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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Nelson Mandela

    A colleague at an old job went on a tirade about experience once, ending on "No one under the age of 35 has an opinion worth listening to... what do you think, (msc)?" I reminded him I was 21 at the time.
  2. msc

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Really glad Shameless got retired tbh.
  3. msc

    Birthday Deaths

    I'm more impressed by the odd year he doesn't tbh!
  4. msc

    Leah Bracknell

    After the fire here in 2016, I told Mrs msc about Magere's disappearance, and what'd happen if I just keeled over one day. Her response? "Don't worry, I'd let your fellow loonies know..." See? She cares.
  5. msc

    The Bill (And Other Cop Shows)

    Kercheval was on the list in...2015 iirc, as apparently he is fond of a drink or ten? Larry Hagman was a bit of a miss for nearly everyone on here (notable exception: Lardy!) back in 2012. You'd think an alcoholic 80 year old with liver cancer would be treated more seriously, but so it goes...
  6. msc

    Easter Deadpool

    Satoru Anzaki Joe Vento Stirling moss Mitzi Shore Tessa Jowell Diana Athill
  7. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Gcreptile did, at my request, just in case Sir Creep was unable to get a team in on time as he's been very busy. Thankfully, that was never needed. Well, I say thankfully, no offence Gcreptile. Rover didn't put a team in, no. I think next season I should rig the Cup and give him an easier route...
  8. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    I don't mean run it in this thread. More a "the info's' there" for a future "here's what you could have won" post or not. Anyhow, cant believe its 20 hours into April and folk already missed an 104 year old Jesuit priest, an Australian minister for social security, and an Angolan politician. Bunch of household name misses there.
  9. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Yep. They'd be my "attempted unique" in 2019, only they're unlikely to last that long, so I'm going to use them in the Windy Pool or midsummer. (Also probably on your shortlist already - its a name person - but no point making it obvious, as Sir Creep would put it!)
  10. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Given every losers posted their team, if someone else wants to keep an eye on the Quarterfinals that never was as a bit of fun, be my guest. Rad v Charon DI v Rover msc v Chorizo Gcreptile v Grim Oh, incidentally most improved surely has to go to Willz. Joey and Sean are top contenders most of the time, but for someone who jokes about their wooden spoon race in most deadpools finishing at worst 8th is a pretty good result.
  11. msc

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    What's that? You want a few more health tidbits from the obsessive sad anoraks helpful celeb autograph/photo hunting forums? (Collated from Fanmail, Marked Out etc hence lack of sources so take at own risk, though they do have good form...) Linda Harrison, actress (Planet of the Apes) cancels appearance at Chiller Theatre Convention in New Jersey at the end of this month "on health grounds". David Soul returns to events this month after missing a bunch last year. "He's been in poor health", apparently. Despite looking very frail, forum favourite Burt Reynolds is apparently lucid, still doing fan meet and greets (as of last year) and makes sure he talks at length with all his fans.
  12. msc

