quote I like to refer to, which I'll have to paraphrase here: "I don't wish death on people, but I've read many an obituary with satisfaction." I admit this is a flawed reaction, but I am a flawed human being, much like most of us. I wasn't alive during the Moors Murders, but I have been alive to see Brady's machinations in the press, and the way he toyed with the surviving family of his victims. It's still a living memory event in the way older crimes aren't. (See also the nation's fascination with Ronnie Biggs!) Even if it wasn't, I'd say it was horrible enough to have to be remembered as part of history. I tend to see the world in fairly extensive shades of grey rather than black and white, so someone like Brady who seems to do what he did (and does) for fun... well, it's as close to a definition of evil as I'm willing to tread, and is rather disturbing. Even so, it's cases like this that harden my views against the death penalty. That in theory is a punishment that if we dish it out, we must be rational in a case, and this is one that makes even the most rational tempestuous. Beyond the cost issues, the chances of innocence in cases in generals (not here), I retain the strong belief, possibly naively, that if the State kills people, then we as a people are falling to their level. Re- afterlife, that's very much a personal thing to the individual.
  3. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    RA, going off your question has the Andrew Walker of the murderer variety popped his clogs then? I've not seen anything on him lately.
  4. msc

    Sid Waddell

    Wish it'd been Waddell and the tongue had to go, can't stand the bloke. The ultimate Marmite commentator, along with Alan Green (who I also can't stand). Thinking about it, nobody likes Alan Green do they. Freddie Flintoff was guest commentating on the darts yesterday. Enthusiastic, but pretty shit. Unlike Harry, I quite like Sid Waddell. However, the news that he's been diagnosed with bowel cancer may be of interest.
  5. msc

    Margaret Thatcher

    Twitter tried killing off Prince Philip at the weekend. He's still about. Twitter is clearly a restless animal.
  6. msc

    Sid Waddell

    Genuinely quite saddened to see this news. RIP Sid.
  7. msc

    The 9th Death Of 2012

    James Randi. He wont haunt us.
  8. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    Unexpected and deeply unpleasant news. A lovely actress.
  9. msc

    Eric Sykes

    Reference to this? Took me ages to get the Liz Taylor one. And shamefully, the Swayze one, which was genius. EDIT - Ninja'd by seconds!
  10. msc

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Its a thread that tells you either someone related to Hollywood has carked it or looks like carking it. I see no issues with how it is being used ie like every other thread bar a few in this section.
  11. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Oh yes. I find being a tortoise is usually better than being the hare at these things. Unless there's a fire, and we are in a Lord Dunsany story.
  12. msc

    Hollywood Possibilities

    A bunch of showbiz journos are reporting the death of producer Dick Zanuck on Twitter, no idea the authenticity of the source though. Posted before a gazillion guests do so.
  13. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    I suppose its no bad being in July and not bottom of the pile, given I haven't a bloody clue how the maths works for this one!
  14. msc


    Wouldn't put any cash on it. They wouldn't even have the biggest ground in the division even if they keep Ibrox. Btw......did you know that on the same day as the 36-0, there was a 35-0 18 miles away in Dundee. The ref actually had it as 37 but went with the clubs scorekeeper when he put in the result. MPFC - nah, I think Rangers might score one against East Stirling at least before crushing defeat. Heh. Charon - Yes, and the club secretary of that team (or someone of those lines) had used to work for Bon Accord, so he phoned up to tell them his sides score and both sides thought they were making it up. I believe the 35-0 was rounded down to be charitably, no one believing it would be beatable for some time, let alone that very hour!
  15. msc

    Ernest Borgnine

    Thought he'd be around forever. Also thought he was on the list this year. Was in many great films. And The Simpsons.
  16. msc