    Time Added

    ^ Walter Smith or George Burley could be next, imo. Could certainly see one or two of the younger ones going before Tommy Docherty anyhow.
  13. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    The first I heard about it was getting a team in from Heef very early yesterday and going "Wait? What?" Anyhow, yeah, it doesn't look good for him.
  14. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    She would have been on my team had I advanced. 1. Leah Bracknell 2. Sergei Skripal 3. Charlotte Rae 4. Mike Pintek 5. Stefan Karl Stefansson 6. Joe Vento 7. (NAME REMOVED FOR FUTURE DEADPOOLS) 8. Mitzi Shore 9. Satoru Anzaki 10. Bernie DeKoven - first sub was Lindy Remigino 11. Jose Jose
  15. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Statistically, you and Sean have the best defence so far. 0 conceded in 2 rounds so far. DDT has 0 in 1 round. Most Conceded 1. Dead Cow 13 2. Heef 9 3. Sir Creep 6 4. Joey 6 5. Deadsox 6 6. Sean 0 7. DDT 0 8. YWillz 0 Most Scored 1. Dead Cow 26 2. Sir Creep 17 3. Joey 13 4. Heef 10 5. Sean 9 6. Deadsox 7 7. DDT 6 8. YWillz 4 So The Dead Cow is basically Klopp's Liverpool here.
  16. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Oh yeah, one more thing! Well done, @deadsox. I avoided the 20-0 thumping, but the superior team won out over the month. Best of luck in the next round.
  17. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Finally for now, here's the Semifinal Draw: Heef OR DDT vs Deadsox (reigning champ) OR Young Willz Sir Creep OR Joey Russ vs The Dead Cow OR Sean
  18. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Quarterfinals draw 1. The Dead Cow vs Sean 0-0 2. Heef vs DDT 0-0 3. Deadsox (reigning champ) vs YWillz 0-0 4. Sir Creep vs Joey Russ 0-0 The Dead Cow (Da-Ren, Manan, Tiwari, Silsbee, Shore, Wilkins, McCormick, Skripal, Stefansson, Remigino, Anzaki) Vs Sean (Butts, Bracknell, Ricketts, Skripal, Cappotelli, Gleason, Parrikar, Francis D, Clegg J, Bosbach, Ryder N) ** Heef (Vervoort, Reid JR, Bracknell, Anzaki, Nash D, McCormick, Bighetty, Moss, Skripal, Da Ren, Wilkins) Vs DDT (Foley Bishop, Wilkins R, Jose, Skripal, Steffanson, McCormick F, McCain J, Blanco, Tin Oo, Willesee, Kirubi) ** Deadsox (Anzaki, Belcher, Da Ren, Jose, Mack, Shore, Stefansson, Tajima, Thacker, Vento, Vervoort) Vs YWillz (Jowell, Stefansson, Kumar D, Shore, Hume, James C, Benedict XVI, Stiles, McCain J, Cepeda, Poitier) ** Sir Creep (Thibodeau, Hileman, Manan, Vento, Thacker, Tajima, Da-Ren, Foley Bishop, DMcE, Lijuan, Tiwari) Vs Joey (Wilkins, Da-Ren, Abbas, Anh LD, Lorimer, Rae, Bracknell, Obayashi, Manan, Odelein, VADER TIME)
  19. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Quarterfinals masterlist 2018 1. Mahmoud Abbas – Joey 2. Le Duc Anh - Joey 3. Satoru Anzaki – Dead Cow, Heef, Deadsox 4. Pope Benedict XVI – Ywillz 5. David O Belcher - Deadsox 6. Leonard Bighetty – Heef 7. Wolfgang Bosbach - Sean 8. Kathleen Blanco – DDT 9. Leah Bracknell – Heef, Sean, Joey 10. Colin Butts – Sean 11. Matt Cappotelli - Sean 12. Orlando Cepeda – Ywillz 13. Johnny Clegg - Sean 14. Fu Da-Ren – Sir Creep, Dead Cow, Heef, Deadsox, Joey 15. Bishop David Foley – Sir Creep, DDT 16. Dean Francis - Sean 17. Steve Gleason - Sean 18. John Hileman – Sir Creep 19. John Hume – Ywillz 20. Clive James – Ywillz 21. Jose Jose – DDT, Deadsox 22. Tessa Jowell – Ywillz 23. Chris Kirubi - DDT 24. Dilip Kumar - YWillz 25. Li Lijuan – Sir Creep 26. Peter Lorimer - Joey 27. Ted Mack - Deadsox 28. Azreen Manan – Sir Creep, Dead Cow, Joey 29. John McCain – Ywillz, DDT 30. Fergie McCormick – DDT, Dead Cow, Heef 31. D Mc3w3n – Sir Creep 32. Stirling Moss - Heef 33. Dennis Nash – Heef 34. Nobuhiko Obayashi – Joey 35. Lyle Odelein - Joey 36. Manohar Parrikar - Sean 37. Sidney Poitier – Ywillz 38. Charlotte Rae - Joey 39. John R Reid - Heef 40. Lindy Remigino – Dead Cow 41. Simon Ricketts – Sean 42. Nanci Ryder - Sean 43. Mitzi Shore – Ywillz, Dead Cow, Deadsox 44. Doug Silsbee – Dead Cow 45. Sergei Skripal – DDT, Dead Cow, Heef, Sean 46. Stefan Karl Stefansson – Ywillz, DDT, Dead Cow, Deadsox 47. Nobby Stiles - YWillz 48. Nabi Tajima – Sir Creep, Deadsox 49. Ernie Thacker – Sir Creep, Deadsox 50. Gary Thibodeau – Sir Creep 51. U Tin Oo - DDT 52. ND Tiwari – Sir Creep, Dead Cow 53. Ray Wilkins – DDT, Dead Cow, Heef, Joey 54. Mike Willesee – DDT 55. Vader - Joey 56. Joe Vento – Sir Creep, Deadsox 57. Marieke Vervoort – Heef, deadsox
  20. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Right, then. The Penalty Shootout Sean (Heads) vs Charon (Tails)- - Tails, Charon goes 1-0 up. - Heads, Sean levels it. - Heads, Sean goes 2-1 up - Heads, Sean wins 3-1. - Bad luck to Charon. Joey Russ (heads) v Grim Up North (tails) - Joey heads, Grim tails - Tails, Grim leads 1-0 - Heads, Joey equalises 1-1 - Tails – Grim leads 2-1 - Heads, 2-2. - Next flip wins it. - Heads, Joey wins 3-2 - Bad luck to Grim. Commiserations to Rad, charon, Grim Up North, Death Impends, Roverandout, Gcreptile, Chorizo and, err, me. Better luck next year?
  21. msc

    How Old Are Dl Users?

    For some of us, Dimensions was the first new Who we were old enough to appreciate. Not everyone was lucky enough to get Rose or the Pertwee era! So it counts, for good or bad. Mostly bad. (PS Best era is 1970-4, though I'd stretch that to 68 to include the Yeti stories, Enemy of the World and War Games...)
  22. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    It's random, you! Anyhow, THAT has been decided already. You and Joey are heads in any coin toss, Charon and Grim are tails.
  23. msc

    How Old Are Dl Users?

    Anyhow on the topic of Doctor Who, I do hope @themaninblack comes back at some point.
  24. msc

    How Old Are Dl Users?

    The era of Doctor Who was 1963-89, 1993, 1996, 2005-present day, but anyhow...
  25. msc

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    From general experience 65-75 seems to be the average alcoholic tipping point. Not meaning your George Best boozers, I mean your normal day to day ones. Mind you, my grandad lived to 73 on the whisky and Guinness diet, and outlived all of his teetotal friends. Non-drinking is clearly bad for your health.

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