    Eric Sykes

    The DL and its posters frequently bring up people I've never heard of. I usually check them out in case its someone I should know, or if they did anything I'd know of. Sometimes, it even leads me onto enjoying a persons work I wouldn't have heard of otherwise. Some of the American ones lauded as big deaths I needed google to help me find out who they were (Brad Renfro and George Stienbrenner come to mind). Sykes was a bloody legend, as was anyone who worked with Spike Milligan.
  17. msc

    Yitzhak Shamir

    Well done then, it's easily the 3rd funniest thing I've seen in the past fifteen seconds.
  18. msc

    The Dead Of 2012

    Count Robert de la Rochefoucauld He lived a quiet, non descript life. (I think this wins the award for best obituary of the year, incidentally)
  19. msc

    Not Seen Any Good Films/movies

    Difficult one!! LOTR If you have read the books then the films are OK to watch but a wasted opportunity. If you haven't read the books then I would recommend reading the books but you might enjoy the films more if you haven't read the books!! HARRY POTTER Just don't bother! Be watching LOTR Trilogy this weekend hopefully I enjoy it lots of people only have good things to say about them. Difficult one!! LOTR If you have read the books then the films are OK to watch but a wasted opportunity. If you haven't read the books then I would recommend reading the books but you might enjoy the films more if you haven't read the books!! HARRY POTTER Just don't bother! Be watching LOTR Trilogy this weekend hopefully I enjoy it lots of people only have good things to say about them. They have lots of nice scenery. And there are some lovely filmed battle scenes. Shame about the story.
  20. msc

    British Science Fiction Series

    When I have re-watched the stories that featured Liz Shaw I felt she was a character who could really work alongside The Doctor and the characterisation in this series is much deeper. However the production team wanted a much more "Why Doctor?" character and so Jo Grant was born. Shame about Caroline John. When Time annotated my list he did suggest she was one to watch I'd love to take the credit for that but it was actually msc. Thank you Time for correcting me and apologies msc - excellent insight. I started the reply before checking the earlier post. When I have re-watched the stories that featured Liz Shaw I felt she was a character who could really work alongside The Doctor and the characterisation in this series is much deeper. However the production team wanted a much more "Why Doctor?" character and so Jo Grant was born. Shame about Caroline John. When Time annotated my list he did suggest she was one to watch I'd love to take the credit for that but it was actually msc. Thank you Time for correcting me and apologies msc - excellent insight. I started the reply before checking the earlier post. Technically I said she seemed to be on the mend, which I think most people thought she was! Whereas Jean Marsh seems to be on the mend now.
  21. msc

    Megrahi Vs. Gibb

    The 2002 spate of deaths rivals it, I think. 2 hits by the end of March (Chuck Jones and Spike Milligan) no doubt cause the tongues of whatever passed for the equivalent of internet trolls in those days wagging. Then on the 27th March, news breaks that both Dudley Moore AND Milton Berle had both died. Before the obits are even freshly off the press for either, news comes in the next day that Billy Wilder is gone. No hits on the third day, which was just a teaser, as on the fourth, only the Queen Mum goes and pops her clogs. So four hits within 70 hours of each other. That always struck me looking back as an incredible turn of events for the DL. The July 2007 splurge was astounding too, but that effected the DDP and not the DL, iirc.
  22. msc

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    What this tells me is we'll need a new Deathlist Ambassador by October!
  23. msc

    The 5th Death Of 2012

    This time I *am* going for Chapman Pincher. Now watch poor old Pat MacNee pop his clogs.
  24. msc

    Bee Gees

    In Deathlist terms then, the Megrahi/Gibb race was almost a photo finish.
  25. msc

    The 4th Death Of 2012

    Was going to vote Pincher, couldn't see him on list, voted elsewhere then saw him. Story of my, and his life, the sod. Despite some low hanging fruit - Aziz, Gibb, Jaruzelski, a quite badly ill Nigel Lawson - I figured the next hit will be someone I quite like and admire, who is still buggering on magnificently in old age despite a number of strokes in recent years. So I've gone for Patrick MacNee.

